Friday, May 31, 2019
Hemmingway-hills Like White El Essay -- essays research papers
Writing styles changed drastically from the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. The nineteenth century had authorial intervention and authors wrote about things they had neer experienced, where as the twentieth century had a lot of hidden symbols and images and writings were more generally based on events in which the authors had been a part of. more people thought these &8220hard to understand writings would be a temporary phase of literature, but authors such as Ernest Hemingway wrote in such a branding way that this writing style has been a constant example of a powerful literary expression.Hemingway was one of the best users of symbols and images. In the story Hills identical White Elephants, he has hidden symbols behind almost everything in the story. The main symbol in this story is the abortion. This is known in the story as the &8220 simple operation. The whole story is about this couple that is considering an abortion. Each little part of the abortion is another symbol. T he &8220white elephants showed something they didn&8217t want, in this case the baby. Even the smallest things, uniform the alcohol, symbolized old ways (beer) and something new (Anes del Toro) in the two peoples relationship. This story also gives you images of the happenings going on in the story. &8220The station between two lines of rails gave you ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Lieutenant in Othello Essay -- Othello essays
The Lieutenant in Othello Iago, in the Bards tragedy Othello, detests in an irrational way the very soul of Cassio. Does Michael Cassio deserve the governorship of the island of Cyprus? What is his relationship with Bianca? Lets look at these and other questions relating to the lieutenant in this essay. David Bevington in William Shakespeare Four Tragedies concludes that it is the daily beauty in the flavour of the lieutenant which underlies the destructive behavior of the antagonist The daily beauty in Cassios life makes Iago feel ugly by comparison (5.1.19-20), engendering in Iago a profound sense of lack of worth from which he can temporarily find relief only by reducing Othello and others to his own miserable condition. He is adept at provoking self-hatred in others because he suffers from it himself. (223) Blanche Coles in Shakespeares Four Giants comments on the character of Cassio In a casual recitation of Othello, it may seem that the character of Cassio is not suff iciently well drawn, because, for reasons connected with his portrayal of Iago, Shakespeare delays the full characterization of Cassio until almost the end of the play. However, we have a deed of brief divine revelations of his personality that mark him distinctly in his genuine anxiety for Othellos safety, in his abstaining from taking part in the bold and suggestive comments of Iago to the both women as they wait for Othellos ship and, a little later, in his sincere regret about the loss of his reputation after he has partaken of the wine which Iago has forced upon him. (85-86) Cassio makes his first appearance in the play in Act 1 Scene 2, when he is conducting the official business of the... ... another emotional revelation for Michael Cassio. Finally, the ultimate emotional blow to the ex-officer comes when Othello stabs himself and dies This did I fear, but thought he had no weapon / For he was great of heart. As lord governor of the island of Cyprus now, Michael Cassio has hit of the censure of this hellish villain, / The time, the place, the torture. Lodovico appeals to Cassio to let his justice, not his mercy prevail O, enforce it WORKS CITED Bevington, David, ed. William Shakespeare Four Tragedies. New York Bantam Books, 1980. Coles, Blanche. Shakespeares Four Giants. Rindge, New Hampshire Richard metalworker Publisher, 1957. Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. http// No line nos.
Romanticism and Shelleys Ode to the West Wind Essay -- Ode West Wind
Romanticism and Shelleys Ode to the West Wind M.H. Abrams wrote, The Romantic period was eminently an shape up obsessed with fact of violent change (Revolution 659). And Percy Shelley is often thought of as the quintessential Romantic poet (Appelbaum x). The Ode to the West Wind expresses perfectly the aims and views of the Romantic period. Shelleys metrical composition expresses the yearning for Genius. In the Romantic era, it was common to associate genius with an attendant spirit or force of nature from which the genius came the Romantics perceived the artist as a vessel through which the genius flows. For instance, in A Defence of Poetry, Shelley says that poets are the hierophants of an unapprehended inspiration, the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present . . . (Defence 817) In Ode to the West Wind, Shelley implores the West Wind, a powerful force of nature that Shelley identifies with his rapidly-changing reality, to lift me as a wave, a l eaf, a cloud He also expresses his almost-melancholy wish that he could be as I were in my boyhood, and could be The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven (Ode 815) Ode to the West Wind invokes the attendant spirit from which Genius comes to grant Creativity also. If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear, he pleads, If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee (Ode 815). In the fifth section, he begs the West Wind (which he identifies with himself early in the section) to Scatter, as from an unextinguished hearth, Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind (Ode 815) Again, Shelley is asking the force that provides inspiration to act through him. Ode to the West Wind also expresses the hungering f... ...sires for the world, and believes could be possible. Shelleys poem is his attempt to let the West Wind work through him. Works Cited and Consulted Appelbaum, Stanley. Introduction to English Romantic Poetry An Anthology. Mineola, raw York Dover, 1996. iii-xii Percy Bysshe Shelley. No rton Anthology World Masterpieces, vividness Two. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York Norton, 1995. p. 811-812. Revolution and Romanticism in Europe and America. Norton Anthology World Masterpieces, Volume Two. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York Norton, 1995. p. 657-664. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. A Defence of Poetry. Norton Anthology World Masterpieces, Volume Two. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York Norton, 1995. p. 816-817 Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Ode to the West Wind. Norton Anthology World Masterpieces, Volume Two. Ed. Maynard Mack. New York Norton, 1995. p. 814-815.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Plato Essays -- essays research papers
Socrates sublime urban center is described through Plato in his work The Republic, some questions pondered through the text could be How is this an "ideal" city formed, and is judge in the city relative to that of the human soul? I believe Socrates found the true meaning of justice in the larger atmosphere of the city and applied that concept to the human soul. Socrates describes his idea of an "ideal city" as whizz that has all the necessary parts to function and to show that justice is rattling the conformity between the three stages of the city and soul in the human body. Plato introduces the idea of the happiness. Socrates says, "in establishing our city, we arent aiming to make any one group salient happy but to make the whole city so, as far as possible " (Plato 420b). I bind that in order to examine one thing that is difficult to comprehend, it is wise to look on a larger scale. In this case, Socrates had to examine the difference of a whole cit y and early(a) concepts of cities in order to determine justice in the world and inner soul. In order to develop the perfect city Socrates had to develop the other ideas that contribute to the "ideal city", the City of Need, and the City of Luxury in order to develop the Perfect City. I believe Socrates in-depth discovery process for the perfect city is a great philosophical look into the idea of justice. Socrates brought up a subject many men at that time would never have thought around and Plato believed that the idea of justice was worthy of writing a literary work to pass his philosophy on to future generations. Since the crucial elements of justice may be easier to observe on the larger scale like a city than on one individual. The focus for Socrates is a perfect city, because the city will confront human soul, Socrates says "well go on to consider it in the individuals, considering the likeness of the bigger in the idea of the littler?"(Plato 369a). Platos & quotideal city" is really the search for the fairness of justice, if Socrates were able to find the relationship between the soul and city in his "ideal city" then he would have the true meaning of justice. We precept from the reading how he came about braking down the citys parts and also that of the soul in order to see the reaction between three different regions which Plato and Socrates descri... ...It is handsome if you are the upper class, but the guys at the bottom pauperization to achieve success and rise to the top. That is a reason for the American Revolution and all other revolutions that have spurred from the lower class. No one wants to be content with being at the bottom everyone wants to be at the top. Platos ideal city would work if pile were content with their god given positions. If there is harmony between the groups, then there is happiness, as we see in the soul and city throughout The Republic. However, in real life people find harmony with th emselves when they achieve their goals and live a good life. I agree with that philosophy because I also want to achieve more and I am happy when I achieve my goals. No one is truly happy though because people will evermore want more. I agree that Platos idea was great and a well-devised plan which provided the basis for many cities that have flourished in the past. However how could one totally agree with a proposal that is from so long ago, it is simply outdated in practice but not theory. We can still strive for inner harmony and harmony within a community and society but we must find that harmony through trials of our own.
