Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Senator Paul Wellstone essays
Senator Paul Wellstone essays Late Senator Paul Wellstones extraordinary courage in the fight for issues such as peace and human rights along with his opposition to the Gulf War and the war in Iraq made him a political hero in the eyes of many. As U.S. senator of Minnesota, Wellstone dealt with serious issues of peace, health care, environmentalism, education and human rights (www.randomhose.com). This passionate Democrat was known as one of the strongest spokesmen for his party in the Senate. Defending what he believed in was said to be his greatest talent, and people loved him for that (Friedman). He had a rocky start after being elected in 1990, beating the very respected Republican Senator Rudy Boschwitz. Gradually he gained respect from all sides and was viewed as someone who could separate the political from the personal (www.pbs.org). Even before beginning his political career, Wellstone had the courage and determination that many did not. He was a professor at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota and had a Ph.D. in political science. Wellstone was an advocate of justice who expressed his beliefs, not only through words, but also through his actions (news.mpr.org). He was a huge activist for human rights, especially when it came to protecting those living in poverty. During the 1970s he was arrested when he joined with family farmers across the nation to fight against companies that were threatening to foreclose their farms. He once gathered rural civilians of Minnesota to protest against the installment of a high voltage power line, and even led a protest with strikers against the Hormel meatpacking company in Austin, Texas (www.pbs.org). In his first term Wellstone successfully led opposition of an energy bill that would have allowed drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. At the Capitol in 1992 he stood with black farmers demanding that Congress supp ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Christopher Morleys Classic Essay on Laziness
Christopher Morleys Classic Essay on Laziness Critically and commercially popular during his lifetime while unfairly neglected today, Christopher Morley is best remembered as a novelist and essayist, though he was also a publisher, editor, and prolific writer of poems, reviews, plays, criticism, and childrens stories. Clearly, he was not afflicted by laziness. As you read Morleys short essay (originally published in 1920, shortly after the end of World War I), consider whether your definition of laziness is the same as the authors. You may also find it worthwhile to compare On Laziness with three other essays in our collection: An Apology for Idlers, by Robert Louis Stevenson; In Praise of Idleness, by Bertrand Russell; and Why Are Beggars Despised? by George Orwell. On Laziness* by Christopher Morley 1 Today we rather intended to write an essay on Laziness, but were too indolent to do so. 2 The sort of thing we had in mind to write would have been exceedingly persuasive. We intended to discourse a little in favour of a greater appreciation of Indolence as a benign factor in human affairs. 3 It is our observation that every time we get into trouble it is due to not having been lazy enough. Unhappily, we were born with a certain fund of energy. We have been hustling about for a number of years now, and it doesnt seem to get us anything but tribulation. Henceforward we are going to make a determined effort to be more languid and demure. It is the bustling man who always gets put on committees, who is asked to solve the problems of other people and neglect his own. 4 The man who is really, thoroughly, and philosophically slothful is the only thoroughly happy man. It is the happy man who benefits the world. The conclusion is inescapable. 5 We remember a saying about the meek inheriting the earth. The truly meek man is the lazy man. He is too modest to believe that any ferment and hubbub of his can ameliorate the earth or assuage the perplexities of humanity. 6 O. Henry said once that one should be careful to distinguish laziness from dignified repose. Alas, that was a mere quibble. Laziness is always dignified, it is always reposeful. Philosophical laziness, we mean. The kind of laziness that is based upon a carefully reasoned analysis of experience. Acquired laziness. We have no respect for those who were born lazy; it is like being born a millionaire: they cannot appreciate their bliss. It is the man who has hammered his laziness out of the stubborn material of life for whom we chant praise and alleluia. 