Thursday, February 28, 2019
Was Napoleon Was Despot, Revolutionary or Both?
James C Grade 12 W. W history 1/15/12 Was napoleon a basal, despot or both ? The query ponders through the mind of hundreds Was nap a revolutionary, despot or was he both? The information provided shows he was both a revolutionary and a despot. Here are the quaternary main points he was a prominent figure, taking initiative in leaving France, explaining how he started out, and how he betrayed the French revolution. catnap Bonaparte was a prominent figure during the French revolution.naps legacy as a loss leader showed him as a skilled administrator who used his intelligence non only to navigate the French, but he also aided former(a) countries through cosmosy hard fought battles. Napoleon was distinguished military man that carried the burden of his territory with great courage until the day he died. When he left France he was in his early 20s and went choke off home to the Mediterranean island of Corsica, during the French revolution. When he got to Corsica he joined Pasqual Paoli who was a freedom fighter, and a subversive.Through this move, Napoleon succeeded in becoming a lieutenant-colonel of the national guard of Corsica in 1792. Even though Napoleon was a revolutionary, he didnt approve of the way France was going crazy during the revolution. Napoleon came into originator and then put a stop to the revolution in 1799. Even though Napoleon started out as a revolutionary he certainly became a despot once he was in charge of France. Napoleon introduced strict censorship and imprisonment without trail although in that respect were elected legislative bodies under his regime.Legislative bodies had virtually no power and Napoleon ruled almost entirely by imperial decree. Napoleon influenced by roman law he gave immense power to staminate heads of the family. Napoleon deprived women of all their right they gained in the revolutionary decade. As shown in many other examples before and after Napoleon, he may have started out as a revolutionary but he eventually became a despot. Whether that made him a dictator or not is matter of semantics.Napoleon also betrayed the French revolution at the like time as being a revolutionary. If he betrayed the revolution, then he betrayed the ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity. The ideals rather than realities that allegedly betrayed. The reality of the French revolution is 8 periods of constant change and successions of polices and leaders. With each new leader and party deliverance amendments to the revolution. Napoleons coupde tat of 18 brumaire was in insurance against both Jacobin revolutionist and royalist restoration. The French people expected him to bring back peace, regularise and to consolidate the political and social conquest of the revolution. Napoleon considers this conquest to be the sacred rights of property, equality and liberty. Napoleon also seized control of island greates cycecs to France and churches. This is the answer to the question that ponders on peoples mind Was Napoleon a revolutionary, despot or was he both? The information provided above shows that Napoleon was both and not hardly revolutionary or despot.
Wonder Drug
Wonder dose Most people bring in it off that Penicillin is an extremely authorized medicine, but few know just how important and influential it re onlyy is. Think active what life would be same(p) today without it. What would be of contemporary medicine today? Would society as a whole succumb to these relentless infinitesimal organisms? What would have been of adepts ancestors if they too same so many a(prenominal) before and by and by incurred a serious infection? This essay shall explore these questions and many like it. It will explain why penicillin is undoubtedly the best medication of the century, perchance the best medication ever in existence.Penicillin is produced by a scar mold, known as Penicillium. The discovery of Penicillin just abouttimes referred to as the wonder dose has been the to the highest degree important drug to construe. It has the ability to kill just about any bacterial infection and at the time of its invention in that location was no other drug or anything like it. To this date it has saved millions of children, women, men and animals. The wonder drug was originally discovered purely by accident by genius Alexander Fleming, a sparing Scientist in the year 1928.Penicillin was later evolveed further by many different Scientists who were able to use it to create numerous versions of antibiotic drugs to cure a vast range of illnesses. Antibiotics have been used for several years in treatment for a variety of skin disorders, sexually ancestral diseases, streptococcus throat, and respiratory illnesses. Before Penicillin was discovered, if one were to have a serious infection, final stage was irrefutable. People often would die of the smallest wounds due to bacterial infections. Bacteria mutates quite often, creating antibiotic-resistant organisms. Which makes it become resistant to the drug.Even with this said, on that point atomic number 18 still only a small amount of bacteria that Penicillin and its pred ecessors elicit not articulated lorry and over come. One of Penicillins most advertised uses was for combating sexually transmitted diseases. in that location are websites that show old advertisements for penicillin on the side of mailboxes that shamelessly state, Penicillin cures gonorrhea in four hours see your doctor today. Believe it or not during the late 1940s researchers from the United States performed experimental studies in Guatemala. They had to be nominate these types of studies were not allowed in the states.So with the cooperation of the Guatemalan government, local prostitutes were used to pass on STDs to prisoners, insane asylum patients, and Guatemalan soldiers to test the wonder drugs effectiveness. Out of approximately thirteen hundred infected people, eighty collar died. Although at that time it was not possible to establish if the experiments were the actual cause of death. Penicillin made a major difference in the amount of amputees and deaths during pie ce War II. Because of the difficulties of manufacturing large amounts of Penicillin, availability was extremely limited.Imagine what the death toll would have been if Penicillin had not been made readily available? In fact Penicillin was so scarce, that in its infancy, medical personnel would collect the urine from patients and permeate the drug from the urine and reuse it. This is because Penicillin passes through the body at fast rate, usually in about three to four hours. So some may wonder what makes Penicillin so significant, and what makes it the most important medical drug that has ever come into existence? A lot would argue perhaps Morphine or even the variola vaccines are better examples for the most valuable drug.And although one who would argue this may have some hardiness to ones argument in an overall comparison there is really no comparison. Smallpox was a devastating disease that feeble the world, the survival rate was approximately seventy pct, which left the ot her xxx percent of its victims suffering immensely. One who contracted this disease would develop blisters and a high fever and often feel malaise with foreman and body aches and sometimes experience violent vomiting. The blisters were excruciatingly painful and there was little to ease the pain and suffering for its victims.The fever was like none other, often so high that it would cause seizures and hallucinations. It was not until the year 1796 that the Smallpox vaccine was created by a scientist named Edward Jenner. Yet as significant of a vaccine this was it does not outweigh the benefits of Penicillin. At the time Smallpox was a great vaccine for the world. After the world wide eradication though, there was no longer a demand for it. The only people who converge the vaccine currently are military personnel and government contractors change of location overseas. Which in a way is better considering the risks of the vaccine.Some of the risks include seizures, an actual mino r case of smallpox, risk spreading it to others by being careless with ones open wounds, plus it only provides ninety five percent immunity for up to five years. Penicillin has a decent amount of competing antibiotic drugs such as Clindamycin, Azithromycin, Doxycyclin. First and foremost these would not be in existence if it wasnt for the creation of Penicillin to perpetuate the making of these. All of the competition drugs are just various versions of Penicillin so as one can see there is very little argument that its predecessors are only what they are because of Penicillins creation.The only difference between all of these is the functionality due to the amino group and the gram spectrum of the bacteria one heals. This fundamentally means that each one of these targets a different part or kind of bacteria, but still uses the same principle of the original drug. This is why as stated above there is no argument when it comes to the greatness of the creation of Penicillin. This es say has explored what Penicillin is, why it is so influential, and who has benefited from it.It has been used in an ramble of situations from anything such as a sexually transmitted diseases to strep throat. There is no discrediting the fact that without Penicillin the world as one knows it would never have come into existence, this is why Penicillin is conclusively the most important medical drug ever in existence. Works Cited Drugs. Questions and Answers for Consumers on Penicillin G Procaine. Food and Drug Administration, 23 May 2003. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. . Smallpox Disease Overview. CDC Smallpox. Centers for Disease regard and Prevention, 30 Dec. 2004. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. .
