Saturday, August 31, 2019
English Only In The United States Essay
A countries identity is characterized by many different factors. It may be the culture of the people, the beliefs, the technological advancement or the degree of economic prosperity. It cannot be argued, however, that the single factor which brings all of these characteristics together and allows other people to appreciate and understand a country more is language. All the signs of prosperity are meaningless without language to convey the real meaning. Language is the single factor which allows people to become involved with a country and be able to call it their home. The United States is one of those countries where to be American means to speak English.            The influx of foreigners and immigrants has given rise to an increase in the number of non-English speaking Americans. While the term in itself is contradictory, it is sadly becoming a reality. More and more modes of instructions in the United States are being translated into other languages in order to accommodate these increasing numbers of immigrants. This is a travesty that surely makes the forefathers toss and turn in their graves.            The United States of America was founded on the English language. It brought the people together and gave them the common will to fight for their independence and also to create a great nation. People all over the world recognize this great achievement. In recognition of this achievement, people teach themselves to speak English. This is a testament to the greatness of not only the United States but of the English language as well.            The highest law of the land is the American Constitution and it is written in English. There is no reason why other lesser laws or even regulations should be written in some other language. Immigrants come to the United States not to conquer by imposing their language on the country but to learn and live the American way of life. Part and parcel of the American life is learning how to speak English.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Board Members
C) The new management is becoming very aggressive with the adoption new accounting policies and financial reporting. The management is starting to take greater risk and adopt new revenue recognition policies. They believed the previous year’s policies were too conservative and inappropriate. The new management is placing higher priority on short-term performance rather than long term. The reason behind these major changes is due to the excessive pressure on management. Everyone in the management knows that they have to show an increase in the profit of the organization, or they will also lose their jobs, just like the previous management. Thus they are adopting various new accounting policies and are concentrating heavily on the short term results. This may make the company look good from the externally for a short term. However it is very likely that the numbers on the financial statement are not be accurate. The short term success of the company does not help them internally, there are many things that the new management is changing that may not be healthy for the company. The new management also indicated that the past process of determining the accounting estimates were â€Å"overly Conservative†a new method of accounting estimating is being introduced. The new method of the accounting estimates will also affect the financial statements, because it will most like overstates assets and understate the liabilities. Thus achieving the short-term goals of the management. The company’s accounting functions are decentralized, and the operating management does not sign off the reported results, they are reviewed by the CFO and CEO before being released. The needs to be changed, the reports should be signed off by the operating management because they are closer to the operations of the company. They have the knowledge and the expertise of that part of the company, the CFO and CEO are at the top they may not be able to understand what the numbers on the reports mean. The operating management can read the reports more precisely as they are the ones who are working in that particular area, it is easier for them to catch errors and frauds. The employees that prepare the statements may be overstating the numbers on the reports to show that they are achieving the required performance levels. e) The organization has great controls over the segregation of employee duties. Authority and responsibilities are assigned in a â€Å"formal, written manner†. Employees are aware of what their daily duties are and they understand their responsibilities. The company even has written job descriptions for employees and their supervisors, and these job descriptions contain specific instructions related to controls and responsibilities. The company has given significant amounts of authority to the supervisors, so they can monitor the day to day activates of the employees and make sure they are following the company policies. The organization also does a good job making sure that the supervisors do not overstep their reasonable boundaries. This is done by giving different level employees different type of authorities. Thus the organization has successfully distributed adequate amount of responsibilities to their employees and management.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Causes and Effects of Peer Pressure
A negative effect of peer pressure is anything that someone forces another to do that makes them feel uncomfortable. It causes young individuals to do things they know is wrong which can be very dangerous. A teenage boy can convince a teenage girl to have sex with him because â€Å"everyone is doing it†. The teenage girl might believe him, but she really did not want to.The result could be a teenage pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease. This is a life changing result from peer pressure. Negative peer pressure can cause teenagers to drink, do drugs, lie, cheat, and steal which can cause horrible things to occur to innocent people. Drinking is a negative effect of peer pressure. Young people may be influenced to drink Just to fit in or be in the spotlight. This type of drinking can occur at a party from winning a sporting event or a birthday party which could be prevented with parental supervision.The effects of drinking can be memory loss, fatigue, black-outs, liver dama ge, and nausea. Drinking can cause illegal acts such as: driving while under the influence, possible rape while passed out, underage drinking, and possible death. Drinking at such a young age can cause the teenager to become an alcoholic which would be a lifetime disease. Driving while under the influence can cause death to others because of uncoordinated driving which is the effect of alcohol to the body. This could lead to involuntary manslaughter which causes imprisonment.This is another life changing event caused by peer pressure (Slake 2001). Drugs are a negative effect of peer pressure. Influencing teenagers to try drugs to go along with the crowd affects your body similar to drinking and causes teenagers to kill brain cells. If teenagers are hanging out with their friends, everyone is smoking marijuana except you; most teenagers do not want to be ridiculed because of lack of participation. This creates depression, withdrawn, poor grades, and negative effects to your body phys ically.These types of effects can be long term causing problems later in adulthood such as: conceiving children, negative affects to appearance, and financial problems (Scott 1997). Negative effects of peer pressure can cause teenagers to lie, cheat, and steal. Teenagers will lie to their parents in order to hang out with certain groups. They lie because they know that it is wrong. They have friends that convince them to lie so they do not have to listen to a lecture or have the parents prevent them from doing something.These same teenagers will cheat on school work and relationships in order to please the people that are influencing them to do these things (Kate 2013). Peer pressure causes teenagers to steal. Most teenagers will do almost anything to fit in and be important which creates them to fall under the influence of peer pressure. They might be dared to steal something from the store or from their family just to be accepted. These things cause problems for the stores or peop le they steal room, as well as, give the teenager a poor sense of being because they know what they are doing is wrong (Ginsburg 2001).There are many negative effects of peer pressure. Popular, athletic, pretty, and well liked teenagers use their influence to cause other teenagers to forcibly do things they do not really want to do, but are desperate to fit in. These influences are peer pressure and causes problems with all those involved. Teenagers can be influenced to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, lie to parents, cheat on homework, and steal from stores through peer pressure. All these things cause teenagers to do things they now are wrong which affects their sense of worth and others that are around them.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Natural Resources and Energy on The Forest Essay
Natural Resources and Energy on The Forest - Essay Example Simultaneously weather change is posing an added significant menace to the healthiness of ecologies and hence their capability to offer bionetwork services, at the same time as human populace upsurge and resource usage for each person is growing. Such a blend of ecological, climatic and monetary burdens causing to food, water and energy scarcities has a potential risk. Therefore an ecology-based set of resolutions that human social order can use to evade possible impending difficulties, in addition to manage with and adjusting to vicissitudes are even now undergoing and is expected to endure. Central to attaining this goal is to manage the technique bionetwork welfares are adopted into conservative judgment creating tools. For instance the technique ecology services are appreciated and accounted for in the current financial model and pointers like gross national products (GDP). At present, the international financial model and countrywide accounting does not count for all the importa nt welfares that nature offers to populaces, particularly in the long period leading to the misuse or mistreatment of natural assets before their supportable and effective usage. Devoid of complete evaluation of less-tangible natural profits as of ecologies, usage will continue untenable and dreadful conditions unavoidable causing to the possible breakdown of significant ecology roles and facilities. It is obvious that there is a necessity to improve a fiscal model that precisely mirrors profits to populaces as of the environs and the expenses linked with ecology collapse. Making this correct will help to advance in the direction of sustainability. Effects of Growing Human Population The endurance of ecosystem is less anywhere populace mass is maximum. The Asia/Pacific region has lost considerable portion of its genuine forest cover, typically to agricultural expansion however correspondingly to urbanization and mineral exploitation. Damages in Europe estimated to be average 75 % in Russia 24%, in Africa 68%, and in the Americas 35%, however with much higher rates in more thickly occupied regions for example the seaside areas and Central America. The major territories of wilderness endure only in a lesser amount of populous zones of the globe, which for numerous facts have demonstrated difficult for human being to settle in a few numbers. These comprise the rainforests of the Amazon basin and Central Africa; the ice-covered taiga areas of Siberia and isolated areas of North America; and certain desert, mountain and swamp areas. Examples of the latter types comprise the African Sahara; the huge Himalayan regions. Increasing affluence and financial activity amid humanoid strengthen their influence on local bionetworks by swelling request for natural assets and causing contamination as of manufacturing and energy production. Affluence can offer the assets for a clean-up of contamination, as happened with some European tributaries in modern time. Similarly, severa l European nations are substituting agricultural land and old manufacturing industries with quasi-natural forests. This is likely for the reason that they have the affluence to purchase food from somewhere else or to participate in intensive farming to produce additional foodstuff from less acreage, and have the craving to reinstate olden environments. For example, the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Market Risk Analysis on Solar Thermal vs. Solar Photovoltaic System in Essay
Market Risk Analysis on Solar Thermal vs. Solar Photovoltaic System in UK - Essay Example It is a universal knowledge that the burning of oil and natural gas could produce and emit excessive carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide that could trigger global warming. To combat the global climate changes, the UK government decided to gradually shift from the use of non-renewable to renewable energy resources (Committee on Climate Change, 2010). Recently, the Committee on Climate Change announced that the Scottish Government will reduce the carbon gas emission by 3.5% annually between 2020 to 2050 (Committee on Climate Change, 2011). As a result of increasing the use of non-renewable energy resources, the annual emission of carbon dioxide throughout the United Kingdom decreased from 8.95 metric tons per capita in 1995 down to 8.6 metric tons per capita in 2007 (Federal Statistical Office Germany, 2010). Solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal is another form of renewable energy resources that will enable the UK government to generate electricity using the sunlight that falls upon the silicon layer of a solar system (Goodall 2007, p. 268). To enable the reader gain a better understanding of solar PV and solar thermal system, a brief literature review will be conducted concerning the nature and advantages of these two alternative energy resources. Given that existing UK renewable energy industry is focused on the use of biofuels, wind power, and hydroelectricity, this report will conduct a risk management analysis whether or not the UK government should extend its financial and political support in the promotion of either solar photovoltaic or solar thermal as one of the potential renewable energy resources throughout the United Kingdom.
