Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Plagiarism And Plagiarism - 1326 Words
Plagiarism is when one use another person’s work or ideas without getting his permission. Oxford dictionary (2015) defines plagiarism as â€Å"The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own†. The word origins, based on Oxford dictionary (2015), is coming from â€Å"the early 17th century, from the Latin word ‘plagiarius’ that means ‘kidnapper’†. Although the definition can help us understand better what plagiarism is, it is sometimes hard to know where the line cross between real plagiarisms and actual use of a source, especially in the 21st century when the web and internet sources became popular, easily accessible and widely known. Looking back at plagiarism and to the source of the word it is clear that the act of plagiarism is old and take us back to the first century AD when the roman poet Martial, found that many of his poems are copied by other poets, without his agreement. Martial decided to take an action and write a poem to describe and condemn the phenomenon (Foreman, 2013). Looking at today’s world, probably the word â€Å"plagiarism†took at some point a different twist. Plagiarism is no longer used to mean â€Å"kidnap†, but it is an interesting concept to look at in an historical perspective. Looking at today’s world plagiarism has a tremendous effect on teachers, educational institutions and might even on companies. While institutions are eager to create better thinking students and lecturers are trying to push students to read, write andShow MoreRelatedPlagiarism And The Ethics Of Plagiarism926 Words  | 4 Pagesand parents have heard the term â€Å"plagiarism†while talking about writing essays, poems, and other works. Plagiarism is defined as â€Å"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one s own†by Merriam-Webster dictionary. While plagiarism may be denoted as stealing one’s work without credit, a more vast and broad definition usually applies to college level work. Every college and university has their own handbook and code of conduct on what exactly â€Å"plagiarism†is defined as, and what are theRead MorePlagiarism : Plagiarism And Plagiarism815 Words  | 4 Pages There are many types of plagiarism, i ncluding several scenarios of inadvertent and deliberate plagiarism. This essay will discuss how plagiarism is defined, the various types of plagiarism, why plagiarism is such a serious problem, the impact of the internet on academic integrity, and how plagiarism can be avoided. It will also provide suggestions on ways to eliminate both inadvertent and deliberate plagiarism. There are several ways to define plagiarism. One such definition, according to the RegisRead MorePlagiarism : What Is Plagiarism?1583 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is using someone else’s work, words, production, researches and ideas without the approval or the acknowledgment of the writer or producer, and claiming the credit for himself. Many reasons and factors are attributed for the use of plagiarism and could be cultural, historical, linguistic, environmental and educational background. Plagiarism is a form of an academic dishonesty, academic misconduct, and a digital cheating. It is declared to be an unacceptable legal actRead MorePlagiarism And The Consequences Of Plagiarism1379 Words  | 6 Pages In this paper we will cover plagiarism. We will cover a brief history of plagiarism and look at the different types of plagiarism, as well as compare and contrast the different types. We will also look at who is most prone to plagiarize and why. We will also discuss the role plagiarism plays in academia and the consequences to plagiarizing. Webster’s online Dictionary defines plagiarism as â€Å"to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one s own: use (another s production) withoutRead MorePlagiarism2189 Words  | 9 PagesPlagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? Darian Camacho English 111, Section 11 Professor Coulter March 21, 2013 Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? The increase in plagiarism has gained the attention of many institutions, administrators and educators, as well as researchers and the public. This increase has brought to attention the concern of why plagiarism continues to occur. In order to debate this concern we should first understand the definition and background of plagiarism, theRead MorePlagiarism And Academic Integrity : Plagiarism1305 Words  | 6 PagesPlagiarism is a topic that is consistently brought up in many areas of education.1 In every syllabus presented to students, there is a section that refers to plagiarism and academic integrity. Plagiarism can be defined as â€Å"the act or instance of stealing or passing off ideas or words of another as one’s own.