Laissez-fair Economics :: essays research papers
The United States of America generally operates under an economic policy known as laissez exquisite (let volume do as they choose) economics. This type of economic system conquers nearly no governing body intervention beyond the minimum necessary to allow the free enterprise system to operate according to its own laws. Laissez fair holds the traditional American belief in individual rights and responsibilities that has led to the creation of the wealthiest nation in the history of the planet. We know this type of economic policy works because our expanse has prospered for so many years under its format. One portion of laissez fair economics that focuses on individual rights and responsibilities without government intervention pertains to owning a offstage business.The right for anyone to own and operate a private business in our country is the central idea to letting the people create their own wealth. New and upstart businesses have a chance to be successful because there is eer another place in the securities industry for new and innovative products. If you want to stick out rich you have to be inventive, produce a product that people can afford, and be better at serving customers to earn more capital. This all revolves around the individual and their responsibilities to make a better product to get ahead because if they relax someone else will swoop up their business and their money. People work harder, longer, and better if they are working for themselves or a private business rather than a communist government. Although the belief in individual rights and responsibilities is important there must be some kind of government intervention. The government helps regulate bad companies selling third rate products and helps protect the consumer from buying these products. The government also intervenes if a company has an unfair monopoly over the entire market to help promote smaller businesses to enter the market and have a chance to produce revenue. W e also know that if there is total government control condition the wealth of the individual suffers. Some of the poorest countries in the world rely on a Socialist government and lack economic growth and wealth.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
I woke up this morning thinking that it was just an ordinary day. I showered and got dress like I always do. I ate my usual bagel for breakfast. I got in my car and came to school like Ive done both day this year (or almost every day). I drove into the parking lot and straight to my spot, but when I got there it was already taken by another car. That is when I realized that this is not just any ordinary day. This is the day that we carry been looking forward to for so long. For the past four years, we have watched friends and siblings walk across this stage and wish that it was us. Well, now it is fin all toldy our turn. We, the Class of 2006, are graduating. We are leaving the school that we have loved and hated all at the same time, that has made us laugh and cry, yet all the while it...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Child Sex Abuse
Child Sexual abuse All my childhood lived a dual life-when I was being abuse, and the life when I wasnt. -Harris leery, an Indian subsister of child sexual abuse, who had a tremendously shocking childhood. Whenever I think about his suffering, my soul starts to tremble with nauseating. For about 11 years of his life, he used to get raped in the place, what we call home however For a 7 year old Harris, his home used to be worse than the sin whenever his soul used to be sucked by a Demented of his family.Its not only about Harris or Indian children all around the world children drive home been victimized by inhumane abusers. In JACK, 1 in 20 children have been sexually mistreat-NSP. 18,91 5. This humongous number is the number of children sexually abused in 2012/2013 in England and Wales imagine the number in the UK, Europe and the world. Think May be, the person sitting next to you might was, is or going to be sexually abused. You, your friend or your family member might be one of them. Is this the modern world the 21st century?I dont think so These children ar the future and our future seems to be blemishing because these buds are put to sleep before they emerge and blossom as flowers. Help Help The childrens soul screams but in the silence. Those little and pure minds are tortured, threatened and tormented till they give up. New research suggests children who are repeatedly abused, or are abused by a member of their immediate family, are at higher risk of attempting suicide in later life. Help these children. It feels nice.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Great Gatsby – Violent Situations
In F. Scott Fitzgeralds, The Great Gatsby, the violent situations that occur reveal the true personalities and feelings of many of the characters. To begin, Tom and Myrtle are discussing whether Myrtle has the office to mention Daisys name and Myrtle annoyingly repeated Daisy. This outraged Tom. Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open get hold of Then there were bloody towels upon the bath-room floor, and womens voices scolding, and high over the confusion a long broken wail of pain(41). Tom brings out the caliginous side of him.He demonstrates how ferocious and cruel he is by getting to the point of punching a woman. Tom clearly loses his temper easily and does not cut how to control himself. He gets outraged if others dont obey him which makes him controlling. He also shows that he has some respect for Daisy because he does not let the miss he uses for a sexual relationship, to say her name. Secondly, under stress, Daisy is driving at a fast sp eed when Myrtle jumps in front of the car, and Daisy hit her and took off. Daisy savagely kills Myrtle. Michaelis and this man reached her first, but when they had torn open her shirtwaist, still damp with perspiration, they adage that her left breast was swinging loose like a flap, and there was no need to listen for the heart beneath. The mouth was wide open and ripped at the corners, as though she had choked a little in giving up the tremendous vitality she had stored so long(145). Daisy seems like a sweet, innocent woman but she proves instead to be selfish. She commits such a nasty and brutal mistake that the right thing would be for her to take responsibility for it.She doesnt though, because shes careless and worries only about herself. At the same time, Myrtle demonstrates her rely for freedom and to be with Tom as she runs towards the car. She is obviously not happy with George Wilson. Lastly, George becomes so sure Gatsby killed his wife, Myrtle, that he shoots him and a fter shoots himself. It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilsons body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete(170). After George is told that Gatsby kills Myrtle, he becomes careless.He proves that he is very perfervid about his love for his wife, that when she dies he doesnt care for his own life any longer. He feels bitter and the need of revenge. His grief over-powers him. For Gatsby, this reveals his corruption. Since he dies in his pool, adjoin by his own blood, he dies like a criminal he dies like a criminal would die for corruption. In The Great Gatsby, the violent situations emit who and how the characters truly are. It is their actions that speak their words.
Friday, May 24, 2019
“Monsters†by Anna Quindlen Essay
SummaryMonsters by Anna Quindlen conveys through the extended metaphor, the simplistic nature of lifespan beginning with the intricate imagination during childhood which transcends into an individual coming to terms with reality as adulthood is embarked upon. The short story exemplifies the innocence of children who comprise of archaic and unripe knowledge, demanding answers from their parents to fill the gaps in their thoughts and outlook. However the author portrays the dramatic imagination of a child accentuating the naivety of untried, a symbol of childhood, which is pass on developed on processes of self-realization.The author entails this ideology by illustrating to the audience how she denies the fact that on that point are no monsters under her childs bed, and continues to explore through the textual matter the divergent metaphorical representations of monsters in our lives, which vary from major aspects such as creditors chasing an individual for money, or even someth ing as petty as the failure of teen love. The over-arching nonion is that some things need to be learnt on ones independence as the individual embarks on processes of self-realization, shaping their beliefs and attitudes.Writing Prompt Write an essay of 500-700 spoken communication in which you describe something you had to learn on your own, because it couldnt or shouldnt have been taught to you by somebody else. Explain why the situation had to occur that carriage and its significance in defining something about yourself.Though one can say that your personal and societal context can influence the person you gravel, there is always a phase in life, in which an individual embarks on processes of inner progression, enabling one to understand the true being they have become despite their surroundings. In this stance, righteousness in my personal context was a major component in life, as my parents had enforced it upon me at a young age, expecting me to adhere to the religion of their choice, Jainism. However, after my family had migrated from India to a foreign society, which comprised of beliefs that were predominantly embedded with Christian roots, there was complexities in theways I tried maneuvering my religious beliefs to conform to those of the Christian society. At first, it was an act of assimilation as I was embarrassed of Jainism and wanted to be like both other child in school, further encouraging me to neglect those religious values imposed by my parents, as I adopted the ways of the new religion at my interest. I did non want to be a Jain, but only a pure Christian.It was one darkness, which changed my life, and my outlook on religion. It was the time of Diwali a Jain festival, where all my family and friends had self-contained to celebrate the auspicious event. However, I refused to join with my ignorant and disrespectful attitude due to my belief of being a Christian. The ongoing celebrations, the youthful atmosphere, the joyful laughte r, the harmonized chanting and the colorful sights had enticed my attention towards the Jain proceedings. I began to wonder, am I obliged to Christianity or am I obliged to Jainism? That very same night after undertaking processes of critical thinking and self-realization, I realized I was never obliged to any religion, I am allowed to be a Jain and still enjoy Christian rituals, or I am allowed to be a Christian and enjoy Jain festivals. The very simplistic nature of religion is that, no one forces you to be part of a certain religion you can follow what you like at any point of your life.This opened my eyes, as religion, which had been a major component of life, suddenly was replaced with the notion of spirituality, which enabled me to connect with beings with similar interests around the sphere, without the need of following a religion. Indeed religion can be something that influences you based on your surroundings, however spirituality is a feeling and connection you develop wi th an object or a person who you may believe to be superior and satisfies your spiritual needs. It is a connection, which cannot be taught or influenced by anyone, because it is the bond you create with the inner centre of your mind and soul. Moreover, spirituality is not necessarily an object, it cannot be seen or touched, it is felt and embraced upon, and cannot be taught as it varies from person to person. It is embedded within a process of self-development, and spirituality seen by one person, but may not be seen by another.The situation had to occur this way due to the need of embarking on inner journeys in which would shape my identity and enable me to understand who I really was. The false assumptions I had about religion were cleared through this act and it opened up new pathways for me to continue my exploration in findings different beliefs, morals and culture that interests me. In relation to this, I as a person have changed from this experience, as I value every religion , respect every belief and enjoy the richness offered through the diversity of cultures evident in our world. Today, I am neither a Christian nor a Jain, but someone who follows the spiritualistic art of meditation, as this art form enables me to connect with superior beings beyond earth and my control. This process of self-realization has changed me into a compassionate and culturally encompassing person.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Adidas Csr
PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Corporate Social Responsibility CASE STUDY THE ADIDAS GROUP. SUPPLIER TRAINING PROGRAMMES 1. furnish the STO. ADIDAS Group is so well-known in the world that there is a huge pressure from stakeholders to ensure that all employees and their companies have the same ethics and working conditions, properly licensed and operating. To meet the demands of stakeholders, they want to educate the workers that are not from Germany to work as the Germans people works so that the brand does not lapse the identity.The training focuses on aspects such as improving human resources recognizers to educate and care for the environment, health and safety. Thanks to these programs, the ADIDAS Group commitment to the working conditions, the company has already been recognized internationally, as well as emends the well-being of current workers and educates them to properly use company resources. 2. Who are the 2 main stakeholders management is trying to conk with their CRS i nitiatives? What are the key programs being delivered to these stakeholders? The two main stakeholders are the workers and the community.The idea is to put the workers to be as efficient as possible, and, about the community, put them in programs which are also accessible to others even if they are not workers. For example in China, they managed to create a diploma for those who do this program. The five programs are ? middling factories Clearinghouse (2006) is an information platform that encourages members to share information and collaborate to increase productivity, leading to even greater ease in security and working conditions. Human Resources centering Systems (2006) they create this department to have a control over who is hired for the company.Each new employee must correspond to each parameter. It also serves to better manage employees careers and their pay, creating premiums and benefits. Better Work Program (2007) consists on training programs involving, among others, labor standards, workers rights, human resource management, supervisory skills, and occupational health and safety. Environment, health & Safety academy (2009) is to improve an existing health and safety training program in the supply chain and get the rate of senior high school skills officers up among the ancient officers.Occupational Health and Safety Officer Programs (2010) is a three-year program designed for the local Health and Safety officers across a range of management levels in accordance with exist skills and local requirements. 3. What are the short-term benefits of the programs? What are the long-term benefits of the programs? Thanks to these programs, ADIDAS group, in a short-term, has been able to focus on its supply chain proactively and make profound changes witch benefit the well-being of current suppliers employees as well as their financial bottom line.In a long-term, the programs allow for increasing employee and customer retentivity as well as a significan t increase in highlyskilled workers, thereby providing the ADIDAS group with increased productivity as well as high quality products. 4. What are some of the key challenges with the initiatives? What recommendations will you provide to management on how to address these challenges? These programs try to spread a professional trend concerned on the safety working conditions born in Europe.The key challenge ADIDAS Group can find on that is the different cultural basis of workers somewhat the world. As the main part of supply chain is located in Asia, this challenge become more relevant in terms of actually curt working conditions. As a manager, we would recommend taking into account the different trends and historical background when setting up these training programs. Despite all this, the cypher is to be always open, transparent and accountable when managing abroad, in order to satisfy stakeholders.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Component of Computer System Essay
Output devices Monitor printer, plotter and voice output device, Modem, Automotive navigation system, Projector. Peripheral device that converts machine-readable information into people-readable information. Processing devices CPU,Motherboard, Chipset, bus, RAM. reckoner hardware components process information within the computer system. Storage devices Hard disk drives andcompact diskdrives. Hardware components allow data to be stored within a computer system. Software components of a computer system have no physical presence they are stored in digital form within computer memory.System software system package is anoperating systemdesigned to operate and control thecomputer hardwareand to provide a platform for running application software. return software anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. Which helps to maintain and protect the computer system but does not directly interface with the hardware. practises software Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedi a Software, Database Software, and pictorial Software. Designed to allow the user of the system complete a specific task or set of tasks. Differenttypes of computer software.Programming software, system software and application software are the three main types of computer software used in computer networking. Programmers use the computer programing software to develop the programming languages necessary to run computer software. Compliers, interpreters, linkers and text editors are some of the basic tools used in programming software. System software offers a protective entertain to all software applications. It also provides support to the physical components of computers. System software Operating system software(windows, Linux, Mac) Utility programs (anti-virus software, firewalls, disk defragmenters. Library programs Translator software (Compiler, assembler, interpreter) Application software is used for commercial purpose. The application software is widely used in educa tional, business and medical fields. Industrial automation, databases, business software and medical software prove to be of great help in the respective fields. Web browsers, Office software, Games, Multimedia Software, Database Software, and Graphic Software. Application software General purpose application software. Special purpose application software. Bespoke application software
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Why is there unequal division of household labour in most of the society?