Land Law Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Land Law Memorandum - Essay Example The second item was fitted wardrobes in the master bedroom. Peter says that they had appeared to him to be spoke pieces of furniture since they fitted the space in the bedroom perfectly. The removal of the wardrobes has caused some damages that will require re plastering work. The thirds item was an ornamental fountain in the garden. Peter says he fell in love with the feature as it was a real center piece of the garden. It was made of cast iron and had a cherub at its center with a circular pool surround. The primary legal issue is whether the cooker, wardrobes and fountain are fixtures or chattels. This way, the right of ownership of the same assets would be determinable upon Jarvis show of proof that he legally owns the realty. The first legal test that Jarvis must pass in claiming the cooker, wardrobes and fountain is the right to the property. Secondly, the proper legal definitions of a fixture and chattel would then follow. Having settled the dues and by virtue of the freehold title in his position, this condition has been met. A fixture is defined as a chattel which is fixed in or on a property such as land in a way that it becomes part of the property in question. Any item such as a cistern or water filled heater fixed in a house to fill a space is regarded as a fixture by law. On the other hand, a fitting or chattel is an item, which is separate from the realty and moveable with minimal damage to the realty or the property at the centre of the transaction. A fitting may be regarded as a fixture if it is embedded to a building or a piece of land. For example, prior to the installation of a radiator system, the item is a chattel, but immediately it is installed, it becomes part of the property and is, thus regarded as fixture. There are two primary legal tests used in common law to determine whether a property is a chattel or a fixture: the method and level of annexation; and the object and purpose of annexation. The courts use the Section 62 Law of
Monday, August 26, 2019
Proposal for the analytical report Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
For the analytical report - Thesis Proposal Example ts and demerits of each approach as I compared and contrast direct mail and email advertising strategies by trying to remain relevant to meet the client’s requirement. Finally, I will present a list of recommendation to my client providing him with the facts to make a policy on which strategy will best meet his marketing plan based on the analysis of the rhetorical situation presented. The scope of my study is will be determined by the benchmarks designed by the client. In this context, my client is disturb by which advertising strategy is effective based on the pros and cons of each approach. With respect to the client’s circumstance, there the comparative analysis will on one hand be executed based on looking for advantages and disadvantages and on the contrary the complaints from the customers based on each advertising strategy. In this option, the customers or consumers feedback based on the experiment of on each strategy will be used. For instance, email marketing has a risk of spam that makes the customer be dissatisfied and hence will not be recommended. In decision-making, I will peg my criteria assigned by the client. The study will require to avail consideration for the customer’s future objectives such as satisfying the customers through minimization of spam through direct mail instead of email marketing. My decision-making will also be due to the significant or number of clients netted in by each strategy. The study primary audience is the client who has requested for my service to be equipped in order to determine the appropriate advertising strategy. My client has offered a particular benchmark to guide my analysis and information gathering. My study outcome will be communicated majorly to address the customer and his situation. I will strictly remain focused on benchmarks given by the customer to amicably resolve the requirement of my client. The secondary audience for my study is the potential consumer who is disturbed by the increased
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Galatea and the Swing paintings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Galatea and the Swing paintings - Essay Example The essay "Galatea and the Swing paintings" analyzes the paintings of Raphael Santi, Galatea and the Swing. Raphael Santi is one of the most outstanding representatives of High Renaissance art style. He is considered to be the one of the most gifted painters and architects in the world. The gift of Italian painter was recognized not only by his contemporaries, but also in the next centuries. According to experts, this painter is an absolute authority in the area of classical art and the most famous picture galleries try to get his paintings. It is essential to consider the fresco of Raphael Galatea. It was created in 1512 and represents a part of wall-painting of the villa, which belonged to one of the richest men of that time. If to look at the painting, it is possible to notice that it is a typical representative of high Renaissance art. â€Å"It is perhaps no accident that the factuality of the Italian Renaissance has been most vigorously questioned by those who are not obliged t o take a professional interest in the aesthetic aspects of civilizationâ€â€historians of economic and social developments, political and religious situations, and, most particularly, natural scienceâ€â€but only exceptionally by students of literature and hardly ever by historians of Art†.The main distinguishing features of High Renaissance were glorifying human body and the resurrection of antiquity ideals (Reynolds and Wilson 15). Galatea was based on the Ancient Greek myth about the theft of Galatea. The fresco shows the beautiful Galatea.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Summary - Essay Example It took a whole 50 years before youth were first taken seriously as potential consumers. The three major ideals that changed it were deregulation, character licensing, and a new approach to market segmentation.1 The 1980s was a decade of great change in so many different ways. The debate over the regulation of the media industry during the previous decade helped open up the possibility of children to become consumers. Opponents claimed that children’s advertising was deceptive since kids could not possibly understand the hidden meanings of what was being marketed to them.2 Others argued that the government had no right to impose restrictions on what was acceptable in the marketplace. What eventuated was self-regulation, which broadcasters slowly let diminish over the years. Once this process had taken place in the United States, it was only inevitable that it would prevail in Canada too. Before the start of the commercialization of youth, young people were all lumped together in one giant market segment. Once youth advertising had begun to take place, audiences were segmented into separate niches.3 This was partly achieved through the creation of television networks specifically for children such as Nickelodeon and Music Television (MTV).4 These distinct networks were able to focus on a small set of viewers by involving their needs and wants in the makeup of programming.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Essay plan ( management employee relation ) Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Plan ( management employee relation ) - Essay Example One instrument of improving employee-management relations is by using employee empowerment method. By empowering you mean that you delegate more authority to them and give more power to subordinate. This way they can come up with new ideas and cost cutting methods and firms might not only cut costs but it might also benefit from good relationship with employees. 2. According to a book written by John Gennard on employee relations, employee-management relationship suffers because of different aims of both management and employees. For example, management wants higher profits which includes lowering costs and could lead to downsizing and loss of job for labor. On the other hand, labor wants the security of their jobs and higher wages. The book further states that during recession these aims become more conflicting and the need to maintain cordial relations become more vital. The book recommends that this relationship could be improved by bilateral negotiation between management and labor union and by joint consultation by the both parties before decision making. For example, in recession due to slump in demand your organization cannot pay high labor costs and firing is inevitable. But this can be avoided if management decides to involve labor union in the decision making process.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Week 1assignment ReportForm Essay Example for Free
Week 1assignment ReportForm Essay Footprint Results (Answers to the following 2 questions will be given upon completion of footprint) If everyone lived like you, how many planet Earth’s would we need? 4.2 To support your lifestyle, how many productive global acres area needed? 21.4 Ecological Footprint Breakdown (Values can be obtained by scrolling over pie chart generated at completion of footprint) Percent of emissions from Food 31% Percent of emissions from Shelter 9% Percent of emissions from Mobility 4% Percent of emissions from Goods 14% Percent of emissions from Services 31% TABLE B. Household Emissions Household Emissions Results (Answers can be found in bar graphs following completion of calculator) What are your current household emissions? 15,563 What are the U.S. average household emissions? 145,250 What was your reduced emissions? 5,709 Household Emissions Savings (Answers can be found above bar graphs If you took all actions you would reduce annual emissions by: 63% If you took all actions your potential dollar savings would be: $4.87 Your new total annual estimated CO2 emissions: 5,709 QUESTIONS 1. Based on your findings from the ecological footprint calculator, how many Earth’s would be needed to support the global population if everyone lived your same lifestyle? Additionally, describe the impacts on the Earth’s climate, biodiversity, and economic security if every individual in the world lived your same lifestyle and discuss why these impacts would occur. Answer = Earth’s climate, Biodiversity , Economic Security 2. Based on your findings from the ecological footprint calculator, what are the 3 everyday products and practices that contribute most to your environmental footprint? Answer = Food, service, and goods 3. Based on the information from the reduce emissions section of the household emissions calculator, name at least 2 actions that you can take to limit your carbon emissions? Include in your answer the exact dollar savings and the weight of carbon dioxide that could be saved (from the calculator results) for each of these two actions. Answer = Services and food. You can limit your percent of emission on service by cutting down the service you use and saving at least 50.00 a week and on food by buying cheaper product and eating less could save you at least $100. A month. 4. Does reducing the size of your ecological footprint necessarily mean reducing your quality of life? Why or why not? Are there ways of enhancing your quality of life while lowering your environmental impact? Answer = No it might even make quality of life better. Because you are reducing everyday living, like eating habits recycle more things which will make life better that in the pass. Yes References Any sources utilized in your question answers should be listed here. Bottcher, A., Rex, A. (2012). Environmental science student manual. Sheridan, CO: eScience Labs.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Witness essay Essay Example for Free