†2 Despite this being an important piece of information; students may overlook this material and still plagiarize. In a study from the University of Toronto, 90% of senior pharmacy students admittedRead MorePlagiarism Habits Of Politicians : Plagia rism876 Words  | 4 PagesReshma Shrestha Dr. Lynn R.Brink Government 2305-71001 11th September, 2016 Plagiarism Habits of Politicians The word Plagiarism means, it is an acknowledgement that something came from other source or imitates from other s work. Plagiarism is also considered as copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit. In these articles, Evan Osnos describes plagiarism in different field and their negative impact. Mainly, our society also practiced this even they know it is notRead MorePlagiarism605 Words  | 3 PagesTitle : A theft of works among the students : Plagiarism. During the antiquity, it exists an ancient concept called plagiarism. Plagiarism is happened when a student fail to properly document and give attribution to the source of ideas and text in his work. Alongside with the commercialization of writing, the concept of copyright and the rights given to authors has developed (VAIL Faculty Administrator, 1996-2003). However, the problem of plagiarism has been increased nowadays and became a highlyRead MorePlagiarism And Politics : Plagiarism927 Words  | 4 PagesSaroj Dahal Professor Dr. Sharon Manna GOVT 2305-71005 19 Sep, 2016 Plagiarism and politics Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone else’s original ideas or thoughts (either written or oral) and copying it either exactly in a same way or remixing it, without giving credit to the owner. In today’s world, Plagiarism is omnipresent. People try to imitate others watching them in TVs, movies, and songs which tend them to plagiarize knowingly or accidentally. It can be found in almost all fields likeRead MoreEssay on Plagiarism1301 Words  | 6 Pagescode of conduct at Clarion University plagiarism is â€Å"the use of anothers words without attribution and without enclosing the words in quotation marks. Plagiarism may also be defined as the act of taking the ideas or expressions of ideas of another person and representing them as ones own--even if the original paper has been paraphrased or otherwise modified.†(â€Å"Department of Nursing†) A lot of people, including myself have been confused of what plagiarism really means. Through my research I found
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Child Development Stages - 1244 Words
As children grow towards adolescence they go through many stages of development. Child development refers to the stages of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and language growth that occurs from the birth to beginning of adulthood. All aspects of a childs development may be affected by many different factors, including a poor learning environment, lack of social interaction, cultural background differences, abuse, and loss of a parent. All of the before mentioned examples can affect the childs maturation, a biological growth process that enables orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience (Myers 172). Children grow and mature at very different rates, some faster than others, which is why it is necessary†¦show more content†¦Taking care of someone who has been hurt, showing appropriate behavior in any situation, expressing gratitude, and sharing feelings are all examples of how a child develops emotionally. Like any type of skill, young children develop these abilities in small steps over time. Factors outside of the daycare setting can hinder and delay emotional development, but it is still important for the child to be exposed to a positive social setting in order to progress emotionally. Social development involves learning the values, knowledge and skills that enable children to relate to others effectively and to contribute in positive ways to family, school, and the community ( While Piaget emphasized that a childs mind grows through interaction with the physical environment, Lev Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist, emphasized that a childs mind grows through interaction with the social environment (Meyers 179). Vygotsky believed that social factors, mainly language, contributes to a childs cognitive development. While both theories may be right, a strong balance of the two would be most influential in a childs development. Children gain a sense of who they are through their relationships with friends and family. As these important factors help them develop socially, children still respond to the influences around them and play an active part in shaping their relationships ( ByShow MoreRelatedStages of Child Development804 Words  | 4 Pagesgenerations yes, but also to aid in the development of the student in all aspects. Some students have a harder time developing the whole person, meaning that they have a harder time developing the physical, cognitive, and emotional-social parts of themselves all at the same time and pace. A student observation of a typical 2nd grade classroom was completed and one child stood out among the rest in his setting in both of their characteristics and stages of development. In order to protect the rights ofRead MoreDevelopmental Stages Of Child Development1146 Words  | 5 PagesEvery child is different, and so is every parent s experience; but experts have gained a clear idea about the range of normal development from birth to the time of a person’s death. Although most child development experiences are not going to be the