7 The laziest man we know- we do not like to mention his name, as the brutal world does not yet recognize sloth at its community value- is one of the greatest poets in this country; one of the keenest satirists; one of the most rectilinear thinkers. He began life in the customary hustling way. He was always too busy to enjoy himself. He became surrounded by eager people who came to him to solve their problems. Its a queer thing, he said sadly; no one ever comes to me asking for help in solving my problems. Finally, the light broke upon him. He stopped answering letters, buying lunches for casual friends and visitors from out of town, he stopped lending money to old college pals and frittering his time away on all the useless minor matters that pester the good-natured. He sat down in a secluded cafe with his cheek against a seidel of dark beer and began to caress the universe with his intellect. 8 The most damning argument against the Germans is that they were not lazy enough. In the middle of Europe, a thoroughly disillusioned, indolent and delightful old continent, the Germans were a dangerous mass of energy and bumptious push. If the Germans had been as lazy, as indifferent, and as righteously laissez-fairish as their neighbours the world would have been spared a great deal. 9 People respect laziness. If you once get a reputation for complete, immovable, and reckless indolence the world will leave you to your own thoughts, which are generally rather interesting. 10 Doctor Johnson, who was one of the worlds great philosophers, was lazy. Only yesterday our friend the Caliph showed us an extraordinarily interesting thing. It was a little leather-bound notebook in which Boswell jotted down memoranda of his talks with the old doctor. These notes he afterward worked up into the immortal Biography. And lo and behold, what was the very first entry in this treasured little relic? Doctor Johnson told me in going to Ilam from Ashbourne, 22 September, 1777, that the way the plan of his Dictionary came to be addressed to Lord Chesterfield was this: He had neglected to write it by the time appointed. Dodsley suggested a desire to have it addressed to Lord C. Mr. J. laid hold of this as an excuse for delay, that it might be better done perhaps, and let Dodsley have his desire. Mr. Johnson said to his friend, Doctor Bathurst: Now if any good comes of my addressing to Lord Chesterfield it will be ascribed to deep policy and address, when, in fact, it was only a casual excuse for laziness. 11 Thus we see that it was sheer laziness that led to the greatest triumph of Doctor Johnsons life, the noble and memorable letter to Chesterfield in 1775. 12 Mind your business is a good counsel; but mind your idleness also. Its a tragic thing to make a business of your mind. Save your mind to amuse yourself with. 13 The lazy man does not stand in the way of progress. When he sees progress roaring down upon him he steps nimbly out of the way. The lazy man doesnt (in the vulgar phrase) pass the buck. He lets the buck pass him. We have always secretly envied our lazy friends. Now we are going to join them. We have burned our boats or our bridges or whatever it is that one burns on the eve of a momentous decision. 14 Writing on this congenial topic has roused us up to quite a pitch of enthusiasm and energy. *On Laziness by Christopher Morley was originally published in Pipefuls (Doubleday, Page and Company, 1920)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Biomedical Informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biomedical Informatics - Essay Example The Six Sigma refers to a quality level that is prone to minimal operational or experimental errors. In statistical analysis, Six Sigma represents standard deviation that indicates the level of variation in an experiment or operation (Pokharkar et al. 1160). The highly disciplined strategy entails three elements that include process improvement, re-design, and process management (Pokharkar et al. 1161). The Six Sigma strategy was initially dominant in the manufacturing industry where it played a noble role in meeting the client’s needs based on the DMAIC method (Snee 4). However, other industries including the health care industry have since adopted the six-sigma strategy to address the heightened competitive market pressures (Pokharkar et al. 1160-1163). Indeed, Lean and Six Sigma strategies have been fundamental in clinical and translational research where they enhance various processes. The strategy can achieve this by eliminating delays and errors, enhancing quality, and facilitating the timely adoption of biomedical discoveries. The NIH Roadmap for Biomedical Research and the NIH Clinical and Translational Science Award program recognize the potential of the six-sigma quality improvements in clinical trials (Schweikhart and Dembe 748). Various scholars establish that Lean and Six Sigma relate and try to improve total quality management by deriving a more discrete and me asurable operation. The strategy also quantifies results and aims at delivering certain quality improvements within a given period. Clinical trials rely on six-sigma quality