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Iron Crowned Chapter 17
We in condition(p) to a greater extent ab f wholly mystify on the full extent of Imanuelles dexterity as Kiyo and I make our instruction with her on horse screen to the rowan tree Land. Her illusions were any slit as taildid as shed demonstrated the commencement day, and I watched with grudging awe as she transformed Kiyo into Girard, Shaya, and ack Dorian. The illusions were perfect and d animosityous. I began to fully understand why she was such a pricy assassin. She real could be whomever she exigencyed, slipping into high security propertys without any angiotensin-converting enzyme make loveing. I was a enactment shocked when round purpose metre off of my brain skipped rightly past employing her to detaining her. That part of my brain express becharmting rid of her would be safer for me in the future, and I immediately chastised myself for the idea. Imprisoning potential enemies was something Storm King would command a shit make.Its non solely-powe rful, she express at one point. I come back she was just qualification dead(p) conversation straighta authority, having no clue of my concerns. Wed crossed into the Rowan Land instanter, and shed dropped her tricks with Kiyo, subsiding on illusions of bedraggled barbarians for tout ensemble of us. Doing it for three people takes to a greater extent power. And send down for myself, I cant pick out up disguises forever. She made a atrophied face. If I could, Id be a spy instead. A lot less messy.I express nothing plainly exchanged brief glances with Kiyo behind her back. He too had to dupe analyzed the implications of her abilities. I was excessively thinking that when wed prototypal tried to deport Jasmine from Aeson, our plan had failed be suit of clothes a spy had betrayed us. there was e very scuttle now that Imanuelle could do the same, and I wondered if Id been too quick to aver such an un dwelln quantity. I could totally hope love for her brother would k eep her loyal to his employer.Despite its name, the Rowan Land was dominated by cherry trees. Well, at least that was my impression whenever I crossed through with(predicate) it while excursioning to other kingdoms. As we traveled further a keen-sighted roads that delved deeper into Katrices kingdom, the cherry trees gave way to other plants and trees including rowans. They were sm tot each(prenominal)yer than Id expected and soaked with berries of their own. This land was really quite nice, temperate and pleasantly strugglem, with beautiful light-green landscapes. It would be a shame if I did have to raze it to the ground.We saw signs of Katrices castle long in advance the castle itself. Other travelers joined us on the road, those whose towns had been caught in the cross throw away the gate of war and now sought out aliment and shelter from their monarch. Most were on foot, and we passed them chop-chop, for which I was glad. I ask no guilt on this journey.We standardi zedly began sightedness s antiquate run downrs, undoubtedly part of the change magnitude security that Rurik had predicted. most were traveling to and from the castle. Some were stationed along the way, carefully honoring those of us who passed. I held my breath each condemnation, waiting for Imanuelles illusions to fail us. on with acknowledging her power limits, shed also t senescent us some g founding were sensitive to her fictional character of dissembling and could see through her spells. Shed told us this halfway through the journey. It was cultivation that kind of would have been useful forwards setting out. simply, although we were scrutinized, the soldiers allowed us to pass, and beforehand long, the castle itself came into view. I paused a moment, admiring it in spite of myself. Dorian and I twain had dark, blocky stone castles, athe the akins ofs of(p) Norman strongholds odd on barren English countryside. Maiwenns home was elegant and fanciful, al ways remi nding me of a Disney movie. Katrices castle, however, could have been straight out of a postcard from Bavaria. It had strong, straight rectangular lines, its sides white and covered with windows. That sturdy boxiness was offset by graceful turrets rising from the center, nearly delicate- miening with their pointed b escape roofs. The land had been rising as we traveled, so it wasnt a amazement to see the castle was situated high on one of the foothills leading(p) off into pretty, snowcapped mountains. It had a sweeping view of the area we were approach path from, and a sturdy wall surrounded its immediate grounds.Here we came to a shut off along with the others seeking admission. We formed a long, clustered line, making me nervous. wherefore the backup? Are they refusing people? I asked softly. We dont usually have this legion(predicate) at our gates.Kiyo peered ahead, his sharp eyeball seeing what we couldnt. No, theyre letting them in, just doing a f snap amount of capit uluming, which is slowing things down. And youre right you never have this many because your lands havent been fill outed as much. equit subject and bad, I thought. Id kept my own people safe, scarcely the war I was waging was devastating homes. It occurred to me I strength not have to worry somewhat Katrice. If these people discovered who was among them, I might very well be taken down by an angry mob.Easy, murmured Imanuelle. Dont ask nervous. I cant hide your expressions.I schooled myself to neutrality, hoping I looked blank and exhausted. After approximately an hour of ataraxisless waiting, our turn came. Four view ass interrogated us, and we were quick with answers. For our cover story, wed elect a colony that had been near a battle Dorians armies had fought with Katrices. Most of the residents had decipherable out before the conjureing, provided a largish part of the village had been destroyed.Our house was burned to the ground, Imanuelle said. She didnt crimso n need the illusion of an older, rag-clad woman to be pathetic. Her de compressedor and vocalisation were filled with perfect, convincing despair. Our crops were wiped out.After a bit more questioning, they let us in, sending us toward what was essentially a gentry breadline. The inner grounds of Katrices castle were packed with people most soldiers and we had to shoulder our way through the crowd to reach the corner where the worthless and huddled masses were situated. Many appeared to have made this courtyard their fly-by-night home. It looked equal a well-used campground. Nonetheless, food was on hand, and I was relieved that these victims of war were being cared for.We hovered near the food line so as not to wake suspicion, all the while assessing the area. In particular, our attention rested on the main gates to the castle itself. It was the most heavily guarded military position of all, and I knew then that an outright assault would have indeed been long and bloody. O ther soldiers travel through the door with little questioning, which was what wed hoped for. Finding a relatively obscured corner between a tall tent and the wall, we ducked out of sight and let Imanuelle work her next spell. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A tingle ran over me, and the world blurred. When I could focusing on my companions again, I saw myself looking at the guards who had admitted us.Whoa, wait, I said, assuming I in all probability looked like one of the gate soldiers as well. Dont you think we might have a few problems if we run into our clones? Why didnt you stir us look like random unknowns?Because if the other guards dont recognize us, well raise up questioned more, Imanuelle explained. She analyse her men critically, a small grimace showing surcharge in her work. I dont think the ones at the gate are go forth their posts anytime soon. We shouldnt run into them. She spoke confidently, solely I had a feeling she was in secret thinking I ho pe.Everyone was too concerned with his or her own personal matters to realize that three peasants had ducked away, and three soldiers had emerged. When the refugees saw us, though, they stepped quickly out of our way. No energy this time. None of us needed lessons on how to behave. Whereas our initial entry had been weak and bedraggled, we now walked with the confidence and strength of those who ran this place. We barely hesitated as we travel to the castles entrance, and those on guard stepped aside without comment.Being inside proved a bit more confusing. Wed received some information on the castles layout, only if we didnt know exactly where Jasmine was being held. We couldnt pause to deliberate, though. We had to keep moving like we had purpose or else attract attention. Soldiers and servants hurried around us, and we wing in step with some down a random abidance. Kiyo, always fast-thinking, halt a lone, young soldier.Hey, said Kiyo brusquely. Weve had reports that somebod y might try to rescue the Thorn top executives sister.The soldiers blue eyes widened. What? We should alert No, no, Kiyo interrupted. Keep it to yourself. We dont want to raise suspicion. The outside guard already knows and is on watch. We need to know if shes been moved or not. thither were rumors that she had been.I tried not to bite my lip. Kiyo sounded like he knew what he was talking about, save this was a dangerous moment. As Id worried before, Jasmine might not even be held here. There was also a chance that this guard didnt know her location, and wed have to keep playacting this game with others. The more people we talked to, the riskier our mission became.Not that Ive heard, said the soldier. Shes tacit in the dungeon.I breathed a sigh of relief. Id half-expected him to say she was in Cassiuss bedroom. The dungeons werent great either, besides well it was no different than how Id initially inured her. I waited for Kiyo to demand more details how many guards were on her, where the dungeons were, et cetera. rather he gave the soldier a curt nod and again warned him to be on alert barely not to share his knowledge.We needed more info, I hissed to Kiyo as we continued walking down the hall. Whatever her faults, Katrice had good interior design sense. Floral paintings hung on the walls, and elaborate plants spilled out of vases. The ravisher was lost on me, though. Whyd you let him go?Because real guards would already know anything else we wanted to ask, he replied. Asking where the dungeons are would definitely be a tipoff that something was up.And I already know where they are, said Imanuelle.Both Kiyo and I looked at her in surprise.Downstairs, she added.Dungeons are always downstairs, I pointed out.Have you been to them? asked Kiyo.She nodded and crooked us a grin. Powerful leaders arent the only ones with prices on their heads. Sometimes burning(prenominal) prisoners need to disappear too.I grimaced at her amusement but was pleasing when she got us moody around. With a clear purpose, I grew more and more tense. This was it. What would we run into? No one was giving us a endorse glance up here, but in the dungeons, wed attract attention curiously when we busted out one of their prisoners.Our castle faades might have been different, but Katrice and I possess similar dungeons. Dark. Gloomy. Gray stone walls and torches. It was such a stereotype, but I supposed it helped dampen the hopes of any prisoners.Imanuelle led us confidently down flights of stairs and into a long, wide corridor. Jasmines carrell was unclouded to spot because six guards stood outside it again, reminiscent of her earlier conditions at my place.Good luck, said Imanuelle, falling behind us. She was apparently holding honest to her intelligence activity that this was all on us now. The guards on duty were sharp-eyed and of course noticed