same due to the differentiation between culture and genetics, there are developmental milestones every child should experience within a certain range of age. Some of the most apparent factors of a child’s developmental stages are genetics, parentingRead MoreChild Development Stages 0-19905 Words  | 4 PagesChildren’s Development from 0 to 19 years Stages of Child Development: Age ofChild: | Illustration: | Physical Development | Intellectual /Cognitive Development | Social Development | Emotional Development | 0 - 3 | | 0-3 Months: * Tries to lift head. * Begins to hold objects when placed in hand.3-9 Months: * Establishes head control * Begins to sit with support from about 6 months un-supported.9-18 Months: * Is now very mobile e.g. crawls, bottom-shuffles, cruises, walks.18Read MoreWhat Are Three Stages of Child Development3389 Words  | 14 PagesWhat are the three stages of child development Write two paragraphs on each of the two sub-phases of the first stage 0 to 6 years. Child development refers to the biological and psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy. Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by geneticRead MoreThe Principles, Sequences And Stages Of A Child s Growth And Development1284 Words  | 6 PagesThe principles, sequences and stages of a child s growth and development. This includes Social development, Physical Development, Intellectual development and communication development. Physical development outlines the basic body changes which you begin to develop such as fine motor skills, which is like writing and so on. This also includes social development, where you will meet new people everyday and interact with them, and become more involved in the relationships you will share with othersRead MoreEssay on Main Stages of Child Development from Birth to 19 Years5588 Words  | 23 PagesMain stages of child development from birth to 19 years 1. From birth to 19 years of age, children and young people tend to follow a broad developmental plan. Although children and young people are different, the way they grow and develop is often quite similar. This means we can work out a pattern for development and from this we can pinpoint particular skills or milestones that most children can do at different age ranges. Milestones describe when particular skills are achieved, such asRead MoreErikson s Stages Of Development And Child Directed Speech862 Words  | 4 Pagesamongst many more things. Their psychological development and interactions with their social environment change along with their forms of communication as they mature and learn; all of which can be seen and explained in Erikson’s stages of development and child-directed speech. According to Erik Erikson, a developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst, from birth to 1 year of age, children psychosocially go through the stage of Trust vs. Mistrust. At this stage infants either trust they will be taken careRead MoreBasic Normal Stages of Child Development Essay example3282 Words  | 14 PagesBasic Normal Stages of Child Development This section is a brief overview of child development looking at children from birth to the age of five. It is easiest show this information as part of a table as it enables us to compare different parts of a child’s development along side each other. It is also very important to realise that the ages and time frames shown in the table have been taken from the average ages and would not be cause for concern if a child developed slightlyRead MoreDevelopment Stages of a Child565 Words  | 2 PagesAccording to Freud, the child develops socially through a series of ‘psychosexual stages’ e.g. oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. The first three psychosexual stages are focused on more as they span the important first five years in which the id, ego and superego develop. Fixation, when libido (sexual pleasure drive) is locked into a stage, determines personality and is caused by either frustration or overindulgence. If a child is fixated in the oral stage for example, as a result of frustrationRead More Erik Erikson’s Stages of Child Development Essay1170 Words  | 5 Pageseight stages of human development, which last throughout an entire life-span. Throughout each developmental stage, each developmental task presents a catastrophe for the individual. Erikson defined catastrophe as â€Å"a turning point of increased vulnerability and enhanced potent ial†(Santrock 73). Each of Erikson’s developmental stages is presented in such a way that the negatives and positives are clearly defined. Although there are eight developmental stages, five pertain to a child’s development.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Concept of Film Induced Tourism