improvements to concentrate on process management, adopt standardized method for monitoring process improvement, and making sure that the trials address the clients’ needs. In most cases, the six sigma strategy works together with the lean strategy, which aims at improving delivery time, reducing operation costs, minimizing cycle times, and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Healthy Eating Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Healthy Eating - Essay Example I resumed my afternoon routine but still felt some hunger as the day wore on. At supper time I had two plates of spaghetti with minced meat and called it a day. On the second day, careful not to get entangled in the previous day’s mayhem again, I awoke in good time – enough to get myself cleaned up and prepare breakfast. I ate a plate of left over spaghetti from the previous night with a cup of coffee. During the day, I felt less hunger pangs in between meals as I had experienced on the previous day and instead of four chocolate bars, I consumed only two before lunch hour. At lunch, I had a quick meal – 2 beef burger pieces and a bottle of soda. I ate another burger at 4pm on my way home and later on at night I had a plateful of roasted meat with some beer as we enjoyed a get-together evening with a couple of friends. And yesterday, I took 2 cups of plain coffee and rushed off to get the day going. On this particular day I had very little appetite for food and so I had no snacks in between the meals (which I also labored through). At lunch time I ate a plate of meat stew with rice and a glass of water. In the evening, for supper, I again had meat but this time with spaghetti (a plateful). From my analysis of my feeding habits over the last three days and other days in general, I can conclude that I primarily consume carbohydrates/ sugars (chocolate, flavored drinks, sausages, fries, beer, rice, and spaghetti), fats (fries, sausages, chocolates, beer and meat) and proteins (beef burgers, meat). This is a very alarming and dangerous eating habit as it is lacking in a plethora of foods from other vital groups (such as vitamins). Healthy eating is an absolutely essential component toward health and well-being. What one eats, how often and how much are all vital towards attaining a healthy and balanced diet. There are numerous changes and additions that I can make in order to improve on my eating
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Life Suceed In That It Seems To Fail Essay Example for Free
Life Suceed In That It Seems To Fail Essay Life has resilient nature, it never let hope to cut off even in the lurch. It arrives at specific conditioning through entertaining demands at variable intervals and in variable amounts and some times at discretion. This comes up with optimism. Optimism let one to crow over even in inauspicious conditions. In fact life do miracles in lurch conditions and turns the corner. It triumphs, when there is no hope of its victory. Traditional stories, which are being recounted by a man to a child, have the ultimate positive end. They implants in the flesh and blood that every bad and the worst have a well chosen end. And in actual the same comes about. A death bed patient, for an ordinary example, bears a charmed life. A stuck labor in a mine is rescued after a couple of days. These off and then are the very reason that the hope dies but with the last breath. If we dive deep in the history of world, we come up that every time when there was no way out but stars were in the ascendant. Subcontinents fate in 17th century was hanging in balance. All India National Congress decided it in complete darkness. Germany, when it was quite at sea, found the hope in the shape of Hitler. USA was quite at its wits end and was about to gave up all in vain after ten years war but it made a pile and turned the table by killing Osama. On contrary there are many cases where felicity is left awaited and never comes. A pathetic poor man facing adverse economic situations, for instance, annihilates itself because he/she remains unable to discover light in future. Over all, life is beautiful having optimistic nature and whenever it is being challenged it nails its color to the mast.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
November Rain :: English Literature Essays
