Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Find Adult Education and Earn Your GED in Ohio
GED (General Educational Development) testing in the state of Ohio is handled by the Ohio Department of Education. The state is continuing its partnership with GED Testing Service and, as of January 1, 2014, offers the new 2014 computer-based GED test. The Ohio GED site is very easy to use and offers lots of helpful information, including the dates of when the information is updated, so you know what you are reading is current. Clicking on the navigation links on the left side of the page will give you information about GED practice centers around the state, practice tests, directions for setting up an account at the GED Testing Service, necessary forms, and a long list of frequently asked questions. Also on the left navigation bar, youll find information about Ohios Adult Diploma Program, a job training program that helps adult students prepare for in-demand jobs in Ohio. Rather than focusing on hours and grades, the program is based on competency in a self-paced format. Once you have learned a set of competencies and can demonstrate mastery of each required skill, you are assigned a provider who helps you create a customized student success plan. There are five pilot schools involved with this program: Stark State Community CollegePickaway-Ross Joint Vocational SchoolMiami Valley Career TechnicalCenter, Cuyahoga Community CollegePenta Career Center Students can choose to learn the following careers: automotive service technicians and mechanics, bus drivers, computer and information systems managers, dental assistants, electricians, emergency medical technicians and paramedics, financial managers, general and operations managers, healthcare social workers, industrial truck and tractor operators, information security analysts, light truck or delivery drivers, nurse practitioners, occupational therapy assistants, office clerks, paralegals and legal assistants, sales managers, social workers, installers, and tellers. Lots of great choices! Ohio also offers an additional program for adult students called 22 Adult High School Diploma Program. This program is designed for adults 22 years old, or older, who want to pursue a career in a field not included in the Adult Diploma Program listed above. Counselors work with students to help them identify the jobs they want, the courses they need, and the assessments theyll need to take. This program is available at: Ashland County Community AcademyCleveland Academy for Scholarship Technology and LeadershipColumbus State Community CollegeDohn Community High SchoolLife Skills Center of DaytonLondon AcademyPolly Fox Academy Community SchoolQuaker Digital Academy (online)Townsend North Community School Contact information for each location is available on the programs page. Click on the gray box in the upper right corner for a PDF with complete information about this program, including how to watch a webinar with additional information about applying. Ohio Means Jobs From the Ohios Options for Adult Diploma and GED page, you have access to everything you need to know for the option you choose. Of special interest is the link under the Adult Diploma heading that reads: Ohio Means Jobs. Clicking on that link takes you to a new page where, if you select Individual, you can then specify if you are a veteran, unemployment compensation claimant, job and family services customer, an individual with a disability, or a college student, and you can search for jobs that fit your category. Links on that page also lead to more career help, including information about online learning and a budget calculator. Good luck! Return to the list of states.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Get a Free JavaScript Download
Unlike other languages that can be used in a web browser, JavaScript doesnt need to be downloaded and installed. Browsers that support JavaScript have it built into the browser, where it is turned on by default (meaning that typically, youll need to change your browser settings only if you dont want the browser to run JavaScript). The only exception is that Internet Explorer also supports vbScript the same way, and the two languages are controlled via settings called active scripting rather than a setting that reference JavaScript specifically. What you will need to download with JavaScript, then, is not the scripting language itself, but rather those scripts that you want to run in your web page (assuming that you have decided not to learn JavaScript so you can write it all yourself). JavaScript Downloads Are Free There is no need to pay for scripts written in JavaScript, because just about any script imaginable is available somewhere as a free JavaScript download. What you need to be careful of, though, is to obtain them from a site that is actually offering the scripts as a free download, rather than just copying the scripts from any site. JavaScript code that performs any significant task will be subject to copyright, so you will permission from the author to use his or her script. The task the JavaScript is doing is not able to be copyrighted, however, so if you are writing a script yourself, you cant get into trouble for looking at an existing script to see how the programmer did it and then writing your own version. But if you are just