In this article, we address the division of workforceage beat back by examining its general situation and exploring antithetical blastes used by different sociologist to accounting system for it. The five approaches are namely exchange theory, resource theory, redness feminist theory, radical feminist theory and fond construction theory will be discussed. With the evidence of previous researches, the situation of division of plate prod is explored and evaluated in terms of its degree of grammatical gender inconsistency as manifested.In the second part, the situation is world accounted by those five approaches so as to determine whether the situation squirt be altered. Household elbow grease bottom of the inning be defined in a variety of ways, however, in this article, we acquire those employed by Shelton (1996), that is defined as unpaid break away through with(p) to maintain family member and/ or a home, which, emotion work and other invisible types of work are ty pically excluded.Meanwhile, it is a job described as monotonous, fragmented, with low status not being treated as a real work, bring no financial remuneration, isolated with inherent beat limits, and practically received no recognition Oakley (Morris 199081). Since mid 1960s, researches on comparing the division of folk tote between men and women has been mounting, it is not only due to the wide impact of household drudge on the family life of contemporary unite couple, but also due to its implication of gender equality in the conjunction to certain extend.In this article, we address this issue by examining its general situation and exploring different approaches used by different sociologist to account for it. Through this process, it is hoping to find off the most comprehensive approach so as to determine whether the situation keep be altered. A great amount of researches on the division of household labour have evidenced that women share the majority of the housework wi th especially the responsibility for regular, r come out of the closetine repetitive and childcare related housework. While for men, they are to a greater extent than likely to perform non-routine tasks.For instance, from Chus research on the household distribution between women and men in Hong Kong (1997) revealed that wife alone occupies the largest share in taking up the actual responsibility of all the regular housework such as foodstuff buying, meal making, dish washing and house cleaning. etc.. Whereas, husbands involvement is limited on those irregular tasks such as car washing, bill recording and maintaining and repairing household apparatus. He also find that more than one quarter of the 230 interviewed households rely totally on wives alone to do eight items of housework.One may doubt the situation in western countries. Would the westernized value system decrease the discrepancy in the household division of labour? This is clarified by numerous researches done in UK and US recently, which suggest that the traditional allocation of house servant work to the fair sex hold firm (Morris, 199086). Martin and Roberts echoed with the above conclusion by reporting that 73 percent of wives and 72 percent of husbands said that most of the wife did most or all of the housework.Though, the percent decrease when the wife is in employment, yet, majority said that wife did majority of the housework. Abbott & Wallace, 1997). From all these findings, we can conclude that the most notable trace of the current division of household labour is that whether employed or not, women continue to do the majority of housework. This pattern should never be ignored since as pointed out by several sociologists that the womens rare continuous full-magazine vocations or small labour- trade participation are greatly affected by their family responsibilities especially the existence of pendent children (Abbott & Wallace, 1997).The family responsibilities born by women despite t heir employment status create a dual office for them and the effects have been conceptualized by Morris in terms of role strain. She proposed that it is manifest as a wide, distracting and sometimes conflicting array of role obligations (199094) where the source of strain comes from the accumulation of roles and their contradictory, incompatible role expectations or from the competing demanding for time and attention.This result in overload of total demands on time and energy for women in general and may turn employment from a mean of whirl positive social and psychological rewards and a major contributing factor to womens increased liberation and independence (Pearson, 1990), to a stress for women. The tension for women between career and family is and then is due to the unequal household distribution in the family on one hand. The inequality in power, status and wealth between men and women on the other hand is another reflection from the household distribution.However, what co ntribute to this pattern of household labour division? In the following, we explore five approaches in history this situation and concluding if it is possible for the unequal situation to be altered. The five approaches are namely exchange theory, resource theory, Marxist feminist theory, radical feminist theory and social construction theory. Exchange theory with a view to examining family cohesion from the perspective of reciprocity and the exchange of rights and duties between husband and wife (Morris, 199082).It sees marital satisfaction such as companionship, empathy and affection was attained from the instrumental exchange between economic provision and domestic help labour from husband and wife respectively. From this approach, we can get inference that men spend more time in paid work while women spend more time in domestic work as they are naturally assigned to. Therefore, it fails to take account of differential power within sexual union and of social status outside the marriage. That is it cannot develop why there is such exchange pattern, why man as a breadwinner and women as a housekeeper?Resource theory, an alternative approach may stomach some explanation for it. It is proposed by Blood and Wolfe in 1959 (see Morris 1990) who applied the idea of differential image of valued resources and elaborated its application to the organization of household labour. This approach sees the division of housework as reflecting resources men and women bring to relationships. The possible critical resources proposed are the educational attainment, occupational prestige and the amount of earning from labour market.It formulated that the more powerful spouses do least household labour and that if the wife does most household labour it is because she wields least power. In other words, the individual with most resources can use those resources to negotiate his/her way out of housework (Brines 1993 quoted from Shelton & John 1996304). Thus this approach ass umes that housework is viewed negatively by both women and men and that they are therefore motivated to reduced their share of it.So, in this approach, division of household labour is actually an indicator of power and through which, we can understand the specific negotiations and decisions arrived at by individual couples in the organization of domestic life. Blood and Wolfe continue to argue that base on cross-cultural comparison, husbands relatively low contribution to domestic labour is not ideologically based but a result of rational resources distribution. In other words, the man has strength in the labour market and the women have time.Nonetheless, this approach have not addressed why men has more strength in the work field with higher(prenominal) educational attainment, higher earning and higher occupational prestige. According to above two approaches, division of household labour should be more equally shared with recent growth of married womens employment as well as the re lease of many men from the rigours the occupational system by unemployment, when, women are provided with chances to gain more resources and independence.Young and Willmott (1973 Quoted from Morris, 1990) proposed that the philia classes were at the forefront of a move towards symmetricality in marriage in which the role of husband and wife will become more identical. Wong stand in the same line with Young and Willmott stated that industrialization has substantially increased employment opportunities for women and as a result, has significantly advanced their position within the family. He observed that the wifes paid employment has contributed to much greater equality between spouses, in sharing of household duties and in decision-making (Leung, 1996).However, hitherto tasks of wage and earning and domestic labour are still largely segregated. Many researches can only give little evidence of male unemployment leading to major responsibility for domestic work, nor plain to their t aking an equal share. It is because most of the researches which asserted male have participated more in domestic labour are actually based on proportional sense but not absolute sense (Morris, 1990 Chu, 1997).In this sense, the proportion of mans contribution rises with the wifes employment is only due to her own household labour time falls rather than to his rise. This kind of cutting back or the kind of role expansion as mentioned above is not a real reappointment of household labour. The following three approaches can provide a more in depth explanation to account for such persistent pattern of unequal household division pattern between men and women. The emergence of capitalism with the related rise of mercantilism, industrialization, and a cash-based economy, eroded the position of women by shifting the centre of proceeds form the domestic until to the public workplace. This separation not only devalued womens labour in the home, but it also made women more economically pend ant on men (Tilly and Scott, 1978 quoted from Anderson, 1997). This view of devaluation in womens status is clearly linked to the raise of industrialization and capitalism.It is claimed that industrialization make the home became separated from the place of work and gradually women became associated with the domestic sphere, while men with public sphere, earning a wage and participating in politics. Then capitalist benefited from this segregation in domestic and earning labour as womens domestic labour reproduce the relations of production and also contributes to the maintenance of tolerable living standards for men and may reduce political obligate for radical change(Abbott & Wallace, 1997201).From this approach, the division of domestic labour is related to the sexual division of labour in paid employment and this is why Marxist feminists derived womens oppression from capitalism. It is this benefit for the capitalist help keeping the division of domestic labour in a way that tr apped women in the domestic sphere by decreasing women from opportunity of promotion and high earning.This view set out to analyze the situation not simply the relationship between domestic labour and the capitalist system, but also queries the nature of the relationship between paid worker and the domestic worker. Nonetheless, as Morris pointed out, once we take the feminine nature of the domestic role as our starting point then the focus of analysis need to be directed from an exploration of the relationship between capitalism, waged labour and domestic labour, to a focus on the nature of the male-female relationship (199083).This change of emphasis leads us to the post hold by radical feminist, which holds that the sources of womens oppression and domination at unpaid labourers is not capitalism but patriarchy that is a system of values that asserts and maintains mans dominant position in society (Morris, 199083). Abbott and Wallace also proposed that it is mens control over fina ncial resources that gives them power in marriage and makes it difficult for a wife to be independent from her husband. Radical feminist argue that patriarchy in the patriarchal mode of production existed long before the development of capitalism.Yet, the line between patriarchy and capitalism is ambiguous as they are both historically induced from industrialization, in which separation of paid and unpaid work, and development of the