November Rain I pass a shop display and view my reflection in the glass-a well built man of thirty with a tanned complexion, dark eyes and hair. I seem to have a certain charm and grace that can-and does-go down very well with the ladies. I open the door, pull out the chair, buy the drinks and surprise them with gifts. I stay at their flats after a night out; I leave my belongings there. You could say that I’m just a bachelor with a lust for living-if I wasn’t married. I’ve been married ten years and it feels like 40. It was great at first-nights out in clubs, at parties, flirting, teasing and loving each other, or at least touching each other. We had no children to hold us down and a whole world of fun to experience. Then, it stopped. I can’t remember when, where or how. What I know is that for ten years I’ve been bound to this woman and all the practices of such a colourful marriage have been tried and are jaded; the feelings no longer evident. She is abrupt with her answers and retorts for the most part and otherwise silent, so we both have seemed to have taken our own practices elsewhere, fallen into another person’s arms and experience the same feelings anew. I walk on by, get into my shining convertible (which is now speckled with signs of yet more rain) and speed away. I step into the hall of my home in Chicago, Illinois, and into the kitchen. Rain cascades down the windowpane, such has been the case for much of Novmber. There is a plate of spaghetti Bolognese waiting right on the counter for me. I heat it up, and take it to my study, letting the aroma waft right past my nose. Turning on the stereo, I settle back in my leather, over-cushioned armchair with a long, relaxed sigh. The stereo always starts on Classic Rock radio station. Hard rock, that’s what I love best. I open the Wall Street Journal, sub-consciously listening to the music in the background. Bliss. â€Å"Blackwater shares have†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Music in background): â€Å"When I look into your eyes, I can see a love restrained, but darlin’ when I hold you, don’t you know I feel the same††¦I look up to see the source of this slightly familiar song: â€Å"November Rain†by Guns N’ Roses. â€Å"†¦both know hearts can change, and it’s hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain†¦Ã¢â‚¬
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Thelma and Louise – the Analysis
THELMA AND LOUISE In the opening scene, Louise is serving coffee at her diner and advices her customers against smoking as it kills one’s sex drive. This can be seen as a fertilization symbol. The movie starts with two best friends, Thelma and Louise, planning a road trip. It is shown how condescending and inconsiderate Thelma’s husband Daryl is. Thelma decides against telling him about the trip. Louise arrives at Thelma’s in a light blue 1966 Thunderbird convertible. The fact that the car is a convertible works slightly to their advantage at one point in the future. Thelma carries her gun.This shows how insecure and paranoid she is. Thelma is very excited about the trip. Louise, however, is composed and indifferent. Soon, Thelma insists that they stop at a bar and Louise, after some persuasion, agrees to make a quick stop. A man named Harlan flirts with them. Thelma dances with Harlan. She starts to feel unwell and goes outside with Harlan. Harlan attempts to ra pe Thelma. Louise reaches there in time, holding Thelma’s gun to Harlan’s head. Just when Thelma and Louise turn around to leave Harlan starts saying offensive things to them. This makes Louise very angry and she shoots him.They flee from the scene of crime. Louise blames Thelma and this makes Thelma upset. Meanwhile, a detective named Hal Slocumb starts the investigation of the murder. Louise calls her boyfriend Jimmy and asks him to wire $6,700 to her. Thelma meets young and handsome guy called JD who asks for a ride. Louise decides that she wants to escape to Mexico but she doesn’t want to go through Texas to get there. They meet JD again and decide to give him a ride. They arrive in Oklahoma City to pick up the money and find Jimmy waiting for them. Jimmy proposes to Louise.Meanwhile, with the money in her room, Thelma has a wonderful sexual experience with JD. This is a fertilization symbol. In the morning, however, JD steals the money and takes off. Till t his point we find Thelma vulnerable, passive, immature and irresponsible, doing what Louise asks her to do. But when Louise breaks down and is on the verge of giving up, Thelma takes charge. From this point on we see Thelma grow as a character and show her strong and responsible side. Thelma robs a convenient store. From this point on they are more relaxed and jovial. It almost feels like they are having fun.They meet a sexist truck driver. He makes gestures with his tongue. This can be seen as a yonic symbol. He also makes hand gestures which suggest masturbation. This can be seen as a phallic symbol. Thelma figures out as to what happened to Louise in Texas. They meet the sexist truck driver again. They lure him to a deserted place and ask him to apologize for his behaviour. When he refuses to do so, they blow up his truck. The police find them. After a long car chase they arrive near a small underpass. Thelma and Louise’s car passes through the underpass as they are drivin g a convertible.The police cars can’t pass through. They reach the Grand Canyon and are soon surrounded by the cops. Louise doesn’t want