looking for free JavaScript downloads, then you should go to a site where the author specifically states that his or her script is available as a free download and can be used on your site. There are many sites that offer free JavaScript downloads, including several huge sites that only offer JavaScript downloads, as well as other sites (such as this one) that offer free JavaScript downloads and also have tutorials on how to write the scripts for yourself. Advantages of Getting Free JavaScript Downloads Apart from avoiding copyright issues, there are other advantages to getting your free JavaScript downloads from a site that is actively offering the scripts. The main one is that such sites usually provide step-by-step instructions on how to actually install and use the script. Where you just grab a script from anywhere, not only are you stealing a script but also you wont get instructions on how to install it or support if you cant get it to work. Another thing to watch for when you are getting your free JavaScript downloads from an appropriate site is that many of these sites have been in existence for many years, and the way that JavaScript should be used has changed over time. In many cases, youll find scripts that were written many years ago to work on the most popular browsers available at that time -- browsers that are now long gone. Ideally, you should have at least some familiarity with what is currently considered the best way of writing JavaScript, so that you can choose the version that will work best with current browsers. You cant really blame the sites offering scripts that are not up to date. It does take time to code and test JavaScripts to make sure that they work correctly with the wide range of browsers in common use today. Having a somewhat dated script that still works available as a free download is certainly better than not having the script available at all. The biggest sites specializing in free JavaScript downloads usually offer scripts written by a lot of different people, and they rely on someone actually writing a new version of a script before they can offer it for download. Other sites that have their own staff to write and test scripts may have limited resources for being able to create updated versions of scripts, and so they may be offering older scripts until they can make updates. Updating Free JavaScripts One thing to remember when you obtain free JavaScripts for your site is that theres no reason to continue running the same version of the script forever. When a more modern version of the script is made available as a free download, you can always update your page and replace the old script with the new one. This is particularly easy where the new version of the script is offered as a direct replacement for the script you are currently using, but it shouldnt be all that hard even if you get it from a completely different source. The number and variety of scripts offered for free download mean that no matter what sort of JavaScript you want to add to your page, you should be able to find several sites offering one or more variations on such scripts. Only when you get to the stage where you require a script that directly interacts with custom code within your web page (such as for form field validation) will you be unable to find a free JavaScript download that does everything for you without your having to code any of it yourself. Even in such situations, you should be able to find free downloads that provide you with pieces of code that will do at least a part of what you need, along with instructions on how to attach such code fragments together to do what you require. Even those who move on to writing their own JavaScript rather than relying on pre-written free downloads can make use of free downloads. Along with complete scripts for performing a variety of simple tasks, there are also code libraries available as free downloads that will provide common functionality that will make writing your own JavaScript much easier. For those want to learn to program, one of the biggest advantages of JavaScript is that it is all free. You dont need to pay for anything to get started. The JavaScript language itself is built into all the browsers you need for testing the scripts, and there are plenty of free JavaScript downloads of complete scripts and libraries that you can either use as is or examine to see how things work in order to write your own code.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Do People Understand The Harmful Effects Of Performance
Introduction 1. Attention Step: Terrance Engles, a professional baseball player for the Seattle Mariners, went through a lot due to his addiction to prescription drugs. It all went downhill when he started having back issues. When the prescription drugs told him to take two pills he would take four and when it said every hour he took the pills every half hour. Engles felt the pressure of not being able to play to the best of his ability so he turned to drugs that were originally supposed to help him in the first place. He didn’t know how to deal with the pressures he faced in his baseball career and felt he couldn’t live up to his expectations. It came down to the point where he became sick when not taking the drugs. Ultimately his family kicked him out and he later realized he needed help so he checked himself into a hospital. 