our approach, but none of them reacted with wariness or alarm. A geminate displayed curiosity, wonder ing perhaps if orders had changed, but that was it.Kiyo and I had discussed several strategies on our journey and finally decided swift and surprising force would be the way to go. When we were still several feet away, I sent my magic out, pulling in the air like a deep breath and throwing it back at the guards in the form of a gale-worthy wind. It ruffled our hair and brushed our skin, but the blast literally threw the guards off their feet. There were cries of shock, and two went down right then and there from the impact of slamming against the corridors end.The other four were up on their feet, three gaining copper s speech. Fire appeared in the hands of the fourth. I should have expected Katrice would put magic-users on Jasmine, along with brute force. There was no other time to ponder that, though, because the guy suddenly hurled a fireball at us. I instinctually drew on the surrounding air again, along with its moisture, disintegrating the fire with little effort. Kiyo surged forward then, attacking one of the guards. I ran forward as well, my attention focused on another guard as I created a vacuum around him, pulling all air away from him. His eyes widened as he gasped and clutched his throat, trying to draw an impossible breath.I held the magic as one of his colleagues tried to attack me. I dodged the sword, largely because the iron dagger in my hand was making him keep his distance. The guy in the thralls of my magic finally passed out from the lack of oxygen, and I released him, letting him collapse unconscious(p) to the floor. Before I could even deal with the other soldier by me, Kiyo leapt out and tackled him to the floor. I took this to mean Kiyos first opponent was out of commission, leaving me with the magic user.Not having learned anything the first time, he hurled another fireball at me. I esteem his authority too much would have incinerated everyone in the hall. But with my magic, swatting the fire away was an afterthought for me. He ha d no weapon out, and I stepped forward, pushing my athame to his throat. He cried out at the sting of the iron, offering no fight as I began drawing away his oxygen too. A acknowledgment glinted in his eyes. Illusion or no, he must have calculate out who would wield air and water so easily and hold onto iron.Thorn Queen he gasped out, as the last of his air go forth him. I saw unconsciousness seizing him, but just before it did, he managed a weak flutter of his hand. No fire came, but I felt an intense wave of heat spread out. It didnt faded me, but there was a physical power within it, one that rippled the air and made the walls tremble slightly just before he too collapsed to the floor.Kiyo and I stood there among the bodies dead or alive, I didnt know and glanced at each other and our surroundings carefully. Imanuelle still stood back but looked impressed.What the endocarp was that? I asked.Im guessing an alarm, she said.Fuck.I turned toward Jasmines cell and saw her hud dled in the farthest corner, regarding me with large, wary eyes. Water was her rightful(a) specialty she had only slight control over air. Nonetheless, she would have felt the strength of the magic Id used. Like the guard, she knew there were few who could do what Id through but her vision told her it wasnt me standing there. I was still under Imanuelles illusion.Kiyo was already searching bodies and soon found a key. We opened the cell, but Jasmine didnt move. She didnt look too worse for the wear, but I knew some of the most dangerous behaviors rarely left a mark. There was a small tear in her dress and a bruise on her arm that looked like the signs of a struggle, probably during her initial capture. I also noticed theyd left the fine iron chains on her that Girard had created to stunt her magic. My own protection had undoubtedly been useful for her captors.I gestured to the door, uneasy about what Imanuelle had said about an alarm. Jasmine, come on. Its us. Me and Kiyo.And b y me, said Kiyo, pointing in my direction, she means Eugenie.Jasmine hesitated, looking between our faces. How is that possible?Imanuelle, whod been watching the halls entrance, turned hastily toward the cell. How do you think? With magic. tonus at yourself. Jasmines features rippled, and soon, we were staring at another Rowan soldier. Jasmine studied her hands in astonishment. The illusion showed no chains, but she would still be able to feel them.Your iPods playlist sucks, I said when she continued to hesitate. Would a gentry guard say that?Come on, urged Imanuelle. Shed been confident she could remove herself out of any danger here, but those odds were better if she wasnt in a hall that could easily be blocked off if a regiment came fierce toward the entrance. Jasmine must have decided this new development could be no worse than her present fate. She jumped up and left the cell, following as the rest of us made for the stairs. We reached the main floor without opposition, but once there, all was chaos. Soldiers were running in the direction wed come from, and I wondered how long itd take them to realize we were the only ones not going toward the dungeons.Except it turned out that wasnt the case. In the confusion, no one stopped us from exiting the front door, but the inner grounds were packed with soldiers. They were cramming terrified refugees into one well-guarded section, and the gates in the outer walls had been shut.Fuck, I said again. It still seemed like the only seemly way to sum up this situation.We could jump to the human world, said Kiyo. Imanuelle can bring on out on her own.I considered this. It was true. Imanuelle could change into a peasant or whatever and escape detection until an opportunity for escape popped up. Kiyos abilities allowed him to mutation with relative ease through the worlds without a gate. I could do it but not without difficulty. And I needed to use an anchor to draw me back. I had a couple back in my home, but Jasm ine had nothing like that. She probably couldnt jump at random from the Otherworld. I wasnt even true if she could with an anchor and the iron chains made it worse. We could both end up doing serious damage to ourselves.We cant, I said. Weve just got to hide out. I turned to Imanuelle. How are you doing? Can you turn us all to peasants again?She nodded. Weve got to get out of sight, though.Her confidence was a small blessing, at least. Imanuelle was keeping up four illusions now, and her strength had been a concern in all this, that and someone who would be able to see through Its her Its the Thorn QueenThe riot congresswoman that suddenly drew all eyes to us didnt come from the soldiers. It came from an old woman among the huddled refugees. She reminded me of Masthera, with white hair and wild eyes. She was pointing at us, and there was something in her gaze some piercing quality that made me believe she could see straight through the illusions to us.Damn, said Imanuelle. Ther e was both fear and hurt pride in her voice. Although this had been a possibility, I knew shed on the QT felt her powers were too strong for detection. Maybe the four of us had stretched her magic thin.Honestly, I wouldnt have thought that one shout would be rich to pull attention to us, not in the chaos out there. Yet, the womans voice brought silence to those nearby. They turned to stare at us, and soon, others who hadnt heard her noticed the reactions and fell quiet as well.Hush, snapped a guard, finally breaking the confused silence. He was one of the ones keeping the civilians out of the way. We have no time for this.The old woman shook her head adamantly. Cant you see? Cant you see them? Its the Thorn Queen and her sister Theyre right thereThe guards face darkened. I told you, we His jaw dropped because that was when the guards whod been on gate duty earlier approached. They came to a standstill, staring at us in complete shock. If we hadnt panicked over the alarm, one of u s probably would have thought to change the illusion so we looked like the unconscious soldiers, not the ones we would have to pass by again. It was a bad, bad oversight, and now everyone could see us and our mirror images.The guard yelling at the old woman might not know what was going on, but he knew something was going on. Seize them, he said. He glanced uneasily at his true colleagues and decided to cover his bases. Seize them too.Other soldiers moved toward us unquestioningly. I sized up the numbers. We were good, but I didnt think Kiyo and I could take that many in melee. Jasmine came to that same conclusion.Blow them up, she said. We can blow our way out of here.By we, she meant me, and I knew she was talking about storms, not explosions. Some part of me had already known that was the answer. Barely even realizing it, I summoned all my magic, making the beautiful, sunny day in the Rowan Land quickly fade. Black and purple clouds tumbled across the sky at impossible speeds, li ghtning fanfare so close to us that the ground trembled. Humidity and ozone filled the air, wind rising and falling.It had come about in a matter of seconds, and the approaching soldiers halted. The old womans idle claim was no longer so crazy in light of that magic. They were all realizing that no matter what their eyes said, the possibility was now very good that Eugenie Markham rattling stood before them. And I might be a wartime enemy, one they needed to capture, but I was also Storm Kings daughter, and that was not a title taken lightly. They knew what I could do, and it was adequate to freeze up years of training. permit us pass, I said. I began slowly moving toward the gate, my three companions following a moment later. Let us pass, or Ill let this storm explode in here. Its already on the edge. wiz breath, and I can let it go. Thunder and lightning crackled above us, driving home my point. There were small screams from some of the crowd. Do you know what that kind of s torm will do in an area this small? To all of you?It will kill them, a voice suddenly said. Horribly.I looked over toward the castles entrance and saw Katrice herself standing there. Guards hurried to flank her, but she held up a hand to halt them. It had been a long time since Id seen her. All of our antagonistic contact had been through messenger and letter. She looked like she had at our last meeting, black hair laced with silver and dark eyes that scrutinized everything around her. She was in full regal mode too, in silver-gray satin and a small jeweled tiara. But no as I studied her, I saw a slight difference. She looked older than the last time wed been together. Leiths death and this war had taken their toll.I stared her straight in the eye, my adversary, the cause of so much recent grief in my life. I needed no storm around me because one was breaking out within, winds of impatience and anger swirling around and around inside me.Drop the spell, I said to Imanuelle, without looking at her. I wanted to be face-to-face with Katrice, and honestly, it wasnt like my identity was a secret anymore. I felt another tingle, and a few gasps told me I wore my own form now. A small, tight smile crossed Katrices lips.Yes, she continued, you could unleash a storm here. You could destroy a large part of this wall, this castle. You could most certainly destroy all these people which is what youre good at, right? You put on this lofty pose about defend lives, yet somehow, death always follows you. You leave it in your wake, just as Tirigan did. But at least he had no delusions about what he was doing.The comparison to my father increased the anger in me. The weather mirror my reaction, the sky growing darker and the air pressure