to give up and Thelma suggests that they drive off the cliff. They kiss and Louise steps on the gas. Hal runs behind the car in an attempt to stop it. In the closing scene, Thelma and Louise hold hands and the car flies off the cliff. Analysis: It is not known exactly as to what happened to Louise in Texas. All we are sure of is that she was raped in Texas. It’s not clear whether she filed charges and if there was a trial. But it is understood that whoever raped her got away with it.This explains why she loses her cool when Harlan is unapologetic and starts abusing her verbally after trying to rape Thelma. During the course of the movie we see that Louise knows a lot about the law. It is rare for someone to know so much about how the justice system works unless they have undergone a trial. Later on in the movie Detective Hal te lls her on the phone that he knows about the incident in Texas. He couldn’t have known about it unless charges were filed. It is possible that Jimmy told him but it’s highly unlikely that Jimmy knew about it considering how secretive and clammed up Louise is.This suggests that there was a trial and clearly Louise was denied justice due to the loopholes in the system. This explains why she doesn’t trust the cops and decides against going to the police after the shooting even though Thelma suggests it. Knowing what exactly happened to Louise could have made the movie slightly better. Thelma’s life story is known to the viewers and that helps to connect with her. Louise’s character on the other hand is kind of mysterious. Only her current status is known. This makes it a little hard to completely understand her and connect with her.It would be unlike Louise to tell Thelma or anyone else about Texas since she is tight-lipped and obviously still disturb ed by it. But the film makers could have shown it as Louise’s memory flashback or a nightmare to make it easier for the viewers to sympathize with her more than they already do. The intention of the movie is to show how anti-feminist the society is and how the justice system back then and maybe even today fails to protect the women. The message is loud and clear. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Or worse, two women scorned.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Leadership Style Essay
Background of CEO According to Xerox. com (2013) Ursula Burns joined Xerox in 1980 as a Mechanical Engineering summer intern. In the company pivotal point, Burns led several business teams to include the color and office network printing business. In 2000, Burns was named senior vice president corporate strategic Services heading up manufacturing and supply chain operations. And in 2009, Burns was named the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in July 2009 and made the largest acquisition in Xerox history with the 6. 4 billion dollar purchase of Affiliated Computer Services. Ursula Burns was the first African-American women CEO to head a fortune 500 company. Burns also was the first to succeed another woman CEO. Analyze the CEO Leadership Style Burns climbed the corporate ladder to the mountain top of Xerox. Burns employee’s claims that Burns is open, grounded, and down to earth. Edmondson-Bell (2010) stated regardless of her race and gender, Burns is an example of the new breed of authentic, self-aware corporate leadership (Edmondson-Bell, 2010). In most organizations the CEO is considered to be stiff and unapproachable. According to Schermerhorn (2012) leadership appears in two forms formal and informal leadership. Formal leadership exerted by persons appointed or elected to a position. Informal leadership exerted persons who become influential because of special skills that meet the needs of others (Schermerhorn, 2012). Burns is a true leader who earned the support of her stall and employees of Xerox. Burn’s remaining grounded and being transparent in the business matters of Xerox keeps her leadership style sort after in the marketplace. In business, part of your success in your career is having a mentor. Burns utilize her very own mother as her mentor. According to Tseng (2011) Burns admired her mother for raising her and two siblings as a single parent and in a not so good area in Lower Manhattan, New York. One of the most important lessons Burns learned is do what you love (Tseng, 2011). This type of mindset is what carried Burns up to the top of her organization. Burns took over a company that was struggling to complete with Ricoh and Cannon. The worker of Xerox found that their future was uncertain. Burns change the uncertainty to certainty in the work environment. According to Colvin (2010) Burns speaks boldly and bluntly in a famously and overly genteel culture (Colvin, 2010). Burns made needed and dramatic action to turn Xerox around to become a profitable and striving company. Personal and Organizational Values Burns