Question: Describe about the concept of film induced tourism? Answer: Introduction In this particular chapter, researcher demonstrated the data analysis report of that gather from visitors in Leavesden. With the help of quantitative data analysis method, researcher collect data through online interview of selected 100 tourists. The information that gathered from the interview of visitors helps in increasing the quality of researcher and allows the researcher in providing practical example in researcher work. According to (), data analysis helps the researcher in implementing and evaluating the theoretical knowledge into practical approach. Apart from that, through data analysis method, researcher generate the involve limitations and complexities of study such as lack of genuineness regarding information, data manipulation, and other related method. Quantitative Data Analysis The visitors or tourists are considered for quantitative analysis at Leavesden. Through the analysis of information via interviewing the visitors, researcher was able to make a conclusion regarding the film induced of tourism. The total number of respondents for data analysis was 100. Researcher asked some set questionnaires to the respondents that relevant to conduct the study properly. Analysis of male and female of respondents Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Female 38 100 38% Male 62 100 62% Findings In response to this question, it has been identified that only 38 % people were female who visited the spot of Leavesden. On the other hand, 62% out of selected respondents were male. Discussion When researcher ask this question, there were less respondents who female. The majority of respondents were male. According to them, female mostly like to visits the pleasure spot instead of visiting those spot where film shoots. The male respondents said that they like to visitor those place where they get adventure and able learn new things. However, ion the literature review part it has been identified that destination image attract people most to visit the tourist spot. Age Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate 17 or Younger 5 100 5% 18 to 20 13 100 13% 21 to 29 22 100 22% 30 to 39 37 100 37% 40 to 49 11 100 11% 50 to 59 2 100 2% 60 or Older 10 100 10% Findings According to researcher, identification of age is more important in order to induced film tourism. However, during the data analysis, researcher asked the question to selected respondents in terms of knowing their age. The visitors, who were selected as respondents for interview was not much younger. There were only 5 people out of 100 who were belonging from age 17 or younger. 13 respondents belong from age between 18 and 20. 22 respondents said that their age between 21 and 29. Majority of selected respondents belong from 30 to 39 (37 out of 100). The age of 11 people out of 100 respondents were 40 to 49. 2 respondents were from 50 to 59 and 10 of them were from 60 or older. Discussion According to the respondents, majority of people like to visit tourists spot or the famous spot like Warner Bros Studio in middle age such as 30 to 39. The younger people who were belong the age from 17 to 30 like to visit the educational spot in their tourism. The older people whose age between 50 or above like to visit the pleasure spot rather than the adventure place. Nationality of respondents Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate United Kingdom 23 100 23% United State 27 100 27% Japan 9 100 9% Canada 18 100 18% India 14 100 14% China 9 100 9% Findings In reply to this question, 23% respondents said that they were from United Kingdom. On the other hand, 27% respondents were from United State of America and only 9% from Japan. From Moreover, there were 18% respondents from Canada and 14% out of 100 were from India. Furthermore, some of the respondents belong from China country. The percentage of China respondents were 9%. Discussion In order to conduct the study on film induced tourism, researcher collected information from the visitors regarding track the people from which country visit more in the tourist spot in Europe. Therefore, it has been identified that 23% of selected respondents were from the different parts of UK and 27% were from the United State. People of Japan and Canada along with India and China also visited the tourists spot in Europe region. It is seen that Frequency of travel Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Weekly 7 100 7% Monthly 16 100 16% Twice in a Year 39 100 39% Yearly 38 100 38% Findings 7 people out of 100 respondents said that they travel weekly. However, 16 respondents said that they travel monthly. Majority of respondents such as 39 out of 100 said that they travel twice in a year and rest of 38 respondents said that they travel yearly. Discussion In reply to this question, researcher got the information about the time of travel According to the respondents, in these days of busy schedule, people has not much time to visits spot to spot in regular interval. Therefore, majority of people travel once or twice in a year. On the other hand, some of the respondents commented that they travel weekly for business proposes. There were also some respondents who were travel monthly said that they travel for educational purpose or regarding business. Reason of travel Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Business 17 100 17% Education 19 100 19% Pleasure 57 100 57% Other 25 100 25% Findings 17 out of 100 replied that they travel for business and 19 of them said for education they mainly travel from one place to another in Europe. 