Witness essay Essay HENRY LAWSON:- Many composers have been successful in using distinctly visual elements to create a particular image to reveal their own vision of the world. Henry Lawson is able to portray his image that life in the bush is not romantic. One can see this message portrayed through the short stories ‘the drovers wife’ and ‘in a dry season’. However Douglas Stewart portrays his perception of the destructive nature of mankind visually through his poems ‘wombat’ and ‘nesting time’ Firstly in Lawson’s â€Å"The drovers wife†we see how he personally views his perspective as being part of a group of people. He represents this through various language techniques and direct quotes to show the perception of belonging he has developed. Through the use of rhetorical questions â€Å"who are these shadows†through this quote he shows us that in the beginning he has no sense of belonging with that particular group of people. We see the use of peaceful imagery â€Å"moonlight plain†to show us that the shadows he may belong to are not necessarily dark and evil. In this poem we see how there’s a sense of mystery as to whether he belongs or not through the quote â€Å"The bearded faceless men†hence showing he does not belong. But later on in the poem he also quotes they â€Å"stood shoulder to shoulder†showing that he may belong and or be part of their circle. Hence, we can see his point of view. Furthermore we can see how a point of view is shown in Lawson’s story in a dry season. We see this through various language techniques and quotes. The quote â€Å"our lady watched†shows us that even though he never grew up in a certain group he still had something far stronger than a group of peers monitoring his every step and guarding him through he’s schooling days this shows the strong sense of belonging he developed with the school. The Quote â€Å"like a foreign tourist†shows us that peter never had a sense of belonging with that particular group even though he had been part of them for years but he still failed to integrate himself with them. The quote for â€Å"eight years†shows us that peter never felt as though he belonged to the school although he abided by the rules and dressed in the correct uniform, Hence, showing us both his point of view. Finally in the poem â€Å"Wombat†we can see how different people view belonging through many different emotive quotes. We see how the wombat goes down a long road from not belonging to belonging, we see this through the quote â€Å"from f lag burner to patriot†this shows us that he felt through he never belonged but with time came his sense of identity which played a major role in helping him belong. We also see his journey from not belonging to belonging because he burnt the Australian flag but later on in his life had it put up as an ironic symbol in his room hence, we see how it views the word belonging. This is evident that a person can go from belonging to not belonging and that belonging is viewed differently by different people. This can be linked back to the poem ancestors as in the poem peter feels as though he does not belong at all just when he burn down the Australian flag but later on goes to discover his identity and realizes the flag is a part of him while Lawson knows that he does not belong to his ancestor at the moment but may belong to them in the final destination reached in the peaceful nature in comparison it can also be linked back to wombat as in the poem we can see how he has no sense of belonging just as first but later on found out and established his own notion of belonging. Hence, we can see both notions of belonging. In conclusion many composers have been successful in using distinctly visual elements to create a particular image to reveal their own vision of the world. Henry Lawson is able to portray his image that life in the bush is not romantic. One can see this message portrayed through the short stories â€Å"The drovers wife†and â€Å"In a dry season†. However Douglas Stewart portrays his perception of the destructive nature of mankind visually through his poems ‘wombat’ and ‘nesting time†.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Analysis of Institutional theory and Stakeholder theory to ASES
Analysis of Institutional theory and Stakeholder theory to ASES The increase in the environmental degradation caused by carbon emission and climate change has necessitated the governments to pass several laws to ensure that business organisations integrate the environmental issues in the management policy. To satisfy the stakeholders, many large and medium organisations have integrated the environmental issues in the management policy in order to enhance overall corporate image. (Kumar, Chandra, Bhagaban, 2007). However, the issue is different with related to accounting profession. There is heated debate in the accounting literatures on the efficacy of integrating environmental accounting in the organisational practices. While there are camps that argued that accountants cannot close their eyes on environmental issues given the importance accorded to environmental issues. There are supporting camps that argued that there is need to integrate the environmental accounting in the management control in order to achieve the organisational change. (Env ironmental Protection Agency, 1996). The supporting camp argued that integrating the environmental accounting in the traditional accounting is a process that can result to organisational change. This could also result in effectiveness of organisational performances and in increase in the efficiencies of management operations. However, the opposing camp revealed that there cannot be organisational changes with the response of environmental demand. (Larrinaga-Gonealel, Bebbington, 2001). The objective of this paper is to analyses the issues whether environmental accounting should be integrated in the organisational policy in order to achieve organisational changes. To enhance greater understanding of this study, the paper is structured in two-fold. The part A analyses the issues whether environmental accounting should be integrated in the organisational policy in order to achieve organisational changes. The second part of the paper outlines four theoretical paradigms studied in Organizational Context of Management Accounting Outline of the issues in the case study with management control and management accountability. To provide greater understanding of the environmental accounting with relation to management control and management accountability, it is essential to outline the issues in the case study. From the case study, it was identified that the intention of Spanish government was to reduce environmental emission after joining the European Union (EU) in 1986. Thus, ASES, which was a large company that generates electricity utilities in Spain tried to integrate environmental concern in the management issues. However, there was conflicting issues on the spectrum of the efficacy of management application of accounting techniques to the environmental issues. Typically, the supporting camp was the Director of Environmental Affair (DEA), who believed that ASES could achieve management accountability with the ability to control costs and increase performances if environmental accounting could be integrated in the accounting system of the organisation. The DEA believed that the integration of environmental accounting in the environmental issues could achieve management control that will make ASES to enhance efficient in organisational resources. Contrary to DEA initiations the ASESs accounting department was not convinced that there should be inclusion of environmental aspect in accounting statement of ASES. The two theoretical perspectives, the institutional theory and stakeholder theory could illustrate these opposing views between Department of Environmental Management, and ASESs Accounting department. (Larrinaga-Gonealel, Bebbington, 2001). The paper compares and contrasts the two theoretical perspectives to enhance greater understanding of the issues in case study. Compare and Contrast of the Institutional theory and Stakeholder theory Management accountability is essential in order to ensure transparency of information. The measures to ensure quantitative performance are true test of management accountability. To achieve management performances, the institutional theory beliefs that effective management performances need to integrate environmental accounting report in the financial statements of organisation in order to conform to institutional practices. Similar with Stakeholder theory that beliefs that organisation needs to satisfy the stakeholders in complying with legal framework with reporting the financial data to the stakeholders. With increase in the intensification of environmental sustainability, some stakeholders are demanding organisations to supply environmental accounting in the accounting report. Typically, shareholders, and other stakeholders believe that it is their right to receive information on the conduct of organisation with regard environment accounting. (Rowe, Wehrmeyer, 2001). Despite the common perceptions of institutional theory and stakeholders theory with relation to environmental accounting. The two theoretical paradigms separate themselves from the point that institutional theory believes that organisation could only gain legitimacy and be shaped by the institutional environment. On the other hand, stakeholder theory only beliefs that the interests of the stakeholders are the ultimate important of organisation, and outcome of an organisation depends on the firms satisfy its stakeholders. (Husillos,Alvarez-Gil, 2008, AFAANZ 2010). Thus, the two theoretical perspectives provide greater understanding in analysing the issues in the case study. Analysis of the institutional theory and stakeholder theory with relation to interpret the issues in the Case study. The Conventional approach has been generally criticised as being insufficient in explaining the rational behind the organisational motive with regard to organisational environmental values. With increase in the needs for environmental accounting, the Institutional Theory has been argued to provide greater understanding on the environmental value of an organisation. (Qian, Burritt, 2008). The institutional theory draws a greater understanding on how organisation reacts to the needs of environmental accounting. Typically, the institutional theory refers to the habits, norms and customs that guide the organisations. In the contemporary business environment, organisations act in accordance with set out norms and rules in order to survive in an environment an organisation is operating. With the intensification of environment sustainability, organisations need to relate to the routing methods of environmental policy in order to secure legitimacy. The institutional theory explains the proce ss by which organisations could secure legitimacy through conforming to the norms and rules lay down by the institutional environment. (Rowe, Wehrmeyer, 2001). On the other hand, stakeholder theory suggests that organisations have a variety of stakeholders and that a moral, social and legal obligation is owed to these stakeholders to satisfy their interests (AFAANZ 2010, p.3). The stakeholder theory reveals that managers need to take into legitimate interests of the groups or individuals who can affect the activities of an