personal and organization value is reputation. According to Sellers (2012) Burns knows that personal experience how reputation can make or break a corporation (Sellers, 2012). Having a good reputation is essential to business success. When success in a corporate setting is sometime measured by the amount of money made a bad reputation could affect the organizations financially. A reputation can be destroyed in a matter of minutes. Burns focus on what she is facing. According to Schermerhorn (2012) power-oriented behavior is action directed primarily at developing or using relationships in which other people are willing to defer to one’s wishes (Schermerhorn, 2012). Burns uses here unique relationship to give the organization an upfront approach. Schermerhorn (2012) stated that empowerment is the process by which management help others to acquire and use the power needed to make decisions affecting themselves and their work (Schermerhorn, 2012). Burns empowers her employees, which will cause a since of belonging. Burns focuses on personal fulfillment rather than on things. Ethical Behavior Burns values are likely to influence ethical behavior within the organization. According to Xerox. com (2013) Burns started that this is a time to be at our most vigilant and even more aware of the importance of ethical behavior and uphold the organization’s core values (Xerox. com, 2013). Burns values were instilled in her by her mother. Burns direct approach will influence others to hold ethical behavior to high regards. Burns has been the organization leader when comes to ethical practices. Seidman (2010) stated that there is a high demand for ethical leadership, yet there is short supply (Seidman, 2010). Burns will be considered the one that is in that short supply category. Seidman (2010) also stated that ethical leadership extend trust to their workers, creating the conditions necessary to empower employees, suppliers and even customers to take risks necessary to create game changing innovations (Seidman, 2010). Burns believes in empowerment of her employees. Burns lead with impatience while still maintaining focus. Burns is a woman from a low income family in New York to one of the most powerful women, according to several publications. Gaete (2012) mentioned that Burns keys to lead with impatience are education, impatience to push change, focus, move towards the future, transform, be direct to achieve, empower your people, and don’t take short-cut (Gaete, 2012). Burns value will definitely influence others to be ethical. Schermerhorn (2012) wrote that ethical leadership is characterized by caring, honest, principled, fair, and balanced choices by individuals who act ethically, set clear ethical standards, communicate about ethics with followers and reward as well as punish others based on ethical or unethical conduct (Schermerhorn, 2012). Greatest Strength and Weaknesses Burns is a very successful CEO and a powerful corporate leader. Burns has took advantage of a changing industry and made to correct adjustments to be successful. Schermerhorn (2012) stated that leaders deal with mastering challenges of change while creating a satisfying healthy and effective workplace for its employees (Schermerhorn, 2012). Every human or individual has strength and weaknesses. Burns greatest strengths are impatience, hard work and value based leadership. According to Basu (2013) leader strengths are when leaders communicate direction to the organization, clearly, organize groups for particular tasks and define roles and have a structured work environment (Basu, 2013). Burns strengths are connected to professional behavior and ethical practices. Burns impatience’s is translated into boldness action for the higher purpose of Xerox to be led and to take risks. Xerox acquisition of Affiliated Computer Services transformed Xerox to be one of the leaders in business services and technology. Burns works hard, focus and deliver results. Burns came from being a summer intern to being a CEO of the same Company. Burns articulate her values to the organization often and loudly. Burns lives by her beliefs and make daily business decisions on personal and professional values. Every leader has weaknesses and Burns is no exception. Basu (2013) stated that weaknesses of a tasks oriented style of leader fear of breaking the rules among employees which may cause a lack of creativity. Low morale, and high turnover (Basu, 2013), Burns has a deep industry knowledge, but Burns also has frankness, sharp humor and willingness to take risks. These traits can be a display as weakness. These traits can be misconstrued as a brash individual who only thinks of oneself. Contributes to Leader’s Success The quality that contributed to Burns success is her drive to affect change and do it ethically. According to Mehta (2012) all executives walk a fine line between being collaborative and