role of housewife is evoked. This in turn developed capitalism and patriarchy intertwiningly. The picture provided by capitalism and patriarchy for domestic labour distribution is not complete if we did not take social construction theory into account. It explain why the above two ideologies about the economic structure and men respectively can have a spiral effect in the society.Sociologists who regard gender as social construction (Fenstermaker et al, 1991, Lorber 1986 quoted from Shelton & John, 1996) argue that housework produces both household good s and services and gender. It is pointed out that womens time spent on housework and mens general scheme of it produce and transform gender. Therefore, researches find out that women and men may view their housework as expression of their gender and that womens attempt to think of housework as nurturance and love rather than work.This social construction of gender is a product out of the two ideologies as evidenced from institutional and normative forces and the cultural substance about the role of male and female. As mentioned before, capitalism and patriarchy exploited women by depriving them to get as much power and status as men. When this is general and progress to become a social norm which in turn rooted into peoples mind and constructed an ideology of gender, a vicious cycle may be resulted.For instance, they employers assume that motherhood is more central to womens lives than in career and the limited job opportunities and the low pay that the women receive may actually push them into marriage and motherhood. Women are then described to be trapped into the domestic sphere in an extreme sense as early socialization in the family, schooling, notification of womens role in mass media and the structure mode in society all promote the unbalance share of domestic household. This approach can account for findings about the conservative gender role held by most of women even nowadays.It is found that a few women believed their husband were not doing enough and majority did not expect their husbands to share household responsibilities equally (Yogev, 1981 quoted from Morris, 1990101). Undoubtedly, womens right and status are increasing with more voices against gender inequality. Yet, whether the trend of more and more obligation for a married women to became a working wife or working mother can attenuate the role specialization within the conjugal setting, depends much on the how they perceive housework and how they define fairness in the household.From t he five theories discussed above, we can concluded that household labour division is inevitably a manifestation of gender inequality, while exchange theory and resources theory explain the situation with the most salient phenomenon such as material and resources allocation between men and women, Marxist feminist theory, radical feminist theory and social construction theory use a relatively more thorough approach to account for it.Therefore, we can speculated that in order to breakthrough the long-drawn practice of unequal division of household labour, women should firstly be conscious that equal share of domestic household with men is a right that is reasonable for them to pursue and secondly she has to undergo the struggle induced from the rooted cultural predisposition on the role as being a women, that is a mother and a wife. Otherwise, the spiral effect caused by capitalism, patriarchy and social construction will resist the division of household labour to change.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Death at midnight by Donald A. Cabana Essay
Death at midnight is the story of Donald Cabana of his encounters while working in a prison c each(prenominal)ed Parchman Penitentiary which was located in Mississippi. When cabana first landed in Parchman, the prison was slightly human what with inmates being subjected to tasks such as planting cotton, vegetables and slaughtering the pigs and cows for their own consumption. On leaving Parchman a year later, Cabana returns as a warden only to go steady that it had been altered what with the crops now lacking and a new-made gas chamber put in place.We can tell that cabana is against the death penalty judging from his adamancy to work out the chamber for years. Moreover, we note Cabanas efforts to visit the men on death row. He observed that all these men had one thing in common a disadvantaged background. In his escapades, he cultivates a special friendship with one inmate named Connie Ray Evans whose crime was murdering a convenience store clerk. They struggle to form a strong b ond and through this, he is able to see just how humanist Connie is judging from how sorry he is for his crime.In one instance, Cabana says, Executions strip away the veneer or invigoration for both the warden and the prisoner. Connie Ray Evans and I transcended our environment, and the roles in which we had been cast. The two of us had somehow managed to become real flock to each other. There were no more titles or social barriers behind which either of us could hide. However, their junction is cut short when Connie is randomly chosen for execution by the state of Mississippi in a tide of anti-crime fervor. (Cabana A. , 1998) According to Cabana, death penalty is not the solution to getting rid of the roots of crime.He proposes first examining the causes and consequences of the protracted warfare that our system of justice fosters and then proceed thereof depending on whether we find it palatable or not, even in the face of bitter contrary experiences. He is of the belief tha t any human being has a spark somewhere hidden in him that will make it feasible for redemption and rehabilitation. (Cabana A. , 1998) Clearly, the aim of this take for is to oppose the death penalty and to show just how irrelevant it is in rooting out criminal behavior.The theme of friendship and disillusionment is well portrayed here. Cabana tries to demonstrate this utilise his relationship with Connie who he feels did not deserve to be executed. The authors style in this book is both narrative and analytical because as much as he narrates his encounters and experiences in prison, he is as well as quick to analyze and form an opinion regarding the justice system. References Cabana A. D. , (1998) Death at Midnight The Confession of an Executioner. City UPNE
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Debate
Catrin, a schoolgirl, 15 years of age enters.My mind notwithstanding gives me a headache Why cant life-time except be simple, with no worries, yeah, Im talking to you up there. You deal what Im saying Why cant you give me few thanks once in a while. Im still alive, I think I deserve about gratification for that, dont you think? Its really hard work living with that evil brother of mine and lay up with moms winging, but Im sure you know that, because your evermore watching over me, apparently. Dont you get bored up there watching everyone all day?(Sits down to think)I wonder what its like up there, you know, in heaven? I dont suppose Ill ever go there anyway, because Im a naughty girl, really. My mum has verbalise it so many times that Im starting to believe it Mind you Im not as naughty as my brother, my naughtiness is just fun and harmless, but Im sure that my brother has malice in his naughtiness He plays his shooting games on the computer as if he were actually enjoying blowing somebodys brains out Sick, really sick, I everlastingly annoy him by chanting, Youre a mental psychopathic murderer And then his eyes glow a fierce red and my legs start to quiver and my brain hurts because its ashamed of the mistake it has just done. My mum seems to always stop the fighting just before it gets vent she has this talent, after all thats what parents are for(Gets up and puts her manus on her head, moving po patternion every now and then)Oh, why does life have to be so unfair Why cant I win the lottery or become famous? I would perfectly love to be the next Faith Hill or the next Madonna, but theres no apprehend I suppose, after all Im hopeless I cant sing to save my life Im useless, lets face it brain. Im thought whether to sit (and be a swot) and work or sit and be a couch potato and watch telly all night? Such a hard decision, isnt it brain. What shall I do? My sense of right and wrong says Cats, sit and write with pride your English readiness While the devil inside me says Cats man, live life to the full, chill and relax in front of the box My head hurts and it feels as if its been torn in two, oh Chill, snuff it Chill, Work Oh god, help Ok, lets try a opposite approach. What would mum lack me to do? She would definitely compulsion me to do my homework she always says how important my education is, just because she wasted hers as a child. My reception to her is that you learn from your mistakes, and so if I make a mistake and waste my education, then Ill learn ingenious isnt it Well-done brain(Sits with legs crossed, leaning back on the chair)I wonder if other people sit and debate their lives with themselves like I do. Maybe Im the only one, I could be famous and I dont know it Imagine the headlines Girl debates with her own brain Wow, what a thought What was I thinking of before going off on some wild tangent? Ah, yes I remember, am I to do my homework or go and watch telly, I still havent decided I know, Ill try anoth er different approach, what would Grandma want me to do? Definitely, without a doubt she would want me to do my homework. Thats two against one, now Ok, what would my friends want me to do? They would say go and watch the telly, much more educational in their view. Now its all-square again, mum and grandma against my friends and me Oh, why cant life just be simple I know Ill just go to bed
How does Golding build up to the final emergence of the beast on the island? Essay
In this essay, I completelyow be c overing the element of the refreshed, Lord of the F inhabits, in which the wolf emerges and shells the spread of aversion amongst the group of sons.I will also explain how this has signifi fuckingce through issue the wise, how the previous unflurriedts design up to this moment, why William G overageing include this section, and his fenceing for writing the novel.The novel Lord of the Flies raises controversial issues of morality, basic homophile instinct and parliamentary law in general. William G obsolescenting, the author of Lord of the Flies, portrays very strong beliefs concerning the might for evil, inborn into every human being, and these beliefs atomic number 18 portrayed through bulge out the novel in the way that the intentional morality of elaboration and auberge gradually slip away from the group of boys, and they degenerate into nails, to lastly represent the savage on the island. This is what Golding believed was the potentiality for evil.He apprizeed that, once all learned morals of nine nurture slipped away, leaving only(prenominal) the raw nature which valet outset possessed, in that location is a space where civilisation physical exertiond to lie the efficiency for evil. He calls it this because he believed, that when all morals ar non-existent, and human beings control absolved themselves from indebtedness, in that respect is nonhing to prevent humans from committing evil industrial plant.Golding served as a naval absenticer during the war and through his experience, and through what he saw, he gradually learned that human nature was, perhaps, not as cultivated as he previously perceived. He was appalled by how throng were ready and willing to victimize their fellow men k immediatelying that that there would be no consequences and no reprimand for their actions the Nazi minginess camps, where Jews were exterminated like rats, the way that the Japanese mistreated th eir pris mavinrs, the mass bombing of civilians by Britain and America, and even many(a) of the actions that he himself carried out upon people who were not even responsible for the situation. People would do things that they would never bear contemplated, had the responsibility been theirs.People scarceified their actions by holding the belief that right was on their fount however, Golding in short began to question whether people actually believed this, or whether they were just fork outing to convince themselves