organisation. These groups or individuals are being termed as stakeholders. With intensification of climate change and carbon emission, stakeholders are increasingly holding management responsible for the management decision with relevant to environmental decision. Stakeholder theory further explains that stakeholders are increasingly demanding that organisations need to inculcate environmental accounting in the management control. Typically, stakeholders shape the management control in order to enhance performance systems. Likewise other functions in an organisation, the institutional theory argued that accounting roles in an organisation need to contribute to the environmental management through the application of environmental accounting. (AFAANZ, 2010, Rowe, Wehrmeyer, 2001). It is essential to realise one of the norm and values that ASES organisation recognised was to abide by the environmental conformity by implementing green. Although, the ASES tried to satisfy the stakeholders by implementing the green initiatives, however, there were divergences of interests among the stakeholders of the ASES organisation that make the argument of stakeholder theory not to be valid within ASES because ASES failed to satisfy the interest of all stakeholders. Although, ASES attempted to implement norm and values as being discussed by institutional theory, however, there are certain cases where ASES did not implement environmental sound behaviour. This was revealed with the disinterest of some stakeholders within the organisation who did not belief in integrating environmental accounting policy in the accounting systems of the organisation. To enhance greater understanding of the interpretation of the Case, it is essential to examine the method the interpretation of the Case differs between each theoretical perspective. How does interpretation of the Case differ between each theoretical perspective The interpretation of each of the theoretical perspective in the case is different. The method the Director of Environmental Affairs and Director of Accounting Affair interpreted the institutional theory are different. For instance, Director of Environmental Affairs believed that ASES should implement organisational changes because there was poor management practice with relation to the environmental management. The major reason was the inability of ASES to provide non-financial data of generating plant that provides the electricity. A Director of Environmental Affairs believed that there was need to identify environmental costs and investments, and the creation of environmental accounting was essential to enhance operational improvement. However, Director of Accounting Affair believed that implementation of institutional theory was not important in the accounting system, and environmental accounting could not be integrated in the accounting system. In the interpretation of the Stakeholder theory, the interest of two important stakeholders in the case (Director of Accounting Affair and Director of Environmental Affairs) was not satisfied equally. The Director of Environmental Affairs believed that accounting was deemed to play an important role generally in managements control of the organization; the role of accounting in the greening process was seen as being crucial for achieving some progress on strategic environmental goals. ( Larrinaga-Gonealel, Bebbington, p.278). Despite the argument presented by the Director of Environmental Affairs, the issues were not totally being accepted by Director of Accounting affair. The ASES could not integrate environment accounting in accounting system because of the different method the two stakeholders in the organisation interpreted the norm and belief of ASES with relation to environment. Conclusion The paper provides the institutional theory and stakeholder theory to discuss the conflict of interest that have emanated within ASES organisation. As being discussed by institutional theory, the rules and norm of organisation with relation to environment was being followed by ASES organisation in order to achieve organisational changes. Nevertheless, there was divergence of interest in integration of environment accounting in the accounting system. Typically, the ASES found it difficult to satisfy the all the stakeholders as being indicated by stakeholder theory with relation to integration of environment accounting in the accounting system. PART B Introduction In the management accounting practice, there are unique methodologies and theoretical perspectives that could be employed to gather empirical data in order to address a problem. This part B of this paper examines the paradigms in the Organisational context of management accounting. There are several methodological assumptions in the Organisational context of management accounting. This paper presents four of them. Methodological Assumption in Organisational context of management accounting These methodological assumptions are as follows: Positivistic paradigm: In the positivist paradigm, the object of study is independent of researchers; knowledge is discovered and verified through direct observations or measurements of phenomena; facts are established by taking apart in phenomenon to examine its component.(Krauss, 2005, p.759). The management accounting employs positivistic paradigm as a concrete structure, which include the objective reality and knowledge gain from data. These information processors are employed to achieve organisational efficiency and the goals of an organisation. Typically, the management accounting employs the positivistic paradigm to achieve efficient low cost and efficient operations. The positivistic approach employs key variables to retrieve meaning through the interpretation of ex post fact. Qualitative Research paradigm: The qualitative paradigms approach employs the process of conducting research through personal subjective approach where the research instrument employed is unstructured interview. Essentially, the Qualitative Research paradigm employs combination of case study, interview, observation and participation to gain insight into phenomenon. However, the qualitative paradigms are incapable of understanding the subjective experience. Quantitative Research paradigm: The quantitative paradigm employed the research instrument such as survey and questionnaires to collect data as well as using statistical techniques to explain and predicts relationship in management accounting. The quantitative paradigm argued that to studying phenomenon, there is need to employ objective approach that is independent of individual thought and individual perception. Hermeneutic paradigm: The Hermeneutic paradigm explains that human experience is a tool in studying the phenomenon. The use of imaginative variation helps in illuminating research during data analysis, and this helps in interpreting and understands the outcomes of the empirical study. In the accounting context, hermeneutic approach employs individual judgment to understand the social world. In the implementation of organisation research, hermeneutic paradigm provides the framework to understand text and the decision making process. Typically, the use of hermeneutic approach is to employ the combination of variety of data, and personal experience and judgement to gain insight into the phenomenon. (Kosmala,2005, Williams, 1998, Neill, 2006). The theory is very important when studying accounting. The next section provides the importance of theoretical lens in accounting. The importance of theoretical lens when studying accounting. In accounting, there are different perspectives on the importance of theoretical lens. Irvine and Deo (2006) pointed out that the use of theory was very important when accounting researcher is employing qualitative techniques to compile data. The theory provides the method of interpreting qualitative data. Likewise, sociology discipline that employs social phenomenon to interpret data, accounting has also employed the use of social context in accounting practice. Several accounting research employed the use of qualitative method to interpret data, and to make qualitative technique in accounting to be more credible, the importance of social theory has been proposed into the qualitative technique. The importance of social theory in the qualitative research is that an accounting student will be able to interpret data through subjective lens, and this helps in explaining the method the accounting and society are interwoven. (Irvine, Deo, 2006). However, some group of researchers believed that social theory is insufficient in explaining the important of theory in accounting, and the importance of theory in accounting depends on the level a researcher view the world. (Tomkins, and Groves,1983). Thus, the accounting theory has been proposed. The importance of accounting theory is seen to systematically create new knowledge by which the general framework of accounting practice could be guided. In addition, the accounting theory provides the rules and practice on the method to record and report issues. Typically, accounting theory make use of accounting concepts, accounting principles, and accounting techniques to identify, measure and communicate economic information in order to make informed decision in accounting practice. The accounting theory helps to interpret message in preparing the financial report, and this could enhance decision-making. (Victoria University, 2008). Despite the importance of accounting theory in studying accounting, there is criticism that revealed that accounting theory is too general and there is inconsistence in the practice of accounting theory. However, Cohen and Holder-Webb (2006) proposed the agency theory to overcome the shortcomings of other theories. The author argued that the agency theory is the most popular theory in accounting research. The importance of agency theory is that students will be able to understand its basic proposition. The analysis of agency theory reveals the separation of ownership and control, and the agency theory teaches accounting students the method of dealing with the real world. It is essential to realise that agency theory relates with economic theories that deal with transaction cost economics that has been mostly employed in accounting study. Thus, agency theory helps managers to make rational decision when the issues of contract and opportunism arise. Typically, many of the students studying accounting will be involved in drafting contract and accounting document when their organisations intend to enter into contract agreements with other firms. The importance of Agency theory will equip students with issues relating to contract agreement between firms. Conclusion This part examines the different paradigms employed when study accounting. The paper revealed that Positivistic paradigm, qualitative Research paradigms, quantitative Research paradigms, and Hermeneutic paradigm are very useful in organisational context in management accounting. Although all of these paradigms may have their shortcomings however, each of the paradigms is useful in studying organisational context in management accounting. The paper also provides the importance of theory in studying accounting. From the discussion of the paper, it is revealed that theory is a centrepiece by which accounting study could be applicable to the social and practical phenomenon. Although, the paper identifies social theory, accounting theory and agency theory as important when studying accounting, however, the paper argues that agency theory is more applicable to accounting based on the method the agency theory makes accounting students to understand the real world.