2. Techniques: Do people understand the harmful effects of performance enhancers like steroids, stimulants, relaxants, diuretics, and painkillers have on athletes? Body 1. Need step: Performance enhancers of any kind can be a detriment not only to an athlete’s health, but also to their careers. HEALTH- Athletes start to question their credibility and ability to perform, which leads them to pursue paths they wouldn’t otherwise pursue. There are negative, long-term effects that come along with taking performance enhancers such as: growth effects, undesirable gender effects, dehydration, cardiovascular effects, emotional effects and effects on theShow MoreRelatedArguments on Spanking Essay505 Words  | 3 PagesThree reasons why people do not believe in spanking are spanking can cause harmful side effects, spanking is no more effective than other punishments, and spanking promotes violence in children. Some harmful side effects that could possibly be caused by spanking are children suffering from depression, being inferior in their school performance, or having problems later on in life. It is impossible to see side effects because they are not usually revealed immediately. People also believe that spankingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Divorce1475 Words  | 6 Pag esoccurs after a husband and wife decide not to live together anymore and they do not want to marry one another. They agree to sign legal documents that allow them to marry other people if they so wish. Divorce is a problem that is increasing every year. It also affects our society, which most countries face. Divorce causes many negative effects, some of them are short term and less harmful, but another could be very harmful and cause serious health problems. It should be noted that the marital problemsRead MoreAre Violent Video Games Are Harmful To Children And Adolescents?1729 Words  | 7 Pagesviolent video games are harmful to the rising generations. The article that was selected to be critiqued is, â€Å"Are Violent Video Games Harmful to Children and Adolescents?†. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and critique the research methods and conclusions included by the author of the article. Summary Author, Steven F. Gruel, argues that there is an overwhelming amount of science and research that supports the claim that video games that are violent are indeed harmful to human developmentRead MoreStress is Necessary Essay615 Words  | 3 Pagesand effect. That’s the nature of life. In our modern life we start to hear the world (stress) a lot. When I asked my grandpa about it, his expression was blank as if he didn’t know what I’m talking about. I think it been commonly used nowadays because the fast rhythm of life that pushes people to fight with time to keep up with the flow. Stress affects our life in different ways and levels the highest is the worst. It has a negative thoughts and feelings on people. People do Read MoreA Brief Note On The Aids And Its Effects On The Body1534 Words  | 7 PagesErgogenic aids are any foreign products taken by athletes to enhance their physical performance or endurance during physical exercise. Ergogenic aids are formulated to positively alter the physiological process in the body thus offering an advantage edge to the user. These aids may include drugs that enhance performance or even supplements formulated for sporting athletes and are divided into three categories including mental, physiological and mechanical factors (Liddle, 2013). Mechanical factorsRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games Essay1234 Words  | 5 PagesToday, one of the most frequently used forms of entertainment is video games. This is the past time of many people, including students. Video Games have even become a source of income for some people including game developers and some Yout ubers. Currently, there are numerous ways one can play these. However, there is a current stigma that playing these types of games always lead to something negative. Playing these games can only lead to the worsening of one’s physical health, the lowering of one’sRead MoreThe Effects Of Children After Parental Incarceration1302 Words  | 6 PagesA Literature Review: The Effects on Children After Parental Incarceration Prisons have been around for centuries and in many countries the prison population has grown quickly. The prisoners’ health, behavior and well-being have been focal points in many social concerns, however; incarceration goes beyond the prisoners’ experience. It touches employment after incarceration, social stigma, and families and communities that have been affected by incarceration, especially a child with incarcerated parentsRead MoreWhy Canada Needs A New Alcohol Strategy952 Words  | 4 PagesThe Globe and Mail’s article, â€Å"Why Canada needs a new alcohol strategy,†discusses the imposing threat alcohol has on Canadians. Marijuana and its harmful effect continue to be the topic of discussion amongst Canadians when in fact alcohol attracts the largest number of youth. Alcohol is a harmful substance that poses a greater threat to young Canadians than the likes of marijuana, prescription drugs and cigarettes. According to a 2012-13 Health Canada su rvey, 41 percent of grade 7 to grade 12 studentsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Banned?1241 Words  | 5 Pagesthe feeling of the cannabis high worth the academic and social side effects? This has been a question asked around many campuses across the state of Colorado. Ever since marijuana became legal in Colorado, it has become a hot topic on whether or not a college should allow their students to participate in the intake of cannabis products. College students and Universities as a whole are hindered by the availability and side effects of marijuana. Marijuana is â€Å"the common American term for the plantRead MoreHow Does Grades Help Students?856 Words  | 4 Pagescommonly used in schools, to rate and judge the performance of students within a certain subject, in an institution, such as high school, middle school, primary school. Thus grading judges how well the students are fare with the schools current method of teaching, and if the students are meeting the academic standards. Since grades are used from primary school, all the way up to the end of high school, how does grades effect the students, and do grades do more harm than good for the students? How does
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marriage Is The Symbol Of A Man And A Woman - 989 Words
Marriage is the symbol of a man and a woman love each other. However, with time goes by, there will be some cracks of marriage emerged. Nowadays, the marriage and family become a hot topic because there are increasing number of people talking about whether parents should talk to their children they are getting divorced if they do not love each other anymore. In addition, a lot of parents also consider whether their separation will bring some negatives effects to their children in the future. Not only in America, but also in China, this kind of situation is a common occurrence. From the article â€Å"Separating†and an experience of my friend, people like to believe that the divorce of their parents will truly bring some long lasted negative influences such as overreaction and bizarre behavior to their children if they told their children improperly. Moreover, elder children can accept it faster than the younger children about the parents’ divorce. First and foremost, pa rents should tell the truth that they are getting divorce properly to control the side effect of their divorce. Parents who are getting divorce are still love their children. They hope their children will have a wonderful childhood. Just like the article â€Å"Separation†written by John Updike says that â€Å"we’ve always, especially, loved our children†(Updike, ###). In other words, the love of their parents will not change even though their parents’ divorce. In this article, people can realize that the differentShow MoreRelatedEssay on Jewish Marriage1203 Words  | 5 PagesMarriage is a significant part of Judaism bringing together a woman and man under God’s reign. It is the mitzvah (122) â€Å"To marry a wife by means of ketubah and keddushin†(Deut 22:13), all Jewish adherents see marriage as a necessity in order to obey God and to experience the fullness of life. In Genesis God says: â€Å"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.†It is a link between individuals and the wider community as it recognises two individuals coming togetherRead MoreFeminist Criticism of James Joyces the Boarding House1491 Words  | 6 Pagescircumstances surrounding women at this time, and to compare the unbalanced relationship between men and women. He uses the themes such as women in the workplace and deprivation of free will to paint this picture of inequality. He also uses an abundance of symbols to show the subsidiary role that women play in a patriarchal, male dominated society. The theme of women in the workplace is an important one because historically, women have been viewed as inferior, or even unable workers. In Joyce’s story â€Å"TheRead MoreChinese Traditional Wedding1230 Words  | 5 Pagescome with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding. In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has neverRead MoreMarriage Is A Private Affair Short Story1271 Words  | 6 PagesChinua Achebe titled â€Å"Marriage is a Private Affair†, there are a lot of mixed emotions of happiness and anger caused by a young man who wanted to follow his heart instead of the traditional way of his tribe. In doing so he broke a bond that he and his father had which lead to them not having a relationship at all. The most dominant theme of this story is bravery. This is an aspect of the story that shaped the entire essay. It took a lot of guts and bravery to do what this young man did, in order forRead More Powerful Symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston1407 Words  | 6 PagesPowerful Symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston   In 1937, upon the first publication of Their Eyes Were Watching God, the most influential black writer of his time, Richard Wright, stated that the novel carries no theme, no message, [and] no thought. Wrights powerful critique epitomized a nations attitude toward Zora Neale Hurstons second novel. African-American critics read a book that they felt satisfied the white mans stereotype of African-American cultureRead MoreEssay about Womens Roles1700 Words  | 7 Pagesmen. To understand the position of women in Hinduism, we must recognize the Hindu scriptures guidelines to a woman’s position in Hindu society, but fail to address some roles of a Hindu woman specifically. This vague generalization of a woman’s role in the religious spectrum leaves open interpretation for the woman. Conflict arises when women are criticized by men, for the way they interpret the guidelines. Critically, we begin with the Hindu scriptures, because it is the heart and source of t heirRead MoreJohn Donnes The Flea: Poetry Analysis786 Words  | 3 Pagesis the main metaphor/character in the poem, symbolizing the union between the man and the woman, the other two subjects of the poem, who are inferior to the power that the flea holds upon them and their union, whether intimate or otherwise. 