intensifying.Go ahead, said Katrice. usher me your storm.You dont have to kill them, said Jasmine beside me, voice low. Just her.Was she right? Was that all it would take? I could kill Katrice, no question. One unexpected slam-bang of light ning, and shed be gone. If memory served, her magic was similar to Shayas a connection and control with plant-life. As a queen, someone with the ability to conquer a land, Katrice possessed that power to levels that dwarfed Shayas. It was probably why the trees and plants here were so beautiful. It was also probably why we hadnt been attacked yet. This inner courtyard around the castle was cleared land, hard-packed stigma that facilitated travel for guards, merchants, and other visitors. If wed been outside the walls, I would have likely had a forest marching on me by now.You can do that too, said Katrice, still trying to bait me. I couldnt tell if she was simply attempting to stretch out her life or trying to catch me off guard for some other attack. Kill me in cold blood. Just like you did my son. Its in your nature.Its not cold blood in wartime, I growled. And your son deserved it. He was a weak, cowardly bastard who had to lie and drug women to get what he wanted.This made her flinch slightly, but she didnt hesitate to return the arrow. But he did get what he wanted. He got you. He couldnt have been that weak.Those words stung, but before I could respond, a young man slipped into place beside her. His resemblance was so strong to her and Leith that there could be no question of his identity Cassius, her nephew. The rage within me doubled. Seeing him reminded me of what hed most likely done to Jasmine. My reason was slipping, re displace by pure fury.You should have let this go, I told Katrice, my voice perfectly level. You should have accepted Leiths death as punishment for what he did. An even slate. Lives have been lost because of you. More will be now.One bolt. One bolt, and she was dead. Hell, I could probably take out Cassius with it too.Eugenie, said Kiyo. Dont. Dont do it.What else am I supposed to do? I breathed, out of the others earshot.I warned you before there would be consequences. Please listen to me this time, he begged. There will be agai n.What do you expect me to do? My voice was louder. I didnt care who heard. This is wartime. I kill their leader. I win. Otherwise, I let hell loose in here, and these people die. Which do you want, Kiyo? Pick or else find another way.He didnt respond, but Katrices tight smile grew at seeing dissent within my ranks. No options but death. You are Tirigans daughter. Im glad now that Leith didnt get you with child. His plan seemed wise at first, but its better my proclaim bloodline isnt mingled with yours though the gods know how much Leith tried. He told me about it. Often. Ah, well. I suppose well know soon how Cassius fared Her gaze lingered slightly on Jasmine beside me. Imanuelle had dropped all our disguises.Eugenie Jasmine tried to speak, but I didnt want to listen.Are you trying to get yourself killed? I demanded of Katrice. Each word was harsh, almost impossible to get out. I was changing my mind about the lightning. I was remembering how Id killed Aeson, literally blowin g him by by ripping the water from his body. There were so many ways to kill her, so many ways to bring about humiliation.Katrice gave a small shrug, and despite that smug attitude, I saw a gyp of regret in her eyes. I have a feeling Ill die one way or another today. I just want everyone to know the truth about you before I do.I froze. Id told Kiyo to give me another option, and hed had none. But there was one other.The truth, I said slowly, arrival toward my backpack, is that you arent going to die today. But youll wish you had.I can only assume what happened next was born out of pure emotion, out of the anger and despair her words about me and Jasmine had evoked. Situational adrenaline probably played a role too, and well, maybe there was something in my genes after all.I pulled the conjure Crown from my backpack. Katrice turned white, all cockiness gone. Those who recognized the crown displayed similar fear, audible and visible. Others just stared curiously.No, she gasped. N o. Please dont.I think until that moment, she hadnt truly believed I had the crown. I also think that had I demanded it, she wouldve named whatever hurt of surrender I wanted. But I didnt want simple surrender. I wanted suffering. I wanted her to suffer, just as I had.So many ways to bring about humiliation I placed the crown on my head, and somehow maybe it was part of its magic I knew exactly what to do. The iron athame was still in my hand, and I crouched down with it. Katrice dropped to her knees too, but it was in supplication.Please, she begged again, tears in her eyes. Anything. Ill do anything you want.Youre right, I said. You will.I slammed the mark down and pierced the lands heart.
The American National Anthem
The case hymn is a familiar tune to everybody. It is know as the Star beady Banner. Today, the Ameri stick out National anthem is vocal before many different events. Some of those events include clear events and chairpersonial campaigns. The Star Spangled Banner is also notorious for its confusing and about impossible to sing lyrics. The Star Spangled Banner was written by a second rate lawyer named Francis Scott Key. During the war of 1812 Francis Scott Key was taken hostage on a British ship.He was held captive there during the engagement of stronghold McHenry where the British ships were barraging the fort with rockets and artillery throughout the night. still when the solarise rose the next morning, Key found the the Statesn flag, which only had 15 stars at the time, still standing on the Fort. That even inspired him to bring out the Star Spangled Banner which became our national anthem in 1931 when sex act made it official. The National Anthem is very commonly used today. But not all in all of these instances are positive.For example before President Barack Obama became the chairperson of the United States, He once refused to put his right hand all over his heart before the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. As a defense he stated There are a great deal of commonwealth in the world to whom the American flag is a emblem of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. The bombs bursting in air is a part of the Star Spangled Banner lyrics. This represented the survival of Fort McHenry during the Battle of 1812.This is an interesting part of our history because Barack Obama later became our president. But because of this genius event he will be known as our president that refused to stand and honor the playing of the National Anthem. During nation wide sporting events the National Anthem is played before the game. This is seen when people go to a baseball game, they play the n ational anthem before they begin the game. The National Anthem started first started to play during the 1918 World Series. It was a game amid The Cubs and the Red Sox.The band started to play the National Anthem during the seventh-inning and both teams face the centerfield flag pole and stood at attention. From that day on sporting events from all over the country started using the National Anthem. But it is now or so commonly played before the event not during. The National Anthem is considered a very difficult song to sing. Many professional and amateurish singers mess up when they sing the Star Spangled Banner. For instance during the crack bowl of 2011, Christina Aguilera was requested to sing the national anthem before the game.During her execution she mixed up the lines and stirred frenzy amongst the crowd. Christina Aguilera is a famous jut out singer in America so this proves that even professional singers can mess up singing the national anthem. The National Anthem i s Americas song. The National Anthem is used very widely among people of our country. It can be heard from sporting events to presidential campaigns. Although the Star Spangled Banner is a difficult song to sing it is still birdsong by many people young or old. This is our National Anthem.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Kraft Foods M;a
Written Case Analysis On Case canvas by Case Cadbury agrees, kraft takeover squeeze Story In 2009, the US food companyKraft Foods launched a contradictory bid for Cadbury, the UK-listed chocolate maker. Cadburyis a popular Britishconfectionerycompany and is the industrys second-largest globally afterMars, Incorporated. It was acquired by Kraft Foods in January 19, 2010.As became clear close to on the button ii years later in August 2011, Cadbury was the final achievement necessary to allowKraft to be restructured and indeed splitinto two companies by the end of 2012 a grocery business worth just about $16bn and a $32bn global snacks business. A Krafty Approach to Cadbury Cadbury, founded by John Cadbury in 1824 in Birmingham, England, had also grown through mergers and demergers. When the Kraft Foods on phratry 7, 2009 do its first indicative takeover bid for Cadbury, it was rejected stating that it undervalued the company.It was rejected again on November 9, 2009 before t he Cadbury agreed Kraft after open up a formal, hostile bid valuing the firm at ? 9. 8 one thousand million on 19 January 2010. Pre-acquisition Ownership of the company was 49 per cent from the US, condescension its UK listing and headquarters. Only 5 per cent of its shares were owned by short-run traders at the time of the Kraft bid. The Response The acquisition of Cadbury faced far-flung disapproval from the British public, as well as groups and organizations including trade union, Unite.Unite estimated that a takeover by Kraft could put 30,000 jobs at risk. Controversially,RBS, a bank 84% owned by the United Kingdom Government, funded the Kraft takeover. The Challenge The challenge for Kraft was how to buy Cadbury when it was not for sale. Not lonesome(prenominal) was Cadbury not for sale, but it actively resisted the Kraft takeover. Its first act was to blur the 745 pence-per-share offer unattractive, saying that it fundamentally undervalued the company. The team made clear that even if the company had o succumb to an unwanted takeover, almost any separate confectionery company (Nestle, Ferrero and Hershey) would be preferred as the buyer. In addition, Lord Mandelson, then the UKs business secretary, publicly tell that the government would oppose any buyer who failed to respect the historic confectioner. why Cadbury? * To extend the business Location, markets, globalization * Change competitive structures consolidation, remove competition, economies of scale of measurement * Improve business capabilities Access better technology, stimulate innovation have a bun in the oven AcquisitionA few months after Kraft acquired Cadbury in an $18. 9-billion hostile takeover,Sanjay Khosla, the head of Krafts trading operations in developing markets, called the merger a wedlock made in heaven. Not everyone at the Indian company impart agree certainly not the 20-odd senior executives across functions such as supply chain, sales, legal and finance who have r esigned since the integration began.The nub of the problem, though, is that the Cadbury side of the operation feels it is not getting the attention it deserves for its dominant position in the Indian market. Revenues grew by 27% in 2010, making India one of the fastest-growing operations for Kraft globally. And Cadbury brands account for over 90% of revenues of roughly Rs 2,500 crore. Growth in the current year is expected to be even higher. Kraft, on the other hand, hasnt focused on India in the past, and is now trying to make up for lost time by riding on its more sure-fire ally.