that they were not doing wrong. He learned that without rules and setaries, all human nature could turn savage and unrepentant.In a psychological experiment carried out in America, to observe the limits of human nature, it emerged that, if people were absolved of all responsibility for their actions, and if the responsibility for their action land with somebody else, hence a person was capable of doing things to their fellow human beings that they wouldve previous ly never hire contemplated, had they been limited by the confinements of civilisation and the responsibilities of starticipation.This is sh induce in the book, by the boys capacity for evil rising in balance to the loss of moral confinements and civilisation. Throughout the novel, the evil on the island is represented by the idea of the beast which is lastly unleashed from within the boys, after all traces of the morals of civilisation corroborate vanished.Throughout the novel, Golding uses strong images and underlying implications to institute up to, and prepargon the reader for the moment that the beast emerges and causes the ultimate destruction of everything that represents civilisation on the island.The background signal for the novel is on a equatorial island, often associated with heaven. This is a parallel with R.M. Ballantynes Coral Island, where a group of boys atomic number 18 deserted on a desert island, and work to attainher to from a golf-club in which they mickle function. When reading Lord of the Flies the immediate images that are bewildered, are unitys of a tropical paradise, and the immediate conclusions drawn, are that the boys will be able to function correctly. However, in order to convey his wooden-headed concerns regarding human nature and the capacity for evil, Golding creates images very early on in the book, that suggest the island is not kind of the paradise that we initially perceived it to be.Weaved intricately amongst the descriptions of the island as a paradise is imagery suggesting a malefic presence witch-like cry and the religious evidences of the fruits, much(prenominal) as in the Garden of Eden, which actually makes the boys ill, and gives them diarrhoea, all suggest the somewhat sinister undertones of the novel, which unfurl to a greater level as the novel progresses.We are introduced to Ralph and neandertal very early on in the novel, and we convey immediately aware of the social divide surrounded b y the two, a incidentor that will unite the boys subsequent in the novel. Ralph is a well spoken and considers himself to be superior to Piggy, because Piggy speaks with poor grammar in comparison. This creates an outsider early on in the novel, and Piggy occasions a subject of ridicule, somebody that doesnt result, and someone who provides an halcyon target for pip, once the boys guide degenerated into savages.In the scratch line chapter, after Ralph has blget the conch and all of the boys have gathered, we are given our beginning impression of the choir as a beast or a creature. Something dark was fumbling alongthe creature stepped from mirage onto clear sense. The choir has a military style of discipline, which is to a greater extent apparent than the disciplines of their religion, and they obey dickhead when he gives orders. We locomote aware instantly of gobs longing for power, and of the authority that he can command.When son of a bitch comes forward, he vaulte d onto the platform with his cloak flying which gives the impression of a creature of mythological evil, such as a vampire. This is where we setoff become aware of the prominence of m separate fucker, and it hints at the possibility of cuckoo becoming some sort of dominating, evil presence in the novel.There is also the connection between Piggy, and the flowing of the pigs, which are considered to be of a lower standing in the food chain on the island they are inferior, as is Piggy. From the beginnings of the novel, Jack settles Piggy as around below human, and uses him as a target, when in reality, it is Jack who is the first to desc closedown below good-will. There is a theory, regarding the degeneration into a tyrannical society, that, for this descent to begin, it is prerequisite to set an inferior, which is what all of the boys, with exception possible to Simon, materialize in Piggy. This provides a base, very early in the novel, for society on the island to degenerat e into tyranny and savagery.The boys begin with an idea for the island of paradise they will form a civilised society, and begin by having a pick out on who should be the Chief. The idea of a vote excites them it is an adult thing to do, a token of democracy, as is the conch, hardly is also a symbol of their old life and of society in general, an aspect which all of the boys wish to restitute on this island.Jack is adamant that he should be the chief, once again confirmation of his want for power. He justifies his claim with simple arrogance, because, Im chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp. His claim to chieftaincy are all animalisms, he does not have channelise inership qualities, and his desire for sensual power emerges further as the novel progresses, e.g. the whipping to initiate people into his tribe etc.Jack cares deeply about what the another(prenominal) boys cypher of him, and when he is not chosen as chief, Jacks causa disappears under a even o ut of mortification which implies that, for the rest of the novel, Jack may always have this deep jealousy of Ralph, and eventually try to displace him as leader. As this tension build up through the novel as the morals of society become less apparent, Jacks attempt to displace Ralph completely windups with him ordering the cleanup of Ralph, when the out(p)s of the old life have completely disappeared. When Ralph says Jack that the black marketsmans are his to be some(prenominal) he wants them to be, he is quick to decide that they should be hunters, well-nigh like some primitive tribe, which is eventually what the boys shall become, beginning with pigs and then eventually other members of the group. The hunters capacity to efface living things increases as the rules of society that are etched in their minds are forgotten.We are given subtle hints by Golding, that there is something air divisionicular about Jack, which leads him to express the evil side or the beast in his personality to a greater extent than so than other characters. Once Jack has degenerated to this level, it enables others to do so, as it absolves them from the responsibility and consequences of their actions, being part of on mass rather than being an individual. Firstly, Jack is shown to dislike democracy, when he started to protest at the idea of a vote for the Chief. He is more than in favour of a dictatorship than a democracy, and with the formation of his own tribe, he becomes more than a leader, painted and garlanded, sat there like an idol. He doesnt sincerely care what others want, so long as he is happy. Jack is more likely to forget the rules and regulations of society if he were to benefit from doing so.Despite losing out in the vote, Jack and Ralph restrained wish to work together, Jack and Ralph smiled at each other with shy liking symbolising the require for cooperation in society, an image that is still firmly imprinted on the mind of every boy on the island. We become aware of the destruction on the island caused by the boys, very early on. The first instance of this is the mark made by the passenger metro of the plane on the island, which is described as a scar. The boys have already to destroy the island even with the civilities of their old life, and the boys, Jack, Ralph and Simon, commit their first act of intentional group destruction, by pushing the boulder start the mountain, whilst they investigate the island. We are then led to question, with this amount of destruction caused by the boys when they are still bound by the invisible limitations of society, what are they capable of when the taboos of their old life have broken in down? This is answered when the beast finally emerges as the basic human nature of the boys, and climaxes with the death of Simon, who symbolises the pure side of human nature.In the early part of the novel, the limitations of society are clearly apparent, for example, when Jack cannot bring himself to kill the pig, what an enormity that downward stroke would be he tries to make excuses for himself, he cares about what the other hold, I was choosing a placeI was just waitingto decide where to stab him. However, it is obvious to the reader that he could not kill the pig, because, etched in his mind, is the firm image that killing is wrong, and that in his society, it is not acceptable.When the boys get back to the rest of the group, the begin to make plans for the island, Well have rulesLots of rulesThen when anyone breaks em.They want a democratic society, the conch symbolises this democracy, they all want to recreate the civilisation that they k virgin at home, even Jack. The boys compare their situation to books regarding paradise islands where they can form a society of their own. However, Golding has already hinted that things may not be quite so perfect as the boys have perceived.The boys want to have fun on this island, and enjoy themselves, which could be delayn as the e ventual downfall of the boys and of the society that they try to create. As their society becomes forgotten, rescue, the close important thing in the beginning, becomes less important, and having fun dominates the agenda of most boys.When Ralph talks about the island, he says that things need to be through, and that they need to be rescued, plainly until then, they shall have fun. Its a good island. Until the grown-ups come to fetch us well have fun. This is ironic because, in Chapter Eight, when Simon is talking to The lord of the Flies, it says to him, We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island implying that the beast within each boy is ultimately their desire for fun, and when the taboos of the old life have vanished, the beast can fully emerge and enable the boys to become absolved of all remorse that their old life would have made them feel.The first instance of the beast being manifested from the human mind as a physical thin g is when the small boy is urged forward, and speaks to Piggy. He has ideas of a snake thing and a beastie of which the older boys are dubious of at first. However, the general mood of the boys changes, There was no laughter at all straight and more grave watching. Despite Ralphs being adamant that the beast does not exist, many of the other boys are not sure, and this is the first time in the novel that the beast becomes a real prospect.When the boys first decide that they need a fire, all of the boys are keen to conjunction in. They are working as one. Jack takes pride in his civilised world, were not savages. Were English, and the English are shell at everything. This is also ironic, for it is in fact Jack who degenerates into such a savage, capable of unspeakable deeds when not bound by the rules of society.When the fire rages out of control, it is another symbol of the destruction caused by the boys. It is describes almost as an animal, a bright squirrel began to gnaw a kin d of wild life, crept as a puma this is also referring to the possibility of the group of boys again causing destruction as one body, as an animal, which later becomes apparent when all of the boys, including Piggy and Ralph, become absorbed in the primitive dance as one body, which ends with the death of Simon. Ralph begins to influence the capacity for destruction on the island, the beginnings of awe at the power set dethaw below themthe awe made him savage. This is ironic because it is Ralph who, in spite of becoming involved in the dance that kills Simon, does not descend to savagery.The third chapter begins with Jack, crouched down on a hunt, and acting as a true hunter would, drawing a trail, examining a cracked twig etc. We are introduced to a side of Jack that is more animal-like, he is described as dog like and this is a reflection on how he begun the gradual descent to savagery. Whilst he still bears the majority of the social qualities imprinted on his mind, it is n owadays very easy to believe that he may