4. The man and the woman (i.e. the writer and the woman courted) are secondary characters in this poem and, as mentioned above, are influenced by the flea, which is the main symbol of Donnes work, a metaphor for intimacy. 5. The setting is intimate; whetherRead MoreMargaret Fuller s Transcendentalist Views1039 Words  | 5 PagesThrough Margaret Fuller’s transcendentalist views, she was able to leave a deep and lasting impact on feminism, from her emphasis on virginity as a means of self-reliance, to her criticism of marriage, and her reinventing of the Madonna or Mary figure. Due to her father’s want of an intellectual heir, Margaret Fuller, born in Cambridge in 1810, had the rare opportunity few girls had during her time- she was properly educated. Influenced momentously by Romanticism and New England TranscendentalismRead MoreThe Hand By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette970 Words  | 4 Pagesit be in marriage or a relationship, as a society we have implemented into many women’s minds that they play the submissive role in the relationship, and this type of mindset dates back to the B.C historical era. The three literary devices I will be discussing will be theme, symbolism, and imagery. The story starts off rather soft as the woman is simply lying in bed with her newly-wed husband. As the story progresses, however, we begin to see a change in the mood of the story. The woman is lyingRead MoreCat In The Rain Analysis1206 Words  | 5 Pagesonly contender whether we win or lose. The nameless wife in Hemingway’s short story exemplifies this thin line of want and need, and uses a rather cleaver allusion of the ‘cat in the rain’ to disguise what is truly going on in her personal psyche: a marriage that seems to have lost its meaning, a possible maternal instinct that will go unresolved, and coming to terms to what is truly important to her. The first scene, we are exposed to the wife’s underlying want of the cat, although we don’t know Khan
Laboritorio de Analysis Argentina Free Essays
AKylie Conner Matt Scarola Spencer Muratides Mr. Cavallo, LAA has been growing rapidly over the past few years, and sample size has grown to an average of 5000 a day that need processing. Last Friday, July 8th, you expressed concerns about our central labs capacity issues and meeting demand. We will write a custom essay sample on Laboritorio de Analysis Argentina or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of our key success factors that give LAA a competitive edge are our commitment to 24-hour delivery performance standard, wide variety of test services, and superior test reliability. In the following text, we have supplied you with a detailed analysis of our current demand, capacity, and the issues we are facing as a company. We have also provided suggestions to the problems. Analysis: In exhibit 1, we have broken down the activities at LAA and placed them into a flow chart. You can visually see where each process lies in the entire system. We have also listed major resources required at each process, labor. LAA’s central lab is worked 2 eight-hour shifts. Each fulltime employee works 8 hours per day on average. Going over 40 hours a week results in overtime. Part-time employees work an average of 4 hours per day. 1. Sample Collection (Onsite, other labs LAA, external labs): 50 nurses 2. Processing: 2 fulltime employees and 2 part-time employees across 2 shifts. 3. Separation: 2 fulltime employees and 3 part-time employees. 4. Distribution: 1fulltime employees and 2 part-time employees across 2 shifts. 5. Testing: 180 fulltime employees and 15 part-time employees 6. Communication: 16 fulltime employees and 4 part-time employees, 10 per shift. 7. Storing and post test handling: 2 fulltime employees and 1 part-time across 2 shifts. Please refer to the excel document in exhibit 2 to see a full breakdown of LAA’s capacity available at each process, as well as the minimum, average, and maximum demand at each stage. As you can see, at many processing steps, our capacity is not meeting demand. Suggestions Demand variability of the process seems to hinder overall production. Whenever LAA receives a demand greater than 4,666, (the capacity of out bottleneck) we cannot process these orders in 24 hours, which is one of our key factors of success. These 4,666 tests are lower than the average daily demand that LAA receives, thus creating a major supply constraint. In order to relieve this constraint in the short run, we would suggest you limit the number of tests that are allowed to be tests at the central lab to 4,666 tests and reallocate the excess tests to external LAA labs. For LAA lab operations to meet the average demand, we would suggest reallocating