being the boss (Mehta, 2012). Burns has many great qualities that made her successful in the industry. Burns was the first black female CEO of a major corporation. Burns story of her rise from low income family to CEO of Xerox is contributed to her drive to be successful. According to Peck (2011) Burns recommended six keys to leadership; be authentic, listen, recognize the you can’t do everything yourself, take a stand, measure, and have fun (Peck, 2011). Burns is very successful, but has a contagious drive in which her exuded. Burns worked hard at every level and the opportunity presented itself for CEO. Burns believes in education and working hard no matter where you are in your career. Assess Dynamics Burns has made it a priority to use communication, collaboration, empowerment and politics to influence the dynamics of Xerox. According to Bryant (2010) Burns grew up in the organization and is well known by many of the employees of the company (Bryant, 2010). Burns has changed the culture to a family oriented environment. Burns operates by having an executive team to assist in making business decisions for the organizations. Burns also have panels of employees to get their prospective on a particular business issue. Schermerhorn (2012) stated that collaborative environments are characterized by boundary less information flows more open and transparent communication, and more supportive communication dynamics (Schermerhorn, 2012). Burns describes her approach to the culture as terminal niceness. Bryant (2010) stated that Burns wants all 130,000 employees to get over the past, take initiative, be fearless, frank and impatient with one another (Bryant, 2010). The politics of being the first African American female CEO is something that comes with the position. According to Bryant (2010) Burns misread the public reaction when she was named CEO. Burns started receiving phone calls from people of the caliber of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton and Magic Johnson (Bryant, 2010). The appointment to CEO put Burns in the public eye due to the historical meaning of her appointment. Burns was also named by President Obama to help lead the White House national program on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Burns was appointed vice chair of the President’s Export Council as well. Conclusion Burns was the right person for the CEO position at Xerox. Burns’ style of leadership is what the company needed during a difficult time. Burns straight forward and blunt approach proved to be the style that bring conformation of stability. Burns achieved in many way and made history in the process. A person who stayed focus and work hard to achieve her goal. This is why Xerox is one of the computer services giant in the computer software industry. Schermerhorn (2012) stated that it is important to remember that people still drive organizational systems and performance (Schermerhorn, 2012).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity
Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity Words to Describe Degrees of Religiosity By Maeve Maddox With the topic of religion so much in the air, writers may have use for adjectives to describe various degrees of religious feeling and behavior. The following words have other meanings, but here the focus is on their use to describe people. religious dedicated to religious practice; observant practitioner of a particular religion. The word derives from Latin, possibly the verb religare, to tie back. The word may carry negative connotations for individuals, (Bill Maher, for example), but in general it is a good all-purpose word, in itself neither positive nor negative. pious in earlier writers, pious was used in a positive sense of loyalty to religion, family, and those things for which a person might be expected to feel reverence. Current usage tends to tinge the word with hypocrisy. Ex. His pious remarks about family values concealed the fact that he was sleeping with his neighbors wife. godly pleasing to God. One speaks of a godly person or a godly life. The negative, ungodly, is often used as a term of contempt by religious people to describe anything contrary to their beliefs. fervent derives from a Latin word meaning to boil or to be very hot. A fervent person is one that feels very intensely about a subject. The subject does not need to be religious in nature. One can be a fervent Catholic, or a fervent environmentalist. Or both. zealous This adjective derives from the noun Zealot. The Zealots were members of the sect that worked to drive the Romans out of Palestine during the First Century. They were fanatics who resorted to assassination and other acts of terrorism that eventually resulted in the destruction of the Temple and the expulsion of the Jews from Jerusalem. Zealous, therefore, can carry the sense of intense fanaticism that will stop at nothing to