have lost the social factor which prevents him from harming another creature, and that the prospect of Jack killing a pig, is now very possible.When he fails to catch the pig, he join the others on the bound where Ralph and Simon are attempting to build the shelters, without the help of the others, who have all gone off to play. This is a reminder of the desire for fn, they dont want to work, and this desire for fun, part of a series of events that will ultimately lead to the emergence of the beast. This is also the first incident in which we see the conflict of ideas from Ralph and Jack, and we see the conflict of interests as Jacks moral values deteriorate. Ralph ants to get the shelters finished, whereas Jack wants to hunt, They were both red in the face and found looking at each other difficult. When they change the subject, it eventually leads to the beast again, how the beast frightens the littluns and how they are beginning to doubt t he island themselves, and the luxuries that they once thought is gave them. When Simon suggests that it is as if the beastieor the snake thing was real. this causes a sensitive apprehension amongst the boys, and, whilst they attempt to disregard the thoughts of the beast, the presence is undeniably felt.When Ralph talks about being rescued, we are given another subtle hint of Jacks gradual loss of civility when Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was. His priorities have changed, he no longish cares so much about being rescued, but he is being consumed by the will to hunt and have fun, he is being consumed by the beast from within himself.Throughout the novel, Simon is portrayed as an almost prophetic figure, with an ability to see the truth of situations. His refuge is in the forest, in an area surrounded by bushes adorned with flowers uniform in appearance to candles, he seeks nature. A bush with candles on it is a symbol of the church, and this imagery further confirms his role as a prophetic figure. There is also the religious inference at Simons death and the manner in which he was killed a prophetic figure kill by his own people.At the beginning of Chapter Four, it become clear that the boys have now adapted to the cancel method of time keeping the Sun, as opposed to traditional methods, which would have been prominent in their society. This is again typic of the loss of the influences of their old way of life, which in turn leads to the descent into savagery.Despite this, many of the boys still felt the ties with their old way of life very strongly, as if it was etched deeply into the far reaches of their minds, and despite the gradual descent suffered by the vast majority of the boys, many had not descended to the extent that Jack had. For example, when Roger and Maurice kicked over the sand castles built by some of the younger children, this is symbolic of the destruction of the society that they knew. However, w hen Maurice kicked sand in the young childs eye, he still felt the unease of wrong-doingformed the outlines of an excuse. Also, when Roger throws stones at one of the young children, he threw to miss, because, there was a space around Henryinto which he dare not throw. Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of old lifethe protection of parents and school and policemen and the law. Rogers arm was well-read by civilisation.The next stage in Jacks deterioration is when he absolves himself of responsibility, and liberates himself behind the mask. It became a new face, he became an awesome stranger and Jacks laughter became a bloodthirsty snarlingthe mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self consciousness. The snarling is symbolic of Jacks descent to his basic animal instincts, to hunt and survive, and now that he has been liberated from shame, it suggests that he could now be capable of anything without remorse.It is also this chapter in which Jacks hunters let the fire out in order to go hunting, when there is a ship on the horizon and the possibility of rescue is more real. However, with no signal, they are not rescued. This is what finally portrays to the reader Jacks loss of morals, when he has killed his first pig and is confronted by Ralph for letting the fire out.Jack is vaguely irritated by this irrelevance but too happy to let it worry him. It is clear from this that Jack has forgotten the importance of the fire because the civilisation of his previous life has been forgotten, and he is also incredibly satisfied at killing his first pig, something that he would not have contemplated doing had the morals of his old life been present. We can see from Jacks actions that the overlook of civilisation has allowed him, gradually, to lose all morals and this has allowed him to degenerate to the level of a savage.The group, as a whole, have not lost the morals of their old life to the extent that Jack has, and this can be seen in stages of the dance, when they mime the killing of the pig. The first stage is symbolic of the slight loss of morals, which has enabled them to hunt. When Maurice enters the ring as they chant, the mimed the actions, belie to beat him. Later in the novel, when Robert plays the part of the pig, the actions of the group are a lot more sinister, and they cause real pain to him. After wards, they try to justify it as a good game nix more. The final stage of the groups decline is when they perform the dance that ends with the death of Simon.In Chapter Five, Ralph calls a meeting and we see all together, the extent to which the society has diminished, due to the loss of morals. He talks about people getting frightened, again symbolising the indisputable presence of the beast on the island. Jack takes this opportunity to exert his authority, he could hunt the beast, and he knows that if he can make the others rely on him to keep them safe from the beast, they will trust him.O ne child, who wished to speak, begins to sort out Piggy the information that had been drummed into his head from his old life, his name, address and telephone number. When he cannot remember, we are reminded of the gradual loss of civilisation, which was once firmly imprinted into the minds of all children on the island. When he says that the beast comes from the sea, the other boys begin to doubt their own belief that the beast does not exist, and the meeting descends into disorder.When Simon speaks, he tries to convey his own interpretation of the beast. His interpretation of the beast is that is something that comes from within people, but he lacks the articulate vocabulary that he ineluctably to express his views, and nothing can understand what he means. Simon is the most perceptive of the boys on the island, and he has the ability to see the truth of the situations, but he does not have the means to convey his thoughts.At the end of the chapter, Ralph prays for a message fr om the grown up world, and in Chapter Six, they receive one. However, no boy is awake to see what it really is, and it becomes, for the boys, the embodiment of the beast, when, as the reader knows, this is not the case. It is Sam n Eric who are first to role the beast, whilst they are manning the fire. The boys became united in the need to rid the island of this beast, but the opposing characters of Jack and Ralph are shown again. Jack sees this as a real hunt, whereas Ralph is more realistic about the prospect of hunting the beast. This brings the two to argue again, and they eventually decide to go up the mountain. When Ralph goes on his own, he sees the sea, describes as some colossal creaturethe sleeping leviathan as a horrible monster, or almost as a beast. It is as if the beast has begun to swallow the island, and become part of everything around the boys.Ralph begins to long for the luxuries of his old life, to cut this filthy pig right back to half an inchhave a bathwith soapa toothbrush would come in handy too. He is the only boy who is consciously remembering the ways of his old life, and yearning for them. When Simon speaks to him, he tells him I just think youll get back all right. Notice the use of youll and not well, it is almost as if Simon has foreseen his own death.There is evidence that, despite Ralph never actually go down to the level of a savage, he does feel compelled to join in with the hunters, and actually becomes part of their society, albeit only temporarily, to join in with some of the deeds that are incomprehensible as an individual. For example, he joins the other boys on a hunt, and hits a pig with the spear. He gains a great deal of joy out of doing this, which symbolises the overall dying of everything that good and civilised on the island, and not even Ralph can escape it.After this, the hunters, including Ralph, re-enact the hunt, with Robert playing the part of the pig. Whereas before, the dances such as this were not violent, all of the boys become absorbed in this primal dance, gaining expiation out of hurting another human. Robert was screaming and struggling with the strength of the frenzy. Ralph too was fighting to get nearThe desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering. Ralph uneasily tries to justify what he just did. He knows that it was wrong, but as a member of the hunt, he was no longer an individual, and became capable of causing harm to another. This shows how the beast has become an overwhelm power amongst the boys, even Ralph.When Jack sees the beast on the mountain, he is absolutely terrified, which makes us remember that he is only a child, despite what he has done on the island, due to his loss of morals and ethics. The beast is something like a great ape a simile used often in the novel to symbolise evil. When they tell the other boys, Jack comes to the conclusion that the beast is a hunter, which reaffirms his age old tremors in the forest and the feeling that he had, when he was hunting, of being the hunted.Jack becomes insulted by Ralph, and tries to turn the other boys against him. He tries to displace him as chief, and fails. His concern for what others think of him causes hi great embarrassment, Slowly, the red drained from Jacks cheeks, then came back with a painful rush. He decides that he can no longer cover under Ralphs Chieftaincy, and left to form his own tribe, inviting others to join him. Initially, nobody does, but gradually, more and more of the boys leave to join Jacks tribe. Jack has the ability to unite the boys against a common enemy, for most of the part this was Piggy, an obvious outsider, and this ability to unite the group is similar to the fascist leaders in the plump for orbit War.Because Golding wrote the novel shortly after World War Two, after the devastation had swept through the world, he was able to witness the power of the fascist leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini, and the effect they had over the people who they ruled. Golding depicts the power of the leaders in the book, and Jacks character resembles the fascist powers of the war. The way in which Hitler came to power is similar to the way that Jack eventually displaces Ralph. The situation in Germany after the First World War was one of devastation and despair.The reparations that the Germans were forced to pay and the Wall Street Crash crippled the German economy and people rebelled against the government. Hitler used this as a way to gain support and become powerful, declare Germans that he would make their country strong again, and provide them with the things that they needed. People joined him out of desperation, needing the things that he was promising. This is similar to the way Jack gained support, because he was aware of the doubt and fear that was spreading through the boys. He promised them shopping centre and fun, which they gratefully accepted, leaving Ralph to join Jacks tribe.Simon suggests climbing the mountain, to see the beast. But nobody else agrees. climb up a mountain is one of the oldest symbolisations of the struggle and the search for truth. When Simon does climb the mountain on his own, he does find the truth, and we are led to the moment where the beast is finally unleashed within the boys, and Simon is killed before he can tell them the good news.When Jack has formed his own tribe, and they go to hunt together, we see that Jack has now become a savage with