workers from the processes with excess capacity. Separation Solution: Take a part time employee from Distribution (4 hours) and move to separation. Distribution new capacity: 9230 Separation new capacity: 2660 Test Solution Take 2 full time employees from communication and put them into testing Communication new capacity: 7680 Testing new capacity: 9096 *We redirected labor from Communication and not Storage because the Storage only had 3 workers (2 Full time, 1 Part Time) and moving one of these full time workers prevented the Storage Department from meeting demand; whereas Communication had 20 workers (16 Full time, 4 Part Time) and can spare full time workers and still meet demand. Cost of reallocation solution: A reallocation of workers would mean increasing the training of these workers so that they could perform their new tasks, taking away time and resources. How to cite Laboritorio de Analysis Argentina, Papers
Application of RFID on Jewellary Company-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Application of RFID on Jewellary Company. Answer: Introduction Jewellery is considered to be one of the most valuable possessions of people and so there lies a potential threat to the jewellery companies in terms of security and policy breaches. A stringent jewellery management system can be regarded as the need of an hour. This gives rise to the incorporation a more upgraded and advanced technology in the jewellery management industry. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) technology is one such advanced technology that can be helpful in creating a more secure and simpler solution for jewellery management (Ahson and Ilyas 2017). In this report, the applications of RFID in the jewellery companies are elaborated in detail also the report draw a strong light on the various security issues and the possible solutions to these problems. Discussion Application of RFID in jewellery management In the present date, the jewellery industry is prone to number of hurdles. Some of the situations that can arise in the jewellery company are the misplacement of the valuables, risk of theft, more time consuming and possibility of erroneous outputs, slow tracking of inventory leading to huge lose. Incorporation of RFID technology in the jewellery industry can serve as a possible solution of these issues. Implementation of RFID technology in jewellery tracking will results in an efficient multi-scanning and faster stock update, which in turn can enhance the companys productivity. The real-time monitoring system with the help of the RFID technology helps in tracking of the goods in regular basis tightening the security process (Nikparvar, Sadeghi-Niaraki and Azari 2014). Other applications of RFID in the jewellery industry includes less manpower resulting in zero error, easy auditing of the in-store goods, easy tracking of the valuables, providing better service, detection of illegal m ovements of the precious items. Security issues Although the RFID technology is considered to be superior compared to the other identifications methods or devices but it is vulnerable to various types of attacks. The possible security issues of the RFID technology in the jewelley industry can be addressed as the attacks affecting the hardware part of the RFID, attacks affecting the communication part of RFID and the attacks which can affect the data support system of RFID (Fan et al. 2015). This in turn can hamper the integrity and availability of the company also the confidential information of the companies can be at risk. RFID hardware part The tag and the reader are the two main edge hardware parts of RFID system. These physical parts of the RFID are prone to certain vulnerabilities due to the security weakness in these hardware parts. RFID communication part The communication part of the RFID is responsible for swapping of the information. Attackers can hack the radio links and this can pose risk to the confidential information. After hacking the attacker can modify the signal giving away erroneous or wrong information (Fan et al. 2014). RFID data support part The data support part is an essential for ensuring connection between the RFID reader and the database. This part is equally prone to the attacks. Security breaches According to the scholars, in RFID applications a security breach can lead to the leakage of confidential information about the company to unauthorized agencies or parties (Kitsos, 2016). As the RFID technology is based on the extracting of information from the RFID reader, there lies a possibility of security breach in the process. Taking into consideration the supply chain management system such security breach can pose a huge risk. Possible information regarding the inventory levels, trading partners, future business plans can be gathered by the unauthorized sources. It is also observed that in certain situations sharing of the RFID information within the buyers and the suppliers but even this may lead to security breach (Dominguez-Pry, Ageron, and Neubert 2013). Possible solutions to the security issues and security breaches of RFID technology The following are some of the possible solutions that address the problems related to the security issues of the RFID technology in jewellery management: Destroying the tag Each tag is assigned with a unique code. In case a tag is