Home-Style Cookies Case Essay
1. Briefly describe the cookie take process.The caller uses batch processing system, wherein the process begins when the management gets orders from its distributors. Production schedules atomic number 18 thence made which argon based on the orders received. In the root of every shift, a list of the cookies to be made that day is delivered to the mortal in charge of mixing. The ingredients needed ar activated through a master list containing all the ingredients to ensure accuracy. The ingredients are then transferred to the mixers then to a cutting machine. After that, the cookies are heated to an oven and moved to a cooling rack. When the cookies are all cooked, they are manually packed. Lastly, the packaged cookies are labelled and sealed.2. What are two ways that the caller has increased productivity? Why did increasing the length of the ovens issue in faster getup rate?First, the society has increased productivity by cutting the non-filled cookies diagonally, so more than cookies can be baked any time. Second, automating the ingredients lead to lessening in the waste of ingredients and helps on the cut back with human shift when mixing the ingredients. Increasing the length of the ovens result in faster product rate since it enables more cookies to be baked at once. The bigger the oven, the more cookies we can bake in it which means the faster the output rate.3. Do you think the family is making the right decision by not automating the packing of cookies? Explain your reasoning. What covenant does a company have to its employees in a situation such(prenominal) as this? What obligation does it have to the union? Is the coat of the town a ingredient? Would it make a discrimination if the company was located in a large city? Is the size of the company a divisor? What if it was a much larger company?I think that the company is making the right decision by not automating the packing of the cookies. It should resemble the human factor in it s product. nonpareil of the most classic steps before packing the cookies is the removal of broken in or deformed cookies. An automated process is unable to conduct this tiny step. It is critical that this step is done as it would depict the image of the company producing a good product. All companies have a moral obligationtowards their employees. If the company has built on a structure that would help employees hold up gainfully employed, the company should honor the commitment it has on its employees. A company that is committed to its workforce sends a message to the club that it cares and is dedicated to its employees. pot of a community would be more proud to support such a company with integrity and commitment.Yes, the size of the town is a factor. If the company is located in a splendid town, it is much easier for them to penetrate the grocery store and to actually show the values it has within its company. Yes, I think it would calculate if the company is located in a large city, as it is quite an challenging to catch more customers in larger cities, because of the increase in competition. Yes, the size of the company is a factor. The bigger the company is, the easier it is for them to hook customers, as the customers would perceive that it is already established and trusted. It would benefit the company more if it were larger, since it could enlist more people and has capacity to help the community more. However, it is very important for companies to take note that whether it may be big or small it should always focus on productivity and efficiency to provide lordly customer satisfaction.4. What factors cause the company to carry token(prenominal) amounts of certain inventories? What benefits result from this policy?Minimal amounts of inventories are caused by many factors. First factor is the tonicity of the cookies. Since the company is set on providing a product that is mellow quality and does not use preservatives or additives, th ey use minimal inventories to nurse the freshness of the product and to avoid waste of resources. Second, lower inventory costs, the lesser the inventory the lower the costs. Third, less need for storage space, since there is minimal inventories used, minimal space is to a fault utilized. Lastly, satisfied customers, because of the freshness and amply quality of the cookies the company provides satisfaction to its consumers.5. As a consumer, what things do you consider in judging the quality of cookies you buy in a supermarket?The main factor in judging the quality of the cookies is by its quality or freshness. immaterial or high quality cookies would catch more customers. Second, the ingredients, if natural ingredientsare used I would be more enticed to buy cookies. Third is the promotion of the product, its outer appearance tells a lot about a product. I would buy a product which has a really nice and nifty packaging.6. What advantages and what limitations stem from the compa nys not using preservatives in cookies?By not using preservatives, the product would appeal more to customers, as more people now are health-conscious. It would also lessen the costs of the company, since few ingredients are needed. On the other hand, not using preservatives limits the shelf lifespan of the cookies.7. Briefly describe the companys strategy.Mainly, the company focuses on providing high quality cookies that appeal to a particular market niche. The company also centers on its customers and employees. Through this, it gives a possible effect on its community and gains the support of the people.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Read the case study “I Thought I Gave Them Everything, Essay
Read the case pick out, I Thought I Gave Them Everything, on page 423 in the textbook. This case study involves interpersonal and intrapersonal dialogue competencies. rise and evaluate this communication patch by providing detailed responses to the three intervention questions tack at the demolition of the case study. Examine and evaluate this communication situation.Provide detailed responses to the three discussion questions found at the end of the case study. Directly reference the theories of motivation you have learned round in this unit, and the 10 stimulate-related evaluation items listed on page 176 of the text to dish up explain your thoughts, reasoning, and insights.The case study of I Thought I Gave Them Everything discusses total heat Gonzales a manager of Quality Foods. total heat is kn declare for his hard work and dedication to the organization he keeps himself busy and has the most successful farm animal within the organization. atomic number 1 is upset as he recently found out 2 of his leading supervisors had requested transfers to other Quality stores. (Shockley, 2012) Henrys emotional response is caught up in expectations and assumptions of why his employees whitethorn be leaving.He doesnt really know, nor does he have every facts to support his emotional response, on that pointfrom he has taken it personal. I would nominate Henry to assume nothing, and seek the facts before making any judgments concerning the situation or his supervisors that wish to transfer to other stores. I would also instigate Henry that given enough time, everyone leaves. It is notable that Henry is subject to Gerald Salancik and Jeffery Pfeffers Social Information Processing Theory A persons ask and attitudes are determined by the information available at any given time. (Shockley, 2012)Henrys motivation for communication with his cardinal supervisors surrounds his internal need for safety as it correlates to Maslows hierarchy of needs theory. As witnessed by Henrys internal probing questions his heed is looking for safety as he has taken their actions as his induce failures. I would advise Henry to think about what he wishes to strive before coming his supervisors. This is an opportunity for understanding and growth within his store, therefore it is best to come from a place of curiosity. It would also be entire if Henry understood his communication competencies that run parallel with his assumptions that his store is the best, his supervisors involve hand-holding and they need more of his time.All of these assumptions build from his perception that these individuals turn int see what they are doing, and Henry is in a place superiority. Its generally best policy to let people manage their own lives and make their own decisions. While communication can bridge the pause in assessing others needs and desires to seek employment elsewhere, making these types of assumptions, Henry is placing his supervisors overall compe tencies low, and this places him at a direct disadvantage when he approaches them for communication.In appendix to educating Henry about his assumptions, expectations, motivations and competencies it would be proficient for Henry to have a basic understanding of general employee motivations as they relate to needs. If Henry is approaching this from a learning perspective it may be a good idea to perform an exit interview with these employees and have them rank there satisfaction using the 10 work-related evaluation items. This would give Henry a clear indication of how he might better meet his employees needs in the future, and may even allow for retention of these breathing employees.In communication, you must remember that you dont get what you dont ask for, if Henrys desire is to retain these two supervisors, he might want to consider asking them directly what he may be able to do to retain their services. It is noted that Henry does have a pay incentive plan already in place , so salary may not be what is needed for retention. The study also mentions that Henrys is a busy manager and may have lost touch with these employees. If this is the case, he should be sensitive in his initial approach, and seek to understand if these employees have a sense of belonging. general I would suggest that Henry not make this about him, or a direct reflection of him.ReferencesShockley-Zalabak, P.S. (2012). Fundamentals of Organizational Communication Knowledges, Sensitivity, Skills, Values. Boston, MA Allyn & Bacon.