Thoreaus Message in Walden Essay example -- Thoreau Walden Essays Phi
Thoreau's Message in Walden  In Walden, Henry D. Thoreau presented a radical and controversial perspective on society that was far beyond its time. In a period where growth both economically and territorially was seen as necessary for the development of a premature country, Thoreau felt the opposite. Thoreau was a man in search of growth within himself and was not concerned with outward improvements in him or society. In the chapter entitled "economy," he argued that people were too occupied with work to truly appreciate what life has to offer. He felt the root of this obsession with work was created through the misconstrued perception that material needs were a necessity, rather than a hindrance to true happiness and the full enjoyment of life. He felt that outside improvement can't bring inner peace and also working took all their available time. That is why he disapproved the idea of Industrial revolution as it provided work for the people. Walden was written at the time of the Industrial revolution. The Industrial revolution created enormous opportunities for the people. Everyone had his or her own work, doing the exact same things day in and day out. As Thoreau stated, "He has no time to be anything but a machine"(3). He argued that excess possessions not only required excess labor to purchase them but also disturbed the people spiritually with worry and constraint. As people supposed that they need to own things, this need forces them to devote all their time to labor, and the result is the loss of touch with their inner selves and also nature. He believed that people did not know the true meaning of life. That was why Thoreau voluntarily went to live in Walden Pond for two years. He discovere... ...ole concept of work, for it not only separated man from nature but also destroyed it. For instance, trains needed railroads to function. Trees were needed for the foundation of the tracks. Therefore, the cost of building these railroads and other technological improvements was the destruction of nature. Throughout the reading, it is evident that Thoreau is trying to portray to us that man is one with nature and that nature is the universal provider. However, at times he does seem to contradict himself, when he himself states that he gains satisfaction from working with his beans. All said and done, Thoreau still believed that people could do without excessive worldly possessions and just rely on nature.  Work Cited: Thoreau, Henry David. Walden. Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Fourth Edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 1995.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
Elaine Tyler May’s Homeward Bound addresses two ideologies that ran rampant during the 50s, just after the conclusion of World War II. These Ideologies were anti- communism and suburban domesticity, both of which were sought to be resolved by the Americans through marriage and parenthood in a suitable and stable household. May discovers that domestic revival was key in addressing the ‘cold war ideology’; her book seeks to discover why post war Americans looked unto household stability as a means of solving the threat of communism at the time. It was, as she describes; â€Å"postwar Americans' intense need to feel liberated from the past and secure in the future." She believes that â€Å"Domestic containment†originated from the 30s and 40s, where people started to view the family structure in two different ways, â€Å"one with two breadwinners who shared tasks and the other with spouses whose roles were sharply differentiated." Society at the time chose the latter. Things like new deal programs aimed to improve employment opportunities for men. The American dream was at this time available to whit...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Great Gatsby Essay :: essays research papers
The Great Gatsby Essay      In The Great Gatsby, there are three illicit relationships: Gatsby and Daisy, Nick and Jordan, and Tom and Myrtle. In some ways they are similar, and in some ways each is unique. In this essay, I will compare and examine each of the couples, and try to give some insight as to why none of the relationships worked out.      The relationship between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan was probably the most one sided. The entire time they were apart, all Gatsby did was try to reach his goal, which was Daisy. When you think about somebody but don’t talk to them for a long time, you can build them up to be this perfect person. So when Gatsby and Daisy talked for the first time in years, it was almost like he was talking to a famous movie star. Daisy didn’t feel that way. She used to love him, but not anymore.      Also, if Gatsby and Daisy met under other circumstances, such as each of them having no money and Daisy not being married, their relationship may have worked out. But because of the circumstances, their relationship was doomed to fail.      Of all of the relationships, I think that the most honest was between Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker. This is ironic because it was Jordan’s compulsive dishonesty that ruined the relationship. They weren’t secretly seeing each other behind other people’s backs, they weren’t unfaithful to each other, and they both cared for each other. Nick saw Jordan’s dishonesty as a major flaw in her personality, and he didn’t think she was worth it.      Out of all of the relationships, Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson’s was the most the most superficial. Neither had true feelings for the other, they were just there to amuse themselves.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Rising Fuel Cost in the Airline Industry
Running Head: Rising Fuel Costs and the Airline Industry Rising Fuel Costs and the Airline Industry Of all the changes that we have seen in the economy, fuel has to be at the top of the list as an item whose pricing affects more than just the price we see at the pump. In addition to increased prices at the gas pump, we have also seen products, services, and virtually every item sold increase due to the high cost of fuel. Although fuel prices have dropped today versus what they were in the third and fourth quarter of 2008, businesses had to make quick decisions as to how they were going to handle the rising cost so that they could still return a profit. One of the industries that the increasing price of fuel has made a large impact on is the airline industry. Four of the top airlines: Southwest, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and United Airlines have all had to institute changes within their organization to minimize the impact of rising fuel costs on their bottom line. Southwest Airlines Last summer, when the price of crude oil increased at an astronomical rate, Southwest Airlines was praised as the airline that would make it through the crises. For years, Southwest used fuel hedging to keep their costs down (Reed, 2008). Fuel hedging consists of a future contract, and in this case, means that Southwest agrees today to pay a certain price per gallon for fuel in the future (Reed, 2008). When barrels of oil began increasing, Southwest was basically â€Å"locked-in†with their fuel pricing. That meant that they did not have the same sense of urgency that other airlines had at that moment in time. Southwest could still charge the same low rates, and not have to plan on making any drastic changes. Southwest began fuel hedging over 14 years ago (Reed, 2008), and was profitable by doing so. The executives of the company at that time developed a strategy many years ago that had paid off for them for quite some time. However, by the end of 2008, when crude oil began dropping, Southwest was at the other end of the spectrum. They were now paying more for fuel than the current price of fuel. This caused Southwest, for the first time in 17 years, to post a loss for the quarter (Fuel contracts 2008). However, Southwest still did not start charging customers for additional items as other airlines began doing. Currently, on their website, they still boast â€Å"Low Fares†¦no hidden fees†(Southwest, 2009). Instead, Southwest opted to make other changes to their organization. These changes went into effect before the oil prices starting dropping. Southwest decided to hedge only 10% of their fuel, in contrast to hedging approximately 75% of their fuel (Cochran, 2009). Although touted as some that Southwest knows what they are doing (Cochran, 2009), it must also be noted that Herb Keller, the former CEO of Southwest, retired last summer. It is difficult to determine at this point if Southwest is as creative, and that is the reason they have dropped their fuel hedging, or if the new leadership is reluctant to take the risks that the former CEO was willing to take and institute into the corporation. It is also difficult to determine if the new CEO is possibly at the eighth stage of Kotter’s model, and trying to anchor new approaches to the Southwest culture (Kotter, 1996). Only time will tell if the CEO’s new approaches will be successful. American Airlines When oil price increased sharply in the summer of 2008, American Airlines was the first major airline to start charging for the first piece of baggage (Johnsson, 2009). According to American Airlines CEO Gerard Arpey (2008), â€Å"Our company and industry simply cannot afford to sit by hoping for industry and market conditions to improve†(Maynard, 2008). Because American was the first to institute these fees, some saw the move as something that could backfire on American, and called the move â€Å"stupid†(Maynard 2008). However, within weeks after American started charging fees, many other airlines followed suit. As of today, although fuel costs have dropped, the baggage fees are still in effect at both American and other major airlines. American Airlines, during this volatile time, took a risk and instituted a non-traditional idea (Kotter, 1996). This move increased their baggage revenue by $94. 1 million dollars in the quarter that they began charging fees. In addition to baggage fees, American also made additional changes in their business. From mid April to mid May in 2008, American Airlines raised their fare rates 14 times to offset the higher costs they were encountering Maynard, 2008). Announcements were also made that additional efforts to reduce losses, such as cutting approximately 300 flights, and retiring approximately 75 aircraft were also taking place (Maynard, 2008). However, despite all of these changes, and generating additional revenue, American Airlines still posted a loss of $341 Million in the last quarter of 2008, and lost another $375 Million in the first quarter of 200 9 (Bigger Q1 loss, 2009). Although the loss was large, it was still better than analysts expected (Bigger Q1 loss, 2009). However, no company can continue posting losses without a major overhaul of change occurring. Although American Airlines appears to be the airline that steps out of their comfort zone and makes changes, they still are not making money. Businesses simply cannot afford to stay in business if they do not make money; therefore, it is important the American Airlines move up their somewhat complacency level, move out of their comfort zone, and arrive at a plan that will boost their bottom line to a profit. Delta Airlines Last year, when oil prices jumped, Delta did not begin charging fees for the first bag. However, they allowed a passenger’s first bag at no charge, but charged fifty (50) dollars each way for the second bag checked. This double in price (from the original $25), along with higher fees for the third, fourth, and up pieces of luggage was a move to help defray the fuel costs (Delta doubles, 2008). In addition, another move made by Delta to help defray the fuel costs was charging Sky Miles or World Perks fliers a $25 to $100 fuel surcharge (Delta doubles, 2008). With fuel costs still increasing, Delta felt that they still had to make additional changes to cover the rising costs. Their fare increase had not been successful because it prevented them from staying competitive (Airlines upping fees, 2008) in the market. Therefore, Delta decided instead to charge frequent fliers, in addition to the $25 phone reservation fee, another $25 fee if the flight included another airline partner (Airlines upping fees, 2008). At this time, Delta also increased their charges for pets, oversized baggage fees, and unaccompanied minor fees (Airlines upping fees, 2008). Delta also announced last year that in 2009 they would reduce capacity six to eight percent, and ask for voluntary job cuts (Trubey, 2008). The interesting information concerning Delta was the fact that after they purchased Northwest Airlines, they lowered or dropped some of their fees. Reservations made over the phone fees was lowered, and curb side administrative fees were dropped (Delta to charge, 2008). Delta Airlines is optimistic that the merger of Delta and Northwest, along with decreased fuel costs, will allow them to post a profit in 2009. Although Delta did not jump on the bandwagon initially with baggage fees, they did change their business plan very quickly in March 2008 (Grantham, 2008). They did not wait around to see what would happen, and quickly arrived at a plan as to how they were going to handle the increase in fuel costs. Delta raised their fares, and also cut unprofitable flights from their schedules. Early in 2008, when fuel prices began increasing, the CEO of Delta remarked that Delta needed â€Å"to ramp up changes to its operations to deal with rising costs (Grantham, 2008)†. The CEO seemed to understand the urgency of the situation, and also had the power, as the CEO, to make those changes. The CEO also announced that they (Delta) would share with the employees the changes that the company was going to make, and how they would make them without the sacrifice of the employees (Grantham, 2008). This move, in my opinion, showed that the CEO had a process for change, and was communicating this to the employees. With the price of fuel increasing so rapidly, it is apparent that most likely employees were nervous about losing their jobs. By the CEO communicating the vision of the change to the employees, it most likely kept the rumor mill down, and got employees to focus on the change itself, instead of unfounded fears. Another move made by Delta to decrease their fuel cost was slowing the flight speed of planes approximately twenty (20) miles per hour. On a flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta, this would add an additional 6 minutes to the flying time. This small difference would not be noticeable to the customer, but would save gallons of fuel, which in turn would save thousands of dollars. Delta also replaced seats and carts with lighter equipment, and was also studying the concept of replacing manuals by electronic means (Chapman, 2008). Over 1. million gallons of fuel per year has been estimated to be saved by making these changes (Chapman, 2008). Delta appears to be very proactive on all of their changes that need to take place within their organization in order to turn a profit. United Airlines When the price of fuel increased last year, United Airlines made their changes in another form. United decided to lay off employees in an effort to maximize the profits on their bottom line. In June 2008 , United announced that it would lay off approximately 1500 employees, remove 100 airplanes from their fleet, and also eliminated one of their divisions (United Airlines, 2008). 