suspected a threat, the tag can be deactivated which will reduce the risk. Cryptographic methods This method can be incorporated to make the RFID system more encrypted. Cryptographic algorithms in the form of primary key and symmetric key can make the system more secure (Ray, Abawajy and Chowdhury 2014). Isolation of the tag In case of a suspected threat the tag can be isolated from the EM waves. Protocols such as ALOHA are applied in this approach (Sari 2014). Strategies such as using protocols that can make the outputs unrecognizable to the attackers, making tags indistinguishable can be adopted. Conclusion In conclusion it can be said that RFID technology can provide with large number of benefits in the jewellery industries such as enhancing the productivity, security, streamlining the supply chain management process of the Jewellery industry but there also lies loopholes in the RFID technology. Although the RFID technology is one of the most sought after technological solution in the present date but still there lies potential threat to the security. If all the possible threats can be addressed with proper solution RFID technology can prove to be success. References Ahson, S.A. and Ilyas, M., 2017.RFID handbook: applications, technology, security, and privacy. CRC press. Dominguez-Pry, C., Ageron, B. and Neubert, G., 2013. A service science framework to enhance value creation in service innovation projects. An RFID case study.International Journal of Production Economics,141(2), pp.440-451. Fan, T., Tao, F., Deng, S. and Li, S., 2015. Impact of RFID technology on supply chain decisions with inventory inaccuracies.International Journal of Production Economics,159, pp.117-125. Fan, T.J., Chang, X.Y., Gu, C.H., Yi, J.J. and Deng, S., 2014. Benefits of RFID technology for reducing inventory shrinkage.International Journal of Production Economics,147, pp.659-665. Kitsos, P. ed., 2016.Security in RFID and sensor networks. CRC Press. Nikparvar, B., Sadeghi-Niaraki, A. and Azari, P., 2014. Ubiquitous Indoor Geolocation: a Case Study of Jewellery Management System.The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences,40(2), p.215. Ray, B.R., Abawajy, J. and Chowdhury, M., 2014. Scalable RFID security framework and protocol supporting Internet of Things.Computer Networks,67, pp.89-103. Sari, A., 2014. Security issues in RFID Middleware Systems: Proposed EPC implementation for network layer attacks.Transactions on Networks and Communications,2(5), pp.01-06.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Information Technology Management
Questions: 1. Steps the company took to prepare for the disaster.2. Process in which the company resolved the situation.3. Identify the disaster and potential side effects. Answers: 1. Steps the company took to prepare for the disaster Vic Soria, the network administrator, appointed by Causeway Medical Associates had taken the following steps for preparing for any catastrophe: Backups for all business data were taken (Holley, 2014). A duplicate set of the backup data was taken in a manner such that Vic could easily resume operations from any remote location using it. The electrical equipment was detached from all electrical wirings, so as to secure them from short circuits. 2. Process in which the company resolved the situation The backups for all business data were maintained in the main system. Besides this, Vic had already prepared a duplicate of all the data backups in a manner such that he could easily start working from the condominium in South Miami: arrangements were such made that the entire system could start operating within 12 hours from any disastrous situation. This very preplanning helped the organization in resuming work within two days after the storm, irrespective of the fact that the hurricane had affected the office building in a severe manner (Brender Markov, 2013). The backup data allowed them to pick up from where they had stopped, and eventually helped them in gaining more clients. 3. Identify the disaster and potential side effects Hurricane Andrew, being a category five storm had the potential of destroying the entire building that held the office of Causeway Medical Associates. Such being the scenario, the organization would have lost all their business data, resulting in a huge financial loss, in case the backups for all data had been taken by Vic. Depending upon the severity of the data loss, the organizational heads might have had to start operations from a scratch (Holley, 2014). Recommendations The higher management of Causeway Medical Associates are being recommended so as to use cloud services for backing up all their data. The network administrator of Causeway Medical Associates are being recommended to communicate the disaster recovery plan with all the employees of the organization such that all of them are capable of participating in it efficiently. References Brender, N., Markov, I. (2013). Risk perception and risk management in cloud computing: Results from a case study of Swiss companies. International journal of information management, 33(5), 726-733. Holley, J. R. (2014). The impact of risk management practice upon the implementation of recovery-oriented care in community mental health services (Doctoral dissertation, St George's, University of London).
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