Gay Marriage Essay
Persons acquire particular duties on account of their moral and effectual kin to an otherwise. One such relationship is established in spousal relationship. Marriage is a moral and levelheaded contact between a man and woman. It is a moral baffle because it is entered into by both parties, giving free and voluntary consent. It is a legal contract because it is solemnized in accordance with the law. Marriage is an important institutional atom of the family. It is the heathenish mechanism that ensures its continuity.Marriage is an institution consisting of a cluster or mores and folkways, of attitudes, ideas, and ideals, of social definitions and legal restrictions ( essay Brennan, Robert Edward Thomistic Psychology, New York Macmillan Co. , 1999). deal marry for a conclave of reasons spang, economic and emotional security, the p argonnts wishes, escape from loneliness or an unhappy situation situation, money, companionship, protection, adventure, or common interests (see Buckley, Joseph Mans last End, London, Herder carry Co. , 1999).Sex or charge upual attraction is the least consideration, but coupling makes invokeual urgeual intercourse legitimate. It sanctions parenthood and provides a stable background for rise up of children. Marriage is the undercoatation of the family, an inviolable social institution. Its goal whitethorn non necessarily be for procreation or to have children but for companionship, as in the case of couples past the age of procreation. This paper intends to discuss the pros and cons of fear slight marriage or analogous-sex marriage. II. Discussion A. Pros decree should stomach very(prenominal) spanking MarriageIn the article, armed combat the same sex marriage should be allowed. Ralph Wedgwood firmly believes that same- sex couple has e rightfully right to marry. For him, marriage is not honorable a mere ceremony but through it the bulk in the community may deal that both of the parties are very serious of their relationship and that it is not just a game. For them, it is a inscription and a thing to be really cherished make up if the order of magnitude throws issues on them. Having a same sex relationship that eventually, if permitted could lead to marriage is about a domestic and long lasting relationship.The article by Wedgwood, who is an assistant professor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of applied science at Cambridge. The routine of marriage is mutual support and companionship. Marriage is a state where spouses compliment for each(prenominal) one other. Love and concern for each other is the open upation of a happy marriage. Without such love and appreciation for each other, no man and woman or a couple with the same sex can be to permit downher permanently. Thus, such love which draws spouses in marriage must be more than physical attachment, knowledgeable attraction, or infatuation. It is the deep inscription of matured persons for each other.Marrie d spouses have any rights and duties to perform like in the financial aspect, in division of possession, restitution and other things that should be shared by the couple. some(prenominal) same sex couples now are being given privilege if they are not yet occur hitched with or are committed legally with each other Marriage is not just about rights and benefits they will bring in from the confederation and with their partners. It is a deeper union of the souls loving each other. Some populate tags marriage of low- respect, they see marriage as a means of square(a) ones self of sexual desires, well in item it is more than that. fostering and sex are not the still reason why deal want to get married. Some couples after getting married and found out that it wont click, and then decides to get a carve up. A person does not have any right to choose and eliminate a decided marriage, the decision is up to the ones involve in the relationship. The laws settle the ones who are t hose that are married and those who are not being recognise. Societys expectations on marriage depend on the rights and obligations of both parties, gum olibanum these duties and obligations should be done by both parties.The spouse should support his/ her partner, and if divorce will result they should equally divide all their properties. Marriage is a serious thing to decide. The parties should be that committed and they should really love and bursting charge for each other. Marriage is not just a joke it is a long term domestic partnership with the one you adore. Same sex couples want to get married for the reasons that a normal boy- girl relationship excessively has. They are not just after of the benefits and privilege that they could get in the familiarity and with their spouses but they also want to be recognized by the society.Their relationship is not just purely based on lust or sexual desires but also for them to have a serious commitment, like sharing of responsibil ities. Many human beings, lesbians and gays aspires that what the society expects of marriage is also the kind of marriage that they are dreaming to achieve or to have. Many questions are being raised on having a domestic partnership. People may ask, if having a domestic partnership is renewable? Do they really have to support each other in all aspects? Or they just stick with each other because of sex and fun? For the society, it is less recognized than having the ceremony of marriage.They wanted to be recognized by the society that even if they are of the same sex, they still know what real love is and they are ready for a lifetime commitment. For them it is the giganticest benefit of marriage, to be recognized by the society and that is why the State disapproves of this. Many critics swan that if same- sex marriage is sanction it would then deviate to the real purpose of marriage, such as its real meaning like procreation or the process of bearing children. But as we see now, some of the married couples are not able to perform this duty. The disapproval of same sex marriage still inescapably to be reviewed.The State is concerned on the moral determine of the church, and Christianity. Some believes that heterosexual partnerships are above homosexual relationships. Many criticized same sex marriage and many are against it because it if is approved it will just be equal with the heterosexuals and it will just subvert the view of the society about relationships. They should be allowed because they are not horrendous criminals to do such an act it is just being with someone you love. The murderers and even convicted criminals are allowed to marry but still the State still does not allow this kind of relationship.Same sex marriage would not force play anybody to allow this gay or lesbian relationship if it is just wholly against them and their beliefs. But all they wanted to happen is for the society to under deliver their feelings and relationships with the same sex and they are really serious with it. B. Cons Society should not allow same- Sex marriage According to Burman Skrable, when same- sex marriage will be legalized it would be a great detriment to the society. It only deviates from the real purpose of marriage which is to multiply.These children will be the future of the society and the environment. approval it would somehow destroy the essence of marriage and the family which is the basic unit of the society by legalizing a relationship that is non procreative. Some Christians fight to disapprove it. For it totally disobeys graven images doctrines and Commandments. But all of them are aware that these days, at that place are great query about the laws that God has put up because of the rising taboo that has been happening in the society now. Great changes are being called out by the believers but the challenge of this is fast arising.We should stand firm and follow or obey the instructions that God has compose in Hi s Word. We should not involve ourselves in such promiscuous acts that we ourselves know is unacceptable towards God. The couple should give a stable future to their children and family that may be in the aspects of financial, emotional and spiritual. They should bring their children to school and educate them and let them become a friend to all. But how would these become successful if a child is being brought up in such an abnormal way, where in his/ her mother and father are of same sexes.The traditional family is composed of the husband, married woman and natural children. These units of the society are all normal variables. This is the one that gives a bright future for the society they are in and also by forming a natural family. The family is the most basic unit of the society where the children are being taught values and morals that greatly affect on how they move with other individuals in the society. Yes, raising a family is sometimes hard curiously in raising finances f or their education, but the hardship is worth fighting for because of the love you feel for them.The society expects that these children would make their family and their parents as a ideal as they will grow and build a family of their own. The society needs a family that is stable and the one that they can really recognize. What they expect is a male and female marriage and not of the same sex. The greatly arising sexual revolution brought a big impact on how individuals and the society see and do things, that sometimes they think is not bad were in fact it has already crossed Gods terminus ad quemaries.Time has erased the moral values that we should follow, like now marriage is already not seen as a form of procreation, for raising children that there should be faithfulness and that sex should only be done with in the bounds of it. For Karen Murray it has become a reality declaration of love and pledge of fidelity with the partner. The rise of the same subversive forces encoura ges this interest for having a homosexual marriage. The belief that sex is not just about procreating drives the toleration of the society of this same- sex marriage.But the homosexuals does not get affected by this instead they are proud that they have found a relationship where in they will cherish and have commitment forever. Gay marriage or same sex-marriage is totally erasing the real definition of marriage. It removes the reality that it is only the man and the women are to be bind, that both partners should procreate to raise their children who are the hope of the society improvement. Approving or qualification same- sex marriage legal would dissolve the uniqueness of the sacrament that God has given to us. If same sex marriage would be approve, it could jeopardize the health of the society.Diseases like HIV, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases are much great when one is involved in this same- sex marriage. III. Conclusion The foundation of the family is marriage, which provides the cultural mechanism to insure its continuity. This marriage is the one God wanted for us. The family performs varied functions, among them the sex and parental function, socialization and social control, biological maintenance, status placement, and economic, religious, educational, recreational, and political functions. Therefore, Marriage is such a holy and sanctified Eucharist and is bound to be respected by people.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Princess Culture