57 out of 100 said that they travel for pleasure in here and there particularly n popular place in Europe. Rest of the respondents 25 out of 100 said that there are several reason for travelling to Europe. Discussion According to the selected respondents, business and pleasure are the main reason of travelling from one place to another in Europe. The people who mainly come from United State said that they visited to Europe for business. However, the other people such as the people of Japan, India. Canada commented that they travel to Europe for pleasure. The China people said that they travel to Europe for other reason like finding job, tries to enter in the movie, wiling to play role in TV shows, etc. Travel to destination just because it was featured in the movie Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Yes 73 100 73% No 27 100 27% Findings Regarding this question, 73 respondents replied people travel to destination for just because it featured in the movie. However, 27 respondents out of 100 said that place where movie shoots is not only the reason of visiting or travelling. Discussion 73% respondents said that they travel to the destination mainly to the popular spot as if Warner Bros Studio just because of it was featured in the movie and the largest studio in the Europe. According to them, people like to watch movie especially the movie that attract the people from younger to older most. Therefore, the largest studio in Europe is Warner Bros Studio. The series of Harry Porter also released here. This featured increase the value of that place and people mostly like to visit that place especially the foreigners. On the other hand, 27% respondents said that movie shooting is not just the feature of travelling to the destination. People travel for the destination regarding several reason such as for pleasure, educations, business, getting job, etc. Frequency of watching movie Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Extremely often 23 100 23% Very Often 29 100 29% Moderately often 22 100 22% Singly often 15 100 15% Not at all often 11 100 11% Findings When researcher asked the question, 23 respondents said that they watch movie extremely. However, 29 respondents said that very often they watch movie and 22 of them replied they watch movie moderately often. 15 out of 100 said that they watch movie singly open and 11 of them said they watch movie not at all often. Discussion In reply to this question, researcher understood that majority of people watch movie regularly. There were several studios in film industry that produced film in a continuous interval. Some people like to watch movie first day first show. These are the reason of extremely watching movie. Apart from that, it has been also analyzed that people travel from one place to another in order t patch the movie. Some of the respondents said that they have low attraction in watching movie. They watch movie once in a month. 11% respondent commented that they never watch the movie. Attachment with Harry Porter series Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Yes all 57 100 57% Yes some 40 100 40% No 3 100 3% Findings Most of the respondents 57 out of 100 said that they attached with the all part of Harry Potter Series. However, 40 out of 100 repo dents replied that they attached with some part of Harry Porter series. Only 3 respondents said that they never attached with the series of Harry Potter. Discussion According to the respondents, the series of Harry Porter is one of the best movie series in Hollywood. That is the key reason of attaching with the all part of Harry Porter. However, some of them said that due to lack of time they were not able to attach with the all part of Harry Porter Series. In accordance to those respondents, they mostly attached with the Harry Potter, the Philosopher Stone, Harry Potter, and the Chamber of Secret. Released location of Harry Porter movie Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Yes 95 100 95% No 5 100 5% Findings In response to this question, researcher got positive response from the selected response. Over 95 respondents out of 100 said that they know the place where Harry Potter shoots. Only 5 respondents said that they do not know the place where Harry Potter series were shoots. Discussion Most of the respondents said that when they watch a popular movie, they search for details about the movie like director name, actors, duration of making the film, place where shoots, etc. Therefore, Harry Potter series on of the most popular series in film industry of Hollywood. This is the reason of knowing place of shooting of Harry Potter. Some of them who said they know the place of shooting where Harry Potter shoots commented that Warner Bros Studio is the popular as well as largest studio in Europe. This also an reason of knowing shooting location of Harry Potter. Fan consideration of Harry Porter series Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Yes 91 100 91% No 9 100 9% Findings The tourists who are selected for the interview by researcher, majority of them 91 out of 100 said that they are the fan of Harry Potter series. On the other hand, 9 