00 of the 1500 employees were offered voluntary retirement packages, and certain contingencies must have been met for an employee to be eligible (United Airlines, 2008). This layoff was simply the â€Å"first†of layoffs, as by the end of 2008, United had laid off 2500, or approximately 30% of their employees (United Airlines posts, 2009). After posting a loss in the fourth quarter of 2008, United announced another layoff of approximately 1000 employees by the end of 2009 (United Airlines posts, 2009). This layoff was attributed to the corporation fuel-hedging in 2008 (United Airlines posts, 2009). United made a gamble that fuel would continue to rise, and when fuel prices dropped, they were locked in at higher rates. (United Airlines posts, 2009). This fuel hedging strategy actually backfired on the company, as when fuel prices dropped, the company was paying higher prices. Fuel hedging almost appears to be a gamble that a corporation is taking, and with the price of oil jumping back and forth so rapidly, it is difficult to understand the company’s objective hedging. It is almost as if they copied Southwest’s process, yet it backfired on them. United also jumped on the bandwagon and began charging for the first piece of luggage in September 2008 and also increased the price of the second piece of luggage from $25 to $50 (United Airlines raises fee, 2008). Although this scenario may not be accurate, it is almost as if United Airlines has a hard time going through their own processes and create any kind of plan or urgency levels, and relies on other companies changes to help them get through their own problems. Although United appeared to follow lead in 2008, they have just announced a new â€Å"fat fee†for overweight passengers (Passengers requiring, n. . ). Perhaps the most humorous part about this is that even on United’s website they have stated that this policy was implemented to â€Å"align themselves with other major airlines seating policies (Passengers requiring, n. d. )†. Conclusion When fuel made its dramatic jump in 2008, many of the airlines scrambled to come up with a plan to help offset t he increase. It appears that all were not successful, as in 2009, many are still operating at a loss, and still trying to make changes to their operations. Southwest appears to lead the pack with making the most significant successful changes. Although Southwest did lose money for the first time, they attributed their loss to the fuel hedging. As mentioned earlier, organizations can not continue to lose money, and if the airline industry does not devise a plan with significant changes, and successfully implement these changes, we may either see a bail out from the government, or see airline after airline file for bankruptcy. Perhaps the other major airlines should take a closer look at Southwest’s eagerness to make and implement changes into their company, and apply that to their own organization. Works Cited Chapman, Mary (2008, June 11). To save fuel, airlines find no speck too small. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from The New York Times Web site: http://www. nytimes. com/2008/06/11/business/11air. html? _r=1 Cochran, Jason (2009, Jan 5). Southwest Airlines: Straightening up and flying right. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from Wallet Pop Web site: http://www. walletpop. com/blog/2009/01/05/southwest-airlines-straightening-up-and-flying-right? icid=sphere_blogsmith_inpage_bloggingstocks Grantham, Russell (2008, March 14). Delta to make changes in response to rising fuel costs. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from AJC Web site: http://www. ajc. com/business/content/business/delta/stories/2008/03/14/delta_0315. html Johnsson, J (2009, March 2). U. S. airlines losing less luggage. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from Chicago Tribune Web site: http://archives. chicagotribune. com/2009/mar/02/travel/chi-mon-lost-baggage-uaua-amr-mar02 Maxon, Terry (2008. 12,28). Southwest Airlines adjusts fuel-hedging strategy. Dallas Morning News, Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http://www. dallasnews. om/sharedcontent/dws/bus/industries/airlines/stories/122408dnbusssouthwest. 399369b. html (n. d. ) Passengers requiring extra space. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from United Airlines Web site: http://www. united. com/page/article/0,6722,52985,00. html Reed, Dan (2008, July 24). Can fuel hedging keep Southwest in the money. USA Today, Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http://www. usatoday. com/money/industries/travel/2008-07-23-southwest-jet-f uel_N. htm Reed, Dan (2008, May 21). American Airlines to cut about 300 flights. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from USA Today Web site: http://www. satoday. com/travel/flights/2008-05-21-american-airlines-capacity-cuts_N. htm Trubey, J. S (2008, December 9). Delta president: carrier to turn profit in '09. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from The Business Review Web site: http://albany. bizjournals. com/albany/stories/2008/12/08/daily19. html (2008, April 2). Airlines upping fees to follow fuel costs. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from CBS News Web site: http://www. cbsnews. com/stories/2008/04/02/travel/main3988490. shtml (2009, April 20). Bigger Q1 loss for American Airlines but still better than expected. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from Travel blackboard Web site: http://www. etravelblackboard. com/showarticle. asp? id=91065=130 (2008, June 9). United Airlines, Continental Airlines cutting jobs due to ATF price increase. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from DWS Aviation Web site: http://www. dancewithshadows. com/aviation/united-airlines-continental-airlines-cutting-jobs-due-to-atf-price-rise/ (2008, July 30). Delta doubles luggage fee. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from The Seattle Times Web site: http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/businesstechnology/2008080585_deltafees
Friday, August 16, 2019
Meaning of life †Existentialism Essay
? Throughout the story, Grendel is trying to find the meaning of life. He is trying to understand the purpose of living, and was looking for something to steer him in the right direction. In Chapter five, when Grendel finally meets the dragon, he finally believes that he has found the meaning of life. Grendel begins his life by being an existentialist. He was basically alone when he was young, and was left to figure out the world around him with no help. It was confusing to him, and that is how he developed the idea of existentialism. He believed that he alone existed. Existentialism stresses freedom of choice, and he had the power to do whatever he wanted to do, so it made sense. He eventually realizes that he does not control the world when he says, â€Å"I think, trying to suck in breath, and all that I do not see is useless, void. (Pg. 29)†After coming to this realization, Grendel looks for a different meaning to life. He then listens to the Shaper, who tells lies to make the Danes feel better about themselves and have a meaning to life. As much as he wants to believe the Shaper and live his life according to what he says, Grendel felt too ashamed believing in lies to do so. He decided that he would rather be an outcast if that was what it took to find the truth. He believed that he had found truth after talking to the dragon. The dragon is a nihilist. He sees no purpose in life. He claims to know everything, â€Å"the beginning, the present, and the end. (Pg. 62)†His basis behind nihilism is that everything eventually comes to an end, even himself. He thinks that there is no point in trying to better mankind because in the end it won’t matter. In the dragon’s mind, we are all fighting a lost cause, and there so there is no point in trying. He puts down humans, and especially the Shaper. He says that the shaper is just giving the Danes an illusion, and does not know any more than they do. The only important thing for the dragon is finding gold. The dragon tells all of this to Grendel, who is at first skeptical of what he is hearing. He began to take the dragon more seriously when the dragon says that humans needed him in order to think and scheme and that Grendel caused humans to have science and religion. This gave Grendel the identity that he had been looking for: â€Å"I was Grendel, Ruiner of Meadhalls, Wrecker of Kings. (Pg. 80)†Grendel became on board with nihilism. He now became â€Å"enraged†when he heard the Shaper tell his lies and felt like he was giving the Danes a purpose when he killed them, which only caused him to kill more. Grendel thought that he had found his purpose in life, although it ended up leading to his death. His belief in nihilism made him not stop killing, and also believe that he was important to the Danes. He believed that him killing Beowulf would be good for the Danes, and that is why he tried to kill him. Beowulf ended up killing Grendel. Had Grendel changed his views he would not have gotten killed by Beowulf and everyone would have been better off.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Adventure on an Island
‘’John and Alice, for your exemplary performance in your year-end examinations, we are going for a little family holiday. ’’ said James Brown, father of John and Alice Brown. ‘’Where? Where? ’’ asked the children excitedly. ‘’We’re going to a place that offers unlimited peace and quiet. That place is Bermuda. And while you’re there†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ James spoke at length about proper etiquette and how it would affect them. Although it was quite boring, it would have benefitted them if they had paid attention instead of playing rock-paper-scissors. On the ship en route to Bermuda, the children lived like there was no tomorrow. They piled food on their plates with a lot of everything they liked. Sure enough, they couldn’t finish it. So they quietly poured the remnants of their unfinished food overboard. As they did this, a snippet of their father’s speech came back to them. ‘’When there is a lot of food, take only a little. If it isn’t enough, go back and take some more. This is much better than taking a lot and then throwing it away just because you can’t finish it. ’ ‘’It’s not like we are going to do this for the rest of our lives,’’ reasoned the children. ‘’It’s only the first time. Dad doesn’t have to know. ’’ Sadly, this wasn’t the only misconduct the children committed. They also took things offered by polite stewards and stewardesses without saying thank you. Laden with food and drink, the chi ldren were too lazy to properly dispose of the plastic wrappers from their snacks. Instead, the two irresponsible children burned those wrappers. ‘’Don’t ever burn things, especially plastic. Plastic is extremely toxic. Whatever you do, don’t burn it. ’’ ’’We’re actually saving space and helping people,’’ thought the children. ‘’ Don’t they burn plastic in incinerators? If we don’t burn them, these plastic is going to end up in landfills, which take up a lot of space. Yes, we’re doing a good thing. ’’ And soon after doing this, the two children fell asleep. The two children soon woke up to terrible heat on the island. ‘’Hey! Why is the sun so hot all of a sudden? ’’, wondered the children. Being clever children, they had the answer in no time. ’’It’s global warming! ’’ said Alice. ’The ozone is thinning because people burn plastic and†¦.. ‘’ she stopped in mid-sentence. ’’Oh dear, we just did it on the ship! ’’ said John. ‘’Oh, never mind John. What’s done is done. Why don’t we explore the island? ’’ On their way, they saw a small lake full of dead fish. Curious, the two children decided to investigate. The pond was saturated with rubbish! It wasn’t only rubbish but with bits of rotten food. ‘’Look at the rubbish! Wasn’t that the fried chicken we couldn’t finish? And aren’t those the bits of salad? What have we done? ’’ Shortly after that, they saw some gulls. Instead of white and grey, the gulls were black and some kind of liquid dripped from them. As the children came closer for a better look, they saw that the patch of sea that the gulls have previously risen from had a thick layer of oil above it. It was the last straw for the two. ‘’Enough! We can’t take anymore! ’’ cried the children. ‘’From now on, we’ll follow our father’s advice and never be wasteful! ’’ And that was when they woke up. Still thinking the terrible discovery was true, the children ran to their parents, confessed and apologized to them. ’ What nonsense! ’’ said James Brown. ‘’We are still on the ship, not an island! You two must be having a bad dream. Something to do with your overeating, I shouldn’t wonder. But it was a very good thing you two summoned up the courage to own up. Remember your dream so that you will never go wrong. ’’ And s o the Brown siblings learnt their lesson and changed their mindset towards the environment once and for all. Mother Nature is not infinite, the children learnt. Although she may be all-powerful, she still needs help. Let us take good care of the environment.