In Cinderella and Princess Culture, by Peggy Orenstein, she guides us through her inner-debate on the true nature of princesses. Orenstein writes on what she calls a princess craze (326) and how major companies like Disney, Mattel, and Saks have joined in the delirium to ensnare young girls with pink and sparkles. It is possible that Orenstein is trying to tell us that princesses themselves are not the problem it is the marketing of princesses that has the potential to steal freedom from young girls.Firstly, Orenstein reveals some of the eye-popping figures that companies have been making on princesses. counterbalance with stringent competition from Mattel and Saks, Disney settle down tops the charts with an annual profit of $3 billion, globally (327). With a myriad (327) of products pouring into the market, Orenstein claims that pink, it seems, is the new gold (327). By pointing surface all of the new products dealing with princesses, perhaps Orenstein is attempting to clear anxiety to the sheer size of the princess craze (326) and how it is potentially detrimental to young girls because, if they barely see princess toys, then their power to choose what they want has been diminished drastically.Orenstein worries openly about what exposing her daughter to stereotypes will do to her, wondering what playing fine Mermaid is teaching her daughter (327). Orenstein then moves on to reevaluate her feminist views, but feels that mayhap she is still surfing a washed-out second wave of womens liberation movement in a third-wave world. Maybe princesses are in fact a sign of progress (328). maybe Orenstein is trying to get readers to realize that creation a princess could be a new form of feminism and emancipation for girls instead of a symbol of dependence.Orenstein gives readers the inside scoop on how the get of Disney princesses reads like a fairy tale (328) to advertize investigate the sour the market has on young girls. Orenstein speaks to Andy Mooney, an employee at Disney, about the formation of the Disney Princess line. Mooney says that he saw that girls were already dressing as princesses and to create a detail line of Disney products was to allow these girls to do what theyre doing anyway (328).With Mooneys words, readers are incline to think that, if girls already want to be princesses, then there mightiness be nothing wrong with the marketing of princesses after all. However, Orenstein then points out that, according to a survey by Girls Inc., school-age girls overwhelmingly report a paralyzing hug to be perfect (329). Orensteins statement brings the reader back to realizing the commodious potential marketing has to take away independence from young girls, further solidifying Orensteins worry and mistrust of the commercial empires that have vie a part in the rise of princesses.From the beginning, Orenstein appears critical of the princess craze (326) and the infatuated marketing machine that has risen up beside it. O renstein wonders, however, whether or not being a princess is truly bad for a girls baron to remain independent, but this thought does not last. As Orensteins thoughts draw to a close, it is apparent that she has made no definite conclusions about princesses, marketing, and who is to blame. Perhaps readers can take away the thought that, even with the market still looming over girls heads, there is still the potential to be an independent princess.
Oliver Twist Essay
devil never stops criticising the work signaling and the fashion they treated orphans in the premier chapter. The first chapter closes with Oliver cried lustily. If he could sop up acknowledgen that he was an orphan, left to the call mercies of church wardens and overseers, perhaps he would cried the louder. This last statement leaves us mite sympathetic towards Oliver. Oliver after eight-spot to go months was sent remove to a baby farm.This is yet an other aspect of society, which was not a good-natured experience, another(prenominal) institution where pincerren were malnourished and brought up by hand, similar to the parish workhouse scarce the actual purpose of the baby farm, was different. Where twenty or thirty other juvenile offenders against the poor-laws rol conduct about the floor all day, without the inconvenience of to very much food or clo matter, When Dickens says that the children are offenders against the poor laws he is was at one time again using sarc asm.He uses sarcasm here to make the children hard like criminals which is what the higher class people saw the children as, as they extradite no parents and no notes. Under the parental superintendence of an elderly womanhoodhood implies that the children are neglected and left to his of her own company with no bad-tempered care or affection. However it was very unlikely that a woman of Mrs Manns age, the elderly woman watching over the children, was going to very give the children what money they were given. Mrs Mann never gave the children all the money they were given to be able to lead a health life.She exclusively gave the children generous money to buy what she thought was a suitable diet. She deprives the children of their rights and uses the money for her own luxuries. It was of no surprise that this system of farming would leave no child suffer and healthy, and Dickens outlines this by Olivers physical appearance. Oliver Twists ninth birthday appoint him a pale thin child, somewhat diminutive in superlative and decidedly small in circumference. Nourishment wasnt the only thing that Mrs Manns system lacked.Responsibility and awareness wasnt some of her strongest qualities on with many of the other women who worked in baby farms in Dickens day. many deaths occurred in farms and they were down to sheer carelessness. It did perversely happen in eight and a half cases out of ten, either that sickened from want and c doddery, or trim into the fire from neglect, or got half smo on that pointd by accident in any one of which cases, the miserable little be was usually summoned into another world, and there gathered to the fathers it had never known in this. There were an unaccustomed high number of suspicious deaths in the baby farms.However Mr blow out and the board regularly covered for up these deaths to keep the Parish Officials in the twilight(prenominal) to what really went on. Mrs Mann said she gave the children gin when they were i ll so they didnt moan from the pain and disturb her peace. Why, its what Im obliged to keep a little in the house, to put into the blessed infants Daffy, when they aint well, Mr pamper At to the lowest degree this is what she says, I personally think that she kept the gin in the house so when the children were ill and were crying with pain she could drink the gin and flood out out the noise the children made.Oliver stayed with Mrs Mann until he was nine years ageing. After Mr squander had arrived Oliver was already upstairs being washed and made presentable enough and then brought down to the Beadle. Having by this time as much of the outer(a) coat of dirt, which encrusted his face and hands, removed, as could be scrubbed off in one washing was led into the room by his tender protectress. Notice in the quotation how Oliver was led this further demonstrates that Oliver is a nonoperational character. He does not lead himself however is led by others.This consistently proceed s to happen throughout the novel as he led by Mr Bumble and many other characters of the story. Oliver is of all time referred to as being little, small, poor little Oliver Twist. This is to try on and gain the readers sympathy. In the 1830s, Victorian times, the Victorians would employ themselves in stories and novels which involved sad and sympathetic characters. They enjoyed reading tear gooselike novels and Dickens tries to capture and involve the reader in the novel by always referring Oliver as small, little and poor.Oliver was now nine years old and was scheduled to stand onwards the board, which was made up of eight to ten men. They were going to decide where to send Oliver as he was too old to still live in the farm with Mrs Mann. The board were stern and strict. nonpareil of the men in a white waistcoat called Oliver a fool. Which was a capital way raising his spirits and putting him quite at ease Dickens here is being facetious in the way that the man which called Ol iver a fool did not help him relax in front of the board.The board started interrogating little Oliver asking him questions to what he did not know the answers. They asked if he was aware he was an orphan, if he prayed at night for those who ply him and cared for him and yet he did not know what praying was. He had not been improve in such things by anyone and by which means was he hypothesize to know he had to. The board told Oliver that he was to learn a impertinent and useful trade. This was to pick oakum. So youll begin to pick oakum tomorrow first light at six oclock added the surely one in the white waistcoatOliver was not involved in the decisions made only told and this was no way to treat someone, especially not a child just because he was an orphan. The members of the board were very sage, deep, philosophical man, and when they came to turn their anxiety to the workhouse, they found out at once, what ordinary folks would never have discovered the poor people liked i t Once again Dickens uses sarcasm and irony to mock the board and criticise their intelligence. Rules and regulations were put into order, to try and make the workhouses run smoothly.Separating the men and women and children, having routines for breakfast, dinner, tea and super. Having small meals of thin gruel that provided filled an inch of the workers stomach and yet the board thought this was fit of them, decent of them to have given the poor an option to starve easy and painfully or to starve them quickly. Oliver throughout the novel is a still character, at this point in the novel Oliver acts for the first time. After a little encouragement from his friends sat having the little bit of gruel for dinner he gets up and asks the pilot for some more.Please, sir, I want some more. nowadays the master was a fat and healthy man. Oliver in the novel is always seen aboard with fat, well fed, healthy men and women. This produces a lot of vision for the reader. Oliver is continu ally described as little, thin, small and we because Dickens always puts Oliver alongside people in a contrasting body appearance it makes the reference feel even more sympathy towards Oliver because Dickens reiterates how small Oliver is and adds to this upshot by putting him with people who are of a healthy manner.The masters reaction to Oliver asking for more leaves a lot to be desired for Oliver Twist. The master did not just go along with Oliver and get into more food into Olivers bowl, like he should have make as Oliver worked very hard and deserved the food that he undeniable to keep him on his feet but was shocked and hesitated in dismay before hitting him over the head with the ladle he had in hand. He then grabbed the young Oliver twist and shrieked for the Beadle, Mr Bumble.Dickens exaggerates the way in which the Beadle, the master and board would have reacted at an event such as a young boy, in a workhouse, asking for more food, but it does draw attention to Dicken s strong opinion about, how the food was distributed. When Mr Bumble ran into the room where the men of the board sat he was in a rather excitable state. When Mr bumble tells the board of what Oliver Twist had offended there was a great deal of horror amongst the board.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Large Amounts of Money on Consumer Goods Essay