respondents out of 100 said that they were not fan of Harry Potter. Discussion According to the respondents, Harry Potter series make the revolution in Hollywood industry. As argued by the respondents they become fan of Harry Potter series through reading the story book of Harry Potter. They also commented that, book of Harry Potter series was available in a special price in bookstores. However, picking of book of favorite move is making them a true fan of Harry Potter series. Preference of Warner Bros Studio Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate For the largest production facilities in Europe 25 100 25% For Harry Porter Series shoots here 27 100 27% For available of all kind of productions 29 100 29% Just because visitors visits the site 11 100 11% Other 8 100 8% Findings 25% said that they travel to Warner Bros Studio over Oxford because it is the largest production centre in Europe. 27% said that world most popular series Harry Potter shoots here. 29% people visit to the Warner Bros Studio not only 29% people visit to the Warner Bros Studio not only for the shooting place of Harry Potter series but also several production made here. 11% travel just because of tourist place and 8% travel for other reason. Discussion Warner Bros Studio is the largest studio in Europe and series of Harry Potter shoot in this studio. These two are the main reason of travelling to the Warner Bros Studio for the people. Apart from that some of the people visits there for multiple production. Way of protrayed Options Number of respondents Total Respondents Response Rate Yes 75 100 75% No 25 100 25% Findings 75% said yes and 25% said no ion reply to this question. Discussion According to the respondents, the location Leavesden is popular just because of the Warner Bros Studio established here. However, it is the largest studio in Europe and Harry Potter series shooting in this studio make more popular the place. On the contrary, some respondents commented that it is not only the reason or the way of portrayed the location Leavesden. Facilities of Warner Bros Studio Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Strongly Agree 22 100 20% Agree 25 100 25% Neutral 27 100 27% Disagree 15 100 15% Strongly Disagree 13 100 13% Findings 22% strongly agree and 25% agree with this question. However, 27% were neutral and do not provide any answer in reply to the question. 15% were disagreeing with the question and 13% were strongly disagreeing with this question. Discussion In response to this question, respondents replied that Warner Bros Studio has better facilities rather than Oxford. In Warner Bros Studio, people are able to view multiple items such as film shooting, TV shows, music and videos, etc. However, in Oxford people is not able to get these types of multiple facilities. That is the reason of selecting Warner Bros Studio for travel. Satisfaction with the series of Harry Porter Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Strongly satisfied 24 100 24% Satisfied 29 100 29% Neutral 14 100 14% Dissatisfied 15 100 15% Strongly Dissatisfied 18 100 18% Findings Majority of respondents satisfied with the series of Harry Potter. 24% were strongly satisfied and 29% were satisfied within the question and replied the positive answer. However 14% respondents were neutral and do not give any answer. 15% of the dissatisfied and 18% of them are stringy dissatisfied. Discussion Regarding this question researcher identified that people who are selected as the respondents for interview were satisfied with the series of Harry Potter. According to the, Harry Potter series gave them a wide range of pleasure. The story of Harry Potter series is much attractive and concept is unique. However, some of them do not satisfy with the Harry Potter series. They demand more part of Harry Potter to view. Selection of Leavesden Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Strongly Agree 22 100 22% Agree 31 100 31% Neutral 3 100 3% Disagree 26 100 26% Strongly Disagree 18 100 18% Findings 22% respondents were strongly agreed that people travel to Leavesden only for the Harry Potter shoots here. 31% were also agreeing with this opinion. 3% remain silent and do not provide any answer to the interviewer. 26% were disagreeing and 18% were strongly disagreeing. Discussion Harry Potter series is the great story in Hollywood industry. Each people attract to read the story and watch the movie. The respondents commented that they travel to the Leavesden just view to the Warner Bros Studio because Harry Potter shots here. Reason of visiting Leavesden Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Yes 52 100 52% No 48 100 48% Findings 52% respondents said yes and 48% respondents said no in reply to this question. Discussion In Europe, Warner Bros Studio is the largest studio in shooting film and other related shows. However, Harry Potter series shoots within the studio that increases the value of Leavesden. This is the main for which visitors from outside of the country travel to Leavesden. Main Attraction of Leavesden Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Strongly Agree 12 100 12% Agree 49 100 49% Neutral 5 100 5% Disagree 