promote its cause. devout from the verb devote, to set apart. The word connotes a sense of consecration. A devout person practices religion from genuine feeling of reverence for the object of worship. sanctimonious Until the 1800s, this word had a positive connotation. It derives from the Latin word for holy. A sanctimonious life could be one that reflects good deeds and devout religious observance. In current usage, however, sanctimonious carries the sense of hypocrisy. Indeed, a common expression is sanctimonious hypocrite. A sanctimonious person is like the Pharisee who prays and gives alms in public so that everyone can admire him for it. A sanctimonious person is always reminding people of their shortcomings. fanatic This word, which also gives us the word fan as in movie fan, comes from Latin fanaticus which had a religious sense. A fanum was a temple where sometimes very wild manifestations of devotion took place. For example, worshippers inspired to a frenzy by the god might cut themselves. A fanatic therefore, is out of control, at least as regards a particular subject. Winston Churchill defined a fanatic as someone who cant change his mind and wont change the subject. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersHang, Hung, Hangedâ€Å"Least,†â€Å"Less,†â€Å"More,†and â€Å"Mostâ€
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
IBM History
IBM History IBM or International Business Machines is a well-known American computer manufacturer, founded by Thomas J. Watson (born 1874-02-17). IBM is also known as Big Blue after the color of its logo. The company has made everything from mainframes to personal computers and has been immensely successful selling business computers. The Beginning of IBM On June 16, 1911, three successful 19th-century companies decided to merge, marking the beginnings of IBM history. The Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, and the Computing Scale Company of America joined together to incorporate and form one company, the Computing Tabulating Recording Company. In 1914, Thomas J. Watson Senior joined CTR as CEO and held that title for the next twenty years, turning the company into the multi-national entity. In 1924, Watson changed the company’s name to International Business Machines Corporation or IBM. From the beginning, IBM defined itself not by selling products, which ranged from commercial scales to punch card tabulators, but by its research and development. IBM History of Business Computers IBM began designing and manufacturing calculators in the 1930s, using the technology of their own punch card processing equipment. In 1944, IBM together with Harvard University financed the invention of the Mark 1 computer, the first machine to compute long calculations automatically. By 1953, IBM was ready to completely produce their own computers, which began with the IBM 701 EDPM, their first commercially successful general-purpose computer. And the 701 was just the beginning. IBM History of Personal Computers In July 1980, Microsofts Bill Gates agreed to create an operating system for IBMs new computer for the home consumer, which IBM released on August 12, 1981. The first IBM PC ran on a 4.77 MHz Intel 8088 microprocessor. IBM had now stepped into the home consumer market, sparking the computer revolution. Outstanding IBM Electrical Engineers David Bradley joined IBM immediately upon graduation. In September 1980, David Bradley became one of the original 12 engineers working on the IBM Personal Computer and was responsible for the ROM BIOS code.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing - Assignment Example Martha should subdivide the market further. There are a lot of professional women who does not stay at home and who are equally busy as men. There are also students, single women, etch. What Martha should initially target are the house wives who stays at home that takes care of the children. They are the natural market of Trap-Ease it protects the infants and toddlers from the threat of poisoning of other rodent control products. But Martha should not stop with the mothers, she should include the fathers too which is another segment of the market. In fact, the right market segmentation for the product is not merely stay home housewives but should be parents. But given the outlay of the investors that she needs to recoup, this market segment may not enough to cover the cost. So she should expand her market to other segments like business establishments who has the same need for rodent control. This is a promising market for Trap-Ease as the product is nicely designed that would not be an eye sore in a corporate setting. Also, it is ideal for this market for it will spare the workplace from the foul smell of a rodent brought by other similar product category. 4) Describe the current marketing mix for Trap-Ease.
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