Hammurabi’s Code
Danielle Raskin December 20, 2012 â€Å"If a man strikes the slave girl of a free man and causes her to lose the fruit of her womb, he shall pay two shekels of silver. †A non slave would be paid ten shekels of silver. Isn’t that unfair? Hammurabi was the king of Babylonia in the 18th century B. C. E. He is very important. He wrote one of the world’s oldest sets of laws, which now is studied by many people.I feel Hammurabi’s code is unjust because of its Property laws, Family laws, and Personal-Injury laws. I think the family laws in Hammurabi’s code are unjust. Law 148 states that, â€Å"If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the wife whom the disease has seized. She shall dwell in the house they have built together, and he shall maintain her as long as she lives. I think this law is unfair because a man shouldn’t leave his wife to die an d also marry another woman while the other is dying. I think the property laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. I find law 21 striking and unfair. â€Å"If a man has broken through the wall (to rob) a house, they shall put him to death and pierce him, or hang him in the hole in the wall which he has made. †I don’t agree with this law for two reasons. First, this punishment is way too harsh.If someone robs a house now, they wouldn’t be put to death; they would just be put in jail. My final reason is that I don’t think that the robber should be killed in the house that he robbed. I wouldn’t want anyone being hung or pierced in my house. I think the personal-injury laws in Hammurabi’s Code are unjust. Law 218 states, â€Å"If a surgeon has operated with a bronze lancet on a free man for a serious injury, and has caused his death,†¦ his hands shall be cut off. †This law doesn’t seem right.If a surgeon has operated and the person operated dies, I don’t think the surgeons hands should get cut off. Instead, the surgeon can be forced to take a break as a surgeon until he is ready to come back. In conclusion, most of Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From cutting people’s hands off to hanging and piercing them, these laws are very harsh. Hammurabi was a very strict ruler. I think Hammurabi’s Code is unjust. From the laws I have mentioned, what do you think? Is Hammurabi’s Code just or unjust?
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Biomedical And Biopsychosocial Models
Biomedical And Biopsychosocial Models Health may be defined as ‘the absence of disease and infirmary’ (Stroebe, 2000) or alternatively ‘not merely an absence of disease or infirmary but a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (World Health Organisation, 1948). One definition more elaborate than the other, the latter suggesting health is effected by other factors that cannot be physically measured. Since the start of evolution people have looked back to try to explain and understand the factors that influence human functions in relation to health and illness. Many theorists developed perspectives and models of health in order to show health professionals how to promote and improve health in society (Wade although evidence was limited it built the ground work for interesting studies that would link personality to disease (Morrisson & Bennett, 2006). Convincingly, today, it is thought two-thirds of our behaviour can be linked to our health (Morrisson & Bennet, 2006). The biopsychosoci al model is both objective and subjective in its application. With this, a humanistic approach can be taken and it is thought that behaviour disorders appear when self-actualisation is blocked. The dietitian using this model would look at a person’s lifestyle, and social and cultural factors that affect the individual’s health behaviour. Reasons behind this behaviour can be established and methods for changing it to improve health can be established.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Fast Food Nation Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Fast Food Nation - Annotated Bibliography Example The problem arises when the ‘consumed’ food is unhealthy for people. This is identified by Anup Shaha, in his article which is entitled "Effects of Consumerism," as he notes that "today’s commercial markets include a very wide variety of foods that are unhealthy, but attractively marketed to kids†(Shah). Thus, the popularity of fast food in a given society entails the prevalence of the habit of consumerism in that society. In this context, many of the reviewed articles about the issue of consumerism assert that advertising plays a big role in the popularity of a certain food diet in the society. Regarding the issue of fast food, children are the main audience to which fast food ads are directed in order to attract as many young people as possible to this kind of food. As noted by Sandra L. Calvert, in her article which is entitled "Children as Consumers: Advertising and Marketing," â€Å"because of age-based limits in children's ability to understand adver tiser intent, the Federal Communications Commission has placed safeguards into the television advertising marketplace to protect young child audiences" (Calvert). Similar arguments are made by Mary Story and Simone French, in their article which is entitled "Food Advertising and Marketing Directed at Children and Adolescents in the US," and Barbara Sweeny in her article which is entitled "Concerned about Marketing to Children?" Therefore, many of the reviewed articles raise the issue that consumerism is enhanced in a given society by the excessive use of ads that publicize about fast food.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Plasmid analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Plasmid analysis - Essay Example The blue plasmid DNA did not contain any of the restriction sites for Hind III or Sac I. Introduction Plasmids are the extra chromosomal DNA molecules which are mostly double –stranded, circular and covalently closed molecules, varying in size from 1 kb to 200 kb. (Sambrook and Russell 2001). They are found in many bacterial species. They replicate independently and use a variety of mechanisms to maintain their copy number. They contain the gene codes for the enzymes that are important for the bacterial hosts. The plasmids act as vectors in the molecular biology experiments. The vectors are the carrier DNA molecules into which the foreign gene of interest is inserted and expressed in the host. This DNA is now called recombinant DNA (Roberts and Murray 1976). This recombinant DNA is able to express the Foreign DNA in the bacteria. These vectors replicate inside the host cell along with the inserted DNA. These vectors are of two types: expression vectors (expression of the clone d gene to give the desired protein) and cloning vectors (produce millions of copies of cloned DNA) (Sambrook and Russell 2001). Restriction endonucleases are the enzymes that cut the DNA at the specific sequences. There are about 200 different restriction enzymes (Siwach and Singh 2007). ... The restriction mapping is used to identify the plasmids. The number of DNA fragments and the size of the DNA fragments depend upon the action of the restriction enzyme (Kruezer and Massey 2008). These DNA fragments thus obtained are separated using the Agarose gel electrophoresis. Restriction mapping consists of three important steps. They are restriction enzyme digestion, agarose gel preparation and sample loading (Kruezer and Massey 2008). Results and Discussion: The nutrient agar plate was inoculated with E.coli, and the antibiotic discs were placed in the four quadrants. Figure1: Antibiotic profile against tetracycline in E. coli DH5alphaE:: pMTL84445 After inoculation at 37 degree Celsius for overnight, it was observed that the antibiotic disc of tetracycline had a clear zone. This indicates that the E.coli culture is resistant to kanamycin, chloramphenicol and ampicillin. There is very little sensitive to tetracycline. Figure 2: Antibiotic resistance profiling: Table 1a : Anti biotic resistance profiling of kanamycin control Kanamycin control E. coli DS941::pRRK Antibiotic disc Zone diameter in mm Chloramphenicol 30 Kanamycin 0 Tetracyline 10 Ampicillin 0 E.coli DS941::pRRK bacteria was found to be very sensitive to Chlormaphenicol and comparatively sensitive for Tetracycline antibiotics. The bacteria showed resistance to kanamycin and Ampicillin. Table 1b : Antibiotic resistance profiling of chloramphenicol control Chloramphenicol control: E. coli DS941::pAV35 Antibiotic disc Zone diameter in mm Chloramphenicol 0 Kanamycin 27 Tetracyline 32 Ampicillin 0 E. coli DS941::pAV35 bacteria were found to be very sensitive to Kanamycin and Tetracycline and resistant to Chloramphenicol and Ampicillin.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Overview and analysis of the energy generation industry in Uk Essay
Overview and analysis of the energy generation industry in Uk - Essay Example .†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦3 GDP Contribution†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Employment creation...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦14 Investment..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦15 The effects of government sustainability targets on Ecotricity business plan†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦15 The UK Energy Generation Industry is one of the core industries in the United Kingdom’s economy, owing to the fact that the industry does not only power the whole nation, but also determines the rate of earnings that the other industrial sectors in the economy produces (Willems and Morbee, 2008:17). Energy is the backbone of the manufacturing, transport and commercial industries, such that without efficient energy supply for these sectors, the economy would virtually grind to halt. The UK Energy Generation Industry accounted for 51.8% of the total industrial investment in the United Kingdom in 2010 (DECC, 2013:2). This underlines its major contribution to both the stability and productivity of the economy, not only in its capacity to generate revenues for the economy, but also in supporting the rest of the industries in the economy to maximize their productivity. This report seeks to analyze the structure of the industry, with a view to evaluate the reasons for the structure and the strategic decisions that are influenced by the structure of the industry, as well as the possible future structure of the industry. The other subject of this report will be the analysis of the contribution of the UK energy generation industry to the economy, especially as related to the value added by the industry to the country. Finally, the report will also assess the effects of government sustainability targets on the business plan of Ecotricity, as one of the
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Are virtual organisations Multinational Enterprises (MNE) Assignment