23 100 23% Strongly Disagree 11 100 11% Findings Most of the respondents (total 61% out of 100) agreed that if new film likes Harry Potter series shoots within the Leavesden it helps in attracting more visitors. On the other hand, 34% respondents said that shooting of new film may not be able to attract tourist in Leasvesden. Discussion According to respondents, value of Leavesden is mainly increase just because Warner Bros Studio established and Harry Potter series shoots. Therefore, if the new film like the story of Harry Potter series or Thor shoots within the Warner Bros Studio, it attracts more tourists to travel to Leavesden. Impact of film induce tourism in travelling Options No of respondents Total respondents Response Rate Yes 81 100 81% No 19 100 19% Findings In replied to this question, 81% respondents said yes and only 19% said no. Discussion Since early days, people love to travel those places where film featured shoots. Majority of people plan to travel after watching the popularity of locations. Therefore, shooting of new film will make great impact on visitors mind to visit the place.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Snyder v Phelps Essay Example
Snyder v Phelps Essay Everyone is entitled to pattern their faith. Everyone has the right to voice their sentiment. The measure of rights provinces that this right could neer be taken off. but does it do it right for a individual to utilize this right to assail a individual? On March 3rd. 2006 a Marine. Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder. died of hurts sustained in a vehicle accident in Anbar state. Iraq. A hebdomad subsequently a funeral service was held in award of this fallen soldier in his hometown of Finksburg. Maryland. As the service began an accretion of people began to piece to riot with marks that say. Thank God for Dead Soldiers. The beginning of this disturbance all comes from the presence of one adult male and his fold. Pastor Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist church of Topeka. Kansas. The Westboro church’s actions all stemmed from Phelps and the church’s belief that God is penalizing the United States for leting homophiles into the military. although Lance Corporal Snyder was non homosexual. in fact. Phelps claims he was non aiming the household of the deceased but alternatively was aiming the U. S. Military. merely utilizing Snyder’s funeral as a forum for their protest. These actions carried on by the Westboro Baptist church are nil new to the populace ; the fold has made several visual aspects at funerals since 1955 doing major contentions throughout the universe. but Albert Snyder. the male parent of the asleep Marine decided to take legal action against the wrongdoers. by actioning the church. its Curate and his two girls. Cursing to the public Snyder stated that he wasn’t making it for the money. but wanted to hush the group. We will write a custom essay sample on Snyder v Phelps specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Snyder v Phelps specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Snyder v Phelps specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Snyder besides stated he was contending to protect the other households emotionally torn from the hurting inflicted by the Westboro church. as he himself felt his son’s memory was disrespected and privateness was evaded on. On February 4th 2008 the instance went to a District degree Court in Maryland which Judge Bennet ruled in favour of Snyder presenting him from a reduced five million dollars by using both federal constitutional and province common jurisprudence criterions to 2. million dollars emotional amendss caused by the church. Three yearss subsequently Phelps filed a statement to the Court of Appeals in the Fourth District On September 24th 2009. the appellant tribunal ruled in Phelps’s favour. siding with his right to pattern freedom of address and faith no affair how hideous. had been protected by the First Amendment. Snyder statement had besides been eakened because he did non really see the protest except for on telecasting. He didn’t even cognize it was traveling on until after the funeral already ended and had returned to his place and viewed it on the intelligence. Bing that both parties are reasoning from different provinces. the United States Supreme Court had to acquire involved. On March 2nd. 2011 The Supreme Court in an 8 to 1 decided. as did the Appellate tribunal sided with Phelps and his fold. The make up ones minding item the caused the determination was Phelps’s protest happening on a public pavement. and is speaking about issue that is good known to the populace. can non be held responsible for the emotional hurt that occurs as a consequence. had Snyder had been in position of Phelps’s protest he would hold been saw as an unwilling hearer to the hateful discourse. Catching up with Albert Snyder after the determination. he states. It’s over and he’s ready to travel on Snyder merely regrets non decently happening closing to son decease after contending a legal war for five old ages the Fred Phelps and his Party.
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