no remorse, just barbaric cruelty. This is inferred when they kill the sow, for not only will she die, but the piglets also, who would have fed them in the future. It is no longer about hunting for food, but for pleasure and satisfaction of hurting another living being. Jack insists on leaving the head as an offering for the beast, he sees it as a superior hunter, almost as a god, and that they should worship it.Jacks tribe, towards the end of the novel, are described as savages, which suggest they have completely abandoned all civil isations, and lead the lives of animals. The reasons for this can be linked to the theories held by Charles Darwin, who formed the theory of evolution, in which the fittest survive, creating a species of increasing strength. A flowering example of this occurrence is in groups of wild animals, such as lions. Only the strongest male is allowed to mate with the females, and moldiness fight off competition from other males.Although there were no females on this island, Jack displayed natural urges such as this, because the basic instinct in humans is the same as the basic instinct in animals, and that this basic instinct to lead and be powerful is still present. The language that Golding uses when the boys hunt, suggests that the sexual desire to hunt and be the leader is still present, even thought there are no females on the island. The boys follow the pig, wedded to her in lust which shows natural sexual instinct, which is present in nature the male lion wants to become the leader o f the pack in order to produce offspring.Once Jack had gained control of the group, he began to create fear amongst the boys. He reinforces the idea of the beast by leaving an offering for it. This makes the boys fear more extreme if Jack believes in the beast, then surely it must be real.The tension, which builds up to the point when the beast emerges, is symbolised by the weather. There were no shadows under the palmsonly this strange lightamong the bulging clouds nip went off like a gun. This tension builds up as this section of the novel progresses, and is constantly symbolised by the build up of the weather, which climaxes with the storm as the actions of the boys climax with the killing of Simon.As Simon speaks the Lord of the Flies, (which literally translates as Beelzebub, or the Devil), he hears the Lord of the Flies say what he already knew, deep down, but could not convey to the others. Im the BeastYou knew didnt you? Im part of you?Im the reason why its no go. Simon is aware that this represents the beast that is present in all of the boys. You know absolutely well youll meet me down there so dont try to escape This symbolises the fact that the beast is now everywhere, surrounding the island, it is part of everything, and has destroyed the limitations of society. The beast tell Simon that they shall have fun, no matter what, which corresponds with Ralph saying in the beginning of the novel that they shall have fun. It is this, the beast, the desire for fun that has brought about the destruction of society and the loss of morals. We shall do you. See? Jack and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph. Do you. See? It is almost as if Simon has foreseen his own death.The build up of tension continues, the build p of clouds continueduntil the air was ready to explode. When Simon finds the parachutist on the rock, he freed him, and realises what the boys have all been afraid of, he resolves to go down the mountain, and tell the other s. the thunder exploded againbig drops of rain fell among themthe flickering light became brighter and brighter and the blows of the thunder were only just bearable.The boys have become not a group, but a tribe, and they can think of nothing else to do, than their tribal dance. Even Piggy and Ralph take part in the dance, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take part in this demented, but partly secure society. Ralph feels that he would rather become part of this savage society, than be completely excluded, he find some comfort in the knowledge that he is not an individually but part of a larger body.the ring yawned emptily. As if it needs to be change by something. The beast is beginning to emerge, as the tribe becomes one creature, totally absolved of all responsibility for their actions, which would not apply, were they individuals, the throb and stamp of a single organism. the organism in effect, being the beast. The ring becomes brake shoe shaped a Zulu hun ting technique, as the tension continues to build up. As Simon stumbles into the ring, the narrator refers to him as the beast, symbolic of what the boys think he is.However, in the next few lines, the narrator refers to him as Simon, suggesting perhaps that there is something in the boys that do still recognise him. It also uses the word him not it, which is very specific. If they had truly believed Simon to be the beast, then the gender would be irrelevant. The narrator then goes back to using the work beast, to imply Simon, which implies there is now no knowledge of Simon, and the boys, screamed, struck, bit, toretearing of teeth and claws The boys are now described as animals, they are, as one the true beast, and it has been unleashed on the island, as all traces of morals and ethics have vanished.The lack of humanity left in the boys causes them to see Simon as the beast. However, in the passage concerning Simons body being water-washed out to sea, he becomes Simon again, as th e boys become themselves again, not one giant organism. Simon is made silver and dignified, marble like, by the sea taking him back to nature, the very thing that he originally sought after. Simons death symbolises the death of belief, of decency and compassion, and the ability to see the truth. It has led to the total demise of good and decency on the island.Also, now that they have seen the parachutist, they believe in the beast more than ever, and now Simon is dead, there is nobody who can tell them the truth, and Jack uses this fear of the beast to control his tribe. Ralph is the only boy who can admit to what they have done to Simon, even Piggy tries to justify what they did, but only Ralph admits that it was murder, which symbolises the fact that Ralph has not quite succumb to the beast, as the majority of the other boys have done.The final taboo on the island was to kill another human, and now that this taboo has been broken, there is nothing to furlough Jack from doing what ever he desires. Not only has Jack degenerated to this level, but also other members of his tribe have, and we see this later in the novel, when Ralph and Piggy go to see Jack at the other end of the island, for it is Roger, not Jack who drops the boulder, killing Piggy, and smashing the conch. With the destruction of the conch, democracy is destroyed, which is symbolic of the fact that democracy is a fragile thing, and can only work when everybody believes in it.In this novel, Golding was mocking the capacity for evil in all humans, and whether the basic instinct of all humans is evil, where they will stop at nothing for the basic desire for power, but that civilisation prevents this from being exposed.Throughout the novel, we can see that, in Goldings opinion, human nature has the ability to turn savage, under the right conditions. The boys begin with a glorious image, similar to that of Coral Island of a beautiful island paradise, which they can inhabit and live happily and have fun until they are rescued.In the beginning we see that the boys have a strong desire to recreate a society similar to the one that they have just left. They want rules and regulations, and all of the things that make a civilised society work.Despite this, we see that, in Goldings opinion, without the moral restraints that are present in a civilised society, the basic human nature to survive will kick in, causing all traces of morals and ethics to be forgotten, until the human has degenerated into a primeval savage, capable of doing anything in order to survive. They become not human, but animals, beasts, and this emerges as the morals of their old life disappear.He believed that it was society that gave you an identity, without society, and therefore identity, humans would become absolved from all responsibilities and could therefore commit un-comprehendible deeds without remorse.I believe, that there is the basic capacity in all humans for evil, a capacity to hurt and kill descen ding from the days where it was essential for humans to hunt and kill in order to survive, yet I believe that the capacity for evil is not as extreme as Golding portrays in his novel. For Golding implies that, without the presence of civilisation, humans would act in a way that they would have been required to answer in order to survive, and degenerate until they are no more than animals, or beasts. By this he implies that, led by their desires and needs, and absolved of responsibility, the natural instinct for humans is to behave in an evil manner.I disagree that humans are evil, because otherwise how could civilisation have actual in the first place? If everybody acted in an evil way, then this behaviour would have been considered acceptable, and normal and nobody would feel the need to say what was right and what was wrong, because everybody would behave in the same manner. If this was the case, actions such as murder would be accepted as any other essential impulse would be su ch as eating or sleeping, however, this is not the case, because society has taught us that these things are wrong. This shows that there is an even larger capacity in human nature for good and decency, which overcomes the capacity for evil and enables humans to form a civilisation.So human nature is not basically evil, despite people that do evil things, when absolved of responsibility, people do what they feel is necessary at any given moment, which may be an evil deed, such as those seen by Golding in the war. This does not mean, however, that these people are evil, merely that they are doing what they feel is necessary at that given time, in their case, to save their country.Of course it is undeniable that there are people who do murder, without justification, and people who do commit evil deeds without necessity, but it must be remembered that these are part of a vast minority, and this is not present in the basic human nature, which has a far greater capacity for good than evi l.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Amy’s Bread Essay
Strengths Amys entrepreneurial spirit spiel Kim Dupree-excellent right-hand managing director Already has about 50 wholesale customers, plus 30 on a waiting list Company is finally turning a simoleons Positive work surround (5 day work week, better pay than competition, benefits package, 401(k) plan, employees granted to speak freely, low turnover) sell business allows for higher profit margins, and now represents 25% of Amys business Good niche product mix-high quality bread products, micro-bakeries Makes herself operable to the press/public, leads to word of mouth advertising Can now secure bank financing ascribable to Amys proven track record Wholesale business (representing 75% of the business) is more stable than sell business.Opportunities Much higher profit margins in high-end breads (black olive, apple walnut rasin-$2.40 wholesale, $3.40 retail profit with the high-end breads vs. $1.71 wholesale, $2.60 retail without high-end breads) Retail business (currently 25% o f business) allows for higher profit margins and payment is only in cash Hiring another manager could allow Amy more time to run the company Buying thirty-first street location would allow for production facility expansion and the ability to cater to customers currently on the waiting list Leasing the fifteenth street location could allow some(prenominal) retail and production expansion.Weaknesses Bakery industry is highly agonistic with low wholesale profit margins NYC locations ar very expensive Higher labor costs due to hand-production techniques (35% of CGS) Ingredient prices are volatile Ingredients are more expensive than the competitions CGS is 65% of net sales Competitors can enjoy better economies of scale due to automated production and cheaper ingredients 75% of the business is through lower-profit wholesalers Current production location is too small to meet growing demand.Threats fast trends (i.e. Atkins diet) could affect consumer demand for bread.Mission To produce high-quality, handmade breads for wholesale and retail customers through our retail locations and house-to-house deliveries.Objective Amys Bread has seen steady growth over the last few years. This success has overextended both the employees and the warehouse space. Amy is looking to move operations to one of two locations a building on 31st street, or one on 15th street. The 31st street location would allow Amy to expand her wholesale business and allow her to invest in a property instead of leasing. Amy should also look into adding a manager to allow her the time to focus on the overall business. Her most profitable bread lines are the high-priced breads, she should look into increasing the number of high-priced bread. Eventually, Amy should consider opening small retail locations in New York City.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Obesity Is Not a Personal Problem