Are virtual organisations Multinational Enterprises (MNE) - Assignment Example According to Preston (n.d), there are four key characteristics of virtual organizations as a process. Virtual organisations involve developing relationships with a wide range of partners each having a core competence that complements the others. It capitalises on the ability of telecommunications technology to overcome distance and time related problems. Furthermore, it involves trust between parties. Virtual organisations are also motivated by specific opportunities. As soon as these opportunities are exploited enterprises move on to form new partnerships and alliances. 2.0 Description of MNEs A multinational enterprise (MNE) or corporation (MNC) is an entity that operates in more than one tax jurisdiction whether as a single tax payer entity or as a group of such entities (Fernandez and Pope 2002). MNEs have their headquarters in one country (the parent/home country) and operate subsidiaries in several other countries known as host countries. There are a number of enterprises world wide that operate in this way. MNEs continue to grow and expand their operations because of WTO trade rules which facilitate globalisation as well as the growth of electronic commerce and information technology. Some MNEs have budgets that are larger than some countries and this indicates the extent of their power and influence as it relates to the setting of trade rules and regulations by international bodies. Multinational enterprises have many dimensions to them and can be viewed from several perspectives. These dimensions include and are not limited to management, ownership, strategy and structure. In terms of ownership, it may be argued that an enterprise is multinational if it is owned by nationals of more than one country. Companies that fit this particular criterion include Shell and Unilever which is owned by both British and Dutch interests. Many multinational enterprises do not meet this test as most of them originated in one country. In terms of the management criterion the managers are from different nationalities according to the countries in which they operate. However, as a starting point most multinational enterprises use persons from their home country to lead the management team in the initial stages of their operations in host countries. In terms of strategy, multinational enterprises seek to maximise their profits globally by entering new markets. The structure of these companies is such that the head office which is located in the home country controls the operations of the subsidiaries and assists in the direction and coordination of their activities. According to Moran (2007) MNE investments in the developing world occurs in four distinct forms. They are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in extractive industries, FDI in infrastructure, FDI in manufacturing and assembly, and FDI in services. However, multinationals operate in not just developing countries but also developed countries. In addition to FDIs they also provide licenses and mana gement agreements in the fast food and hotel sectors. Therefore, FDI and licensing are the two ways in which MNEs
Friday, August 9, 2019
Business Proposal for Proposed a New Product in the Market Named as Term Paper
Business Proposal for Proposed a New Product in the Market Named as TECTEL - Term Paper Example I-sensor (intruder sensor device) will run on a broad level of production. This will enable the creation of more industries to increase the knowledgeability of the product among its consumers in the market (Holtz, 1990, 57). The number of workers ought to be standardized in order to allow the creation of more products for sales. This will ensure that the I-sensor machine dominates the market for a long time, thus; more sales for the product. The market size should be able to participate rapidly with the existing market as well as large enough with an opportunity to establish them. Most markets investors, shareholders and senior managers are often skeptical to invest resources because, since the markets do not yet exist, the markets may be too small, or not exist at all. The team requirements for I-sensor will be should aim at working achieving the main objectives of the TECTEL Company. Therefore, there should be the inspiration team carries out activities that create an effective atm osphere amongst workforces. The group’s tasks can incorporate actions such as hosting servant lunches, planning association picnics, fundraising for poor workers, and fundraising for philanthropic causes. The safety and ecological group ensure the security of workforces in the workplace. The team takes the lead in security teaching and how to use the I-sensor, scheduled safety conferences, and the reviewing of maintenance, safety, and office union. The employee wellness team emphasizes on health and suitability for all employees (Holtz, 1990, 77). Culture and Communication Team works to describe and generate the defined company culture required for the accomplishment of your organization. According to Holtz, (1990, 102), the team also nurtures dual communication in your business to guarantee employee participation up to the chain of command. The team may champion the monthly bulletin, a weekly company appraise, quarterly employee gratification surveys, and an employee proposi tion process. Start several company teams, such as these, and support their triumph. Â
Media Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Media Literacy - Essay Example Greece’s economy suffered huge debts, subsequently making its budget inadequate to finance its operations. To solve the problem, Greece’s government applied a number of interventions, including a consideration to tax all the deposits in the country’s financial institutions. However, the most effective intervention of all the proposals made was the country’s financial bill out by different European countries and financial institutions. As the article reports, with the end of the financial crisis, Greece has the potential of going back to original status, or even better. Addressed audience in this artic le are the country’s policy makers, the government, especially in drafting the expenditure budgets, the investors (both operating or eyeing the country), multinational companies in the country or those hoping to take advantage of the end of the crisis and finally other countries that overspend in their budgets, relying heavily on borrowings. The signif icant information contained in this story is essential for the world, especially. As different countries develop their own policies, they are obliged to put into consideration the effects of economic recession. Additionally, countries strategically can plan on how to avoid a recession. If unavoidable, designing measures to avoid any country getting into the point Greece were in would help the country’s economy. Greece economy is a memorable event, not only in the European region but globally also, as no other country has ever gone through a debt crisis bill out. The media has covered the crisis since the start, progression to its present status. This is the biggest connection of the story to other stories related on the crisis. The story sensitizes the world on the best ways of financing an economy and the options available whenever faced by a crisis. Sources The article reports on the decisions arrived at after a meeting convened to strategize bon how to end the Greece finan cial crisis decided on a third bill out. The story quotes different government officials and foreign dignitaries present in the meeting. Particularly, the story quotes only four of the people in the meeting. The quoted individuals are the senior Finance Ministry official, a senior government official, Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras and a former government official (Bouras, Granitsas & Stevis, 2013). These individuals represent the political sector and the business community. Despite the meeting having taken place between various individuals, the story quotes just a few. Among people whose quoted should have significantly featured in the article are the European central bank officials, the international monetary fund officials and senior finance ministry officials. Logically, their view would have played a considerable role in this story. Evidence There are different sources of evidence used in the story. The authors draw part of the information from Greece’s budget and financial reports, for instance the 2013 budget. The country’s growth data also provides crucial evidence used in the story (Bouras, Granitsas & Stevis, 2013). The international monetary fund also indirectly provides evidence that backs assumptions in the story, especially on the amount of funds already injected in the economy and its impact in ending the crisis. Others, as sources are not clear come from the quoted individu
Thursday, August 8, 2019
I will add attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
I will add attachment - Essay Example 12). Their main crops cultivated in Mesoamerica encompassed corn, beans and pumpkins. Development of farming in the near East occurred amid Jericho in the dell of Jordan as well as in Mureybet, in the Euphrates. The populace in this region consumed seeds from wild grasses and also nurtured plants in regions convenient for harvesting. The area also generated the original tamed animals. They encompassed sheep, goats, boars as well as cattle. In the temperate Europe, the commonplace agricultural practices involved cultivation of wheat and oats as well as barley. The populace in this region also hunted animals such as deer, pigs and they also practiced fishing. Additionally, in the minority regions where wild resources were underutilized they collected wild grains, fruits. In the three regions, the shift to farming escalated innovations and inventions of novel cultivating equipments (Wells, p. 67). The Uluburun site describes a ship wreckage which occurred in the Late Bronze epoch, in the 1300s. The items inside the vessel vary from those originating from north European to those of African origin as well as from Mesopotamia. These items display ten varied cultures from these regions. The vessel was fifty feet long, and it was constructed with cedar in the archaic shell first custom. The artifacts in the vessel encompassed copper, gold objects, glass items, pottery objects from Cyprus, archaic weapons, ebony from Egypt amongst other valuable antiques. This discovery is crucial in discovering the intensity of trade during the Late Bronze epoch (Renà ©, p.60). The Vix Grave also describes the burial place for the Lady of Vix. It was constructed in approximately 500 BC. It had extremely expensive grave offerings. They entailed ornaments and the Vix Krater which is the most enormous metal item from antiquity. The jewellery encompassed fibulae, regularly embellished with amber amongst other ornaments. Glass
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