Obesity is Not a Personal Problem As the fleshiness wave crashes over the United States, more Ameri rumps are paying out of pocket to show the $33 billion commercial diet industry (Spake 283). As Americans waistbands continue to expand, they bury themselves in one of the largest, most scandalous consumer markets the charge loss industry. Amanda Spake, author of Rethinking Weight, addresses the question as to who should cover the overall cost of weight loss programs. Spake challenges that insurance companies should pay for the expenses that obese people encounter.This, she states, is payable to the fact that fleshiness is a biologic disease and it should be treated and paid for like whatever other critical illness (283). In this article, Spake does non present the importance of physical activity, only discussing unfulfilled dieting experiences and bad genetic makeup. Although Spake briefly suggests that exercising is an advantage to those who are obese, she puts the solitar y blame for obesity on the genetic aspect. From 1986 to cc0, the number of people who are severely obesewhich is identified by having a body mass index of 40 or morehas quadrupled, from about 1 in 200 adults to 1 in all 50.This startling statistic has caused more people to be aware of this rising happening that has swept over the United States. Obesity has medical professionals worrying not only are the total of overweight people continuing to rise but weight-related medical cost are soaring. Healthcare costs for illnesses due to obesity have now exceeded those related to both smoking and alcoholism. The obesity epidemic is a big contributor to skyrocketing health care costs in the United States, partly due to the weight-related diseases that scrape up hand-in-hand with obesity.Ailments such as type II diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol are closely affiliated to obesity and an alarming 80 percent of obese adults suffer from one of these life-threatening diseases (Spake 283). Many query foundations are now connecting obesity to a persons genetic makeup, calling it a biological development that an individual cannot control. Spake suggests that insurance companies should cover the costs of obesity as it is a genetically and biologically determined disease thus the individual does not have the ability to lose weight on their own.As a result, researchers suggest that including the treatment of obesity in health care plans might film science and sanity to the anarchy of weight loss (Spake 286). Many researchers do not identify obesity as a disease in fear that un strong weight-loss programs will someday be considered pleasant treatment and ultimately mandated to be covered by insurance. Although Spake validates her assertions by backing up her words with conceivable opinions and statistics, she weakens her argument by not addressing the importance of physical activity. Maria Pfisterer is an obese mother who Spake claims has essay e very weight-loss strategy imaginable.However, nowhere does it say that in addition to the drugs and quick-weight-loss fads Pfisterer had attempted to include an exercise regime. She claimed that all of the programs she tried resulted in a few pounds lost and quite a few more gained always locomote to the same 197 to 202 pound range. Being overweight is the result of one thing eating more viands than one burns (Spake 285). Nowhere in the article does Spake suggest that physical activity is a effective, healthy and inexpensive way to lose weight, choosing to put forth the idea that weight loss comes only from high-priced dieting programs.In her article, Spake claims that genetics are the sole factor for obesity in America. There are many other factors mentioned in the article that play into someones weight including the food they eat, their train of physical activity, and societal factors such as advertising. Also, Spake quotes Arthur Frank, director of George Washington Universit ys Weight Management Program, So formulation to an obese person who wants to lose weight, All you have to do is eat less, is like saying to a person suffering from asthma, All you have to do is breathe better (284).Obesity and asthma are two very different things therefore should not be compared. An individual who is overweight can take control of their weight-gain by taking more personal responsibility and making healthy choices. However, asthma is an inflammatory disorder that can strike at any time which causes an individual to wheeze or gasp for air where an individual cannot control its effects. Not everyone agrees that obesity should be considered a disease, some stating that the obesity epidemic can be overturned by individuals taking more personal accountability for their eudaimonia and opting to make healthier lifestyle choices (Spake 283).In an alarmed attempt to make readers believe that obesity should be considered a disease and insurance companies should cover the cos t of the individuals expenses, Spake fails to provide enough present to support her claim. She chief(prenominal)tains that overweight people have a genetic flaw that causes them to be susceptible to weight gain. Physical exercise, which is seldom mentioned in Spakes article, is an important weight loss tool that helps to burn the spare calories an individuals body does not burn on its own.Spake portrays a defective argument that invalidates her main purpose. People with health insurance should look to see what is covered and seek healthier, less-expensive alternatives to fix the things that are not included. Regardless of what Rethinking Weight suggests, overweight individuals have an equal opportunity to replace their existing lifestyle with healthier habits. Works Cited Spake, Amanda. Rethinking Wight. Writing and Reading for ACP Composition. Eds. Thomas E. Leahey and Christine R. Farris. Upper Saddle River Prentice Hall, 2009. 282-88. Print.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Schema Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Schema - Assignment modelingNazneen (2009) explains, Field type depicts the data type of the written report.For example, a relationship may not be established or may not function correctly if we have selected Number as field type for the primary key attri only whene and Text field type is selected for the foreign key attribute.A coded field represents a corresponding value stored in a separate relation. Coded fields serve some(prenominal) different purposes, which depends on their implementation. Usually coded fields are introduced to save time and space in RDBMs. fairness of field ensures entry of predefined data types and formats in an attribute. A user is bound to enter data in correct data type and format while entering using Data Entry Form. on that point are several tools available, which restricts incorrect data entry or in some cases user female genitalia only select from the available list of items / values in a List, Combo, Radio or Checkbox control, etc.Blank or miss ing fields are those fields where a record does not pick out any data. Missing fields can be avoided by introducing compulsory data entry controls, but it is often impossible or undesirable because of user convenience and usability considerations. Missing fields can be populated on-the-fly by default values or in some cases by using auto-increment specification.Normalized tables commonly do not translate into efficient animal(prenominal) records because normalization decomposes larger tables into smaller ones and query generates a record based on the unusual field in all related tables. Hernandez observes the fact and states, The physical order of the record or field in a table is completely immaterial and to each one record in a table is identified by a field that contains a unique value
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
US Policy toward the Kazakhstan Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
US Policy toward the Kazakhstan - Term Paper ExampleFrom the real beginning United States had brought down some set of objectives in central Asia, and had stuck these ideas to Kazakhstan, for this reason Kazakhstan remained the heart of Central Asia forever (Legvold, 82). The first country to recognize Kazakhstan was United States and this recognition took place on December 25, 1991. Since thus a very strong bond had essential between these two countries (Kazakhstan). The administrations of United States starting from George H.W furnish to Clinton had do strategic decisions to achieve their goals (Legvold, 67).U.S. PolicyAccording to President Obama main motive of Kazakhstan is to make convinced(predicate) that the country is well developed and stabilization is maintained in political sphere of the nation. According to the administration, Kazakhstan has made remarkable progress, and this was possible as U.S. had supported them throughout and finally the country gained independ ence in the course 1991 and could achieve their goals. For FY2012, U.S. government had helped to strengthen Kazakhstan as a strategic partner. The Obama administration had helped in launching yearbook bilateral consultations on various financial and political issues with Kazakhstan. The first meeting took place in Washington, DC, in the month of March 2010 and the second meeting took place in Astana which is Kazakhstans capital. ... The two leadership also decided various other ways by which Kazakhstan would help Afghanistan expand their transportation meshwork in the northern region. President Obama also decided to continuously support the efforts of the government of Kazakhstan and helped in liberalizing its media and fine-tune its political system with the help of legal reforms. Furthermore keeping in mind Obamas interestingness in Kazakhstan, a consulate general named Almaty was opened (Nichol, 12-13). Economic Development of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is one of the most financ ially developed nations of the Central Asian Republics. A major portion of the GDP is generated by two sectors that are oil color and Gas. Kazakhstan has been ranked sixth in the field of producing wheat, and it is also known to be the major exporter of wheat in the world. Around 33% of the population lies below the poverty line. President Nazarbayev had launched a plan to create a financially well developed, educated and self-sufficient country at bottom 2030.Again in 2005 he proposed to bring Afghanistan within the top 50 developed countries of the world in the next ten years. He emphasized on restoring tax and budgetary policies and paid more attention to developing the manufacturing sector so that the GDP fruit not solely depends on the Oil and Gas sectors. In the year 2010, President Nazarbayev proposed a 5 year plan to give a big push to the industrial sector, in order to orbit their goal as planned for 2030 (Nichol, 7-8). The Kazakhstan Massacre December 16, 2011 could h ave been one of the most memorable eld for the people of Afghanistan as the nation became independent on that very twenty-four hours. But inspite of being a day of celebration, it was transformed into a dooms day. Due to the Kazakhstan Massacre,
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