Modern living a great deal leaves us with more(prenominal) money than time. Add the Internet, advertisements and peer pressure, and we end up with a parcel of young people who wipe out difficulty distinguishing between holds and desires. Of course, they have the ability to understand money matters, but they relieve need guidelines. withal if it seems like they are growing up faster than any different generation before them, teenagers are still developing the basic attitudes and perceptions that volition form the basis for life-long consumption patterns. It is often at this age that teenagers stimulate their first jobs and start earning an income. Their goals are not typically to save or to invest for long-term financial security. For the closely part, parents are still winning care of their teenagers needs and are still assuming responsibility for most of their purchases.For young teenagers, though, earning money means acquiring purchasing power. Now they peck buy the th ings that used to require their parents permission. Its one more shout towards independence. Its important for parents to remember that teenagers are still learning how to hap money. Help them focus on the rationale behind the purchases or demands they make. focus out how advertisements and marketing campaigns play an important role in decisions just about spending.Advertisers take an almost scientific approach to studying human behavior. selling agencies know how to reach their target audiences and they spend large amounts of money to take new markets or expand existing ones. They emphasize image, fun, popularity and a focus to be better. Whether its on billboards, television, posters or magazines, advertising is omnipresent in the lives of teenagers.There are regulatory and control systems in place, but advertisers still try to make people believe that they must have a certain product. As adults, many of us have probably been painfully tempted to make this kind of purchase, and with any luck, have learned from our mistakes.Teenagers will as well as make mistakes. But if they are well prepared, they will be more sceptical about advertising. At the very least, if they ever buysomething purely because of advertising or magazines, they will be able to understand why they did so and learn from it.The Internet is a way to communicate, shop, and entertain ourselves with music, games and downloaded movies. Its also a lucrative arena for marketing and advertising. Advertising on the Internet is the least expensive and most effective technique for exposing goods and go to the largest possible number of people. Young adolescents whitethorn be particularly unvaccinated to unscrupulous Web marketing. Its estimated that teens spend, on average, a little raciness more than five hours per week surfing the Internet.Peer pressure is often thought of as something that affects especially teenagers. Peer pressure often has a big influence on a large portion of our c abarets purchasing decisions. People and especially teenagers, often feel the need to keep up with the most modern technical gadgets, and to keep up with the images that we are exposed to every day in the media. Its crucial to teach children to have self-confidence, and that there are more important things in life than what their friends think, have, or want.Teenagers will learn that while our needs and desires may be unlimited, our resources are not. It is important that they understand clearly that our decisions cant always be just about our desires.
Differences and Similarities between Federal and State Governments
The national and state presidencys of the United State have apparent dissentences and similarities. This spirit is base with the principle that there should be an existing central presidential term supremacy as exemplified by the federal government of U. S. Aside from a national ruling however, it is still essential that state governments handle and instruction the concerns and interests most significant for the people of particular state. It is in comparing and severalize the said structures of governments that American administration proves its purpose and essence to the society and its people.Similar to the federal government, every state government carries on with an established charter that determines the associate between the governmental establishments and associations even at the level of state governments. on the whole state institutions comprise a structure of separation of powers within the tierce branches of government. While President is the primary federal gov ernment head, a governor heads the executive branch of state government.The legislative branch of the federal government is composed of the Senate and House of Representatives whereas state governments have mostly lower houses, based from its bicameral type of legislature. While both government structures appear to be similar as far as the nature of their respective Congress, they differ in the frequency of legislature meetings. In the judicial aspect, federal judge are nominated by the President while election takes focalize in choosing state courts judges (Williams, 1998).William confirmed that federalism works but because asserted that states work well and even better than federal governments. This is because irrelevant federalism, states actually have federal structures even though they are non operating on a federal foundation. This simply means that states beat with and apply the federal principles being performed by the federal government in the structure of state gover nments which made it more effective to the people of American states (Williams, 1998).
Friday, February 22, 2019
Buddhism and Judaism Essay
In this paper I will talk about the history, smells and usages from devil varied pietys. The western religious belief of Judaism and the eastern religion of Buddhism argon the two religions, these two religions have humannessy similarities and about teleph unmatchable circuits but they likewise sh ar around of their own beliefs. Buddhism is the course of invigoration on annihilateing suffering achievable through homophiles residueeavor. On the contrastive hand, Buddhism is oneness of the benaly concerns experiencedest and virtu completelyy significant religions and it has spread though almost all of Asia.Buddhism was tacked 500 old age before Christ (BC) and was the first major religion in the existence (Prof. Barker PowerPoint). Its creator was a young prince from India named Siddhartha Gautama (Molloy pg. 126). On the other hand, the Buddhism religion story began when Siddhartha mother Queen whitethorna had a dream, on a dark of the full moon. On that n ight of the full moon Queen Maya had necromantic dream about a special being cognise as the Buddha.The dream was about the Buddha being reborn as a human, the Buddha was issue to be reborn as the child she was about to have Buddha. When Siddhartha Gautama was born, Maya mat up ill later giving birth to Siddhartha and clog upd a few long time later( Molloy pg. 127) On the other hand, when Siddhartha was born they noticed that he had promising sign of a great human being. The mark that Siddhartha had mainly form that he will change by reversal a Buddha or a world emperor. His father was quite happy with the idea that he could become a world emperor.On the other hand, his father was try to pr suit him from congruous a spiritual leader, by keeping him al demeanors from things that top executive station him into a religious direction Siddhartha was kept in one or another of their three palaces, and was prohibited from experiencing much of what ordinary folk world power con sider quite commonplace. He was not permitted to impose the elderly, the sickly, the shortly, or anyone who had habituated themselves to spiritual practices. Only beauty and health surrounded Siddhartha (Video notes of Buddha part 1).Additionally, Siddhartha grew up and he trained in the arts of war. He married when he was 16 socio-economic classs old. But as Siddhartha continued living in the comfort of his palaces, he grew rising restless and curious about the world beyond the palace walls. He finally insisted that he be allowed to watch his club and his lands but his father agreed that Siddhartha should still not see the kind of suffering. But one sidereal day Siddhartha violated his father rules and visited a close city and he observed the pain of ordinary bread and butter.He axiom and was moved by what are called the four passing sights what is known as the four noble truths (Molloy pg. 128). On his journey Siddhartha saw an old man and he learned the process of agein g and that there no stopping ageing. The second sight was when Siddhartha saw a sick man and he learned that everyone could get sick. The three sight that he saw was a dead body and he learned that everyone must die and suffering in bearing. The fourth sight was when he saw a monk and he learned that they give everything up sightly so they could end suffering. When Siddhartha return back to his palace he saw his juvenile born son and his wife.He was thin mightiness about the horrible things that he saw outside the palaces, Siddhartha wanted to find out his own answers to life suffering, so he abandoned his family( video note of Buddha part 2).. Siddhartha went on a journey to find the answers of suffering, by using meditation and refrain and one day Siddhartha saw a musician fixing his guitar, he saw the guitar must be in the middle so the guitar could headphone well. He decided he must learn the middle way he had no idea how he could r apiece the middle way.In fact, Siddharth a had been traveling for six years and has experience suffering but he still couldnt find the way to promised land. Siddhartha sat under a tree and told himself that he will not leave until reaching enlightenment (video note of Buddha part 3). Bring the time Siddhartha spend under the tree, he found the prescription to reach Enlightenment and Nirvana that is called The Four formal Truth (video note of Buddha part 4) The Four Noble Truth are chain about life (1) suffering exists (2) it has a cause (3) it has an end and (4) there is a way to attain releases from suffering (Michael Molloy pg. 34).Siddhartha was 35 year old when he past the four Janice to reach Enlightenment and Nirvana. Buddha dead by an illness called food poisoning at the age of 80 (video note of Buddha part 5). The religion of Buddhism is still practice in this day. also Buddhas teachings were not recognized until several years ago aft(prenominal)wards his death. On the other hand, Judaism is also a system of life, but it focuses on interpersonal behavior and taking routine activities and educational them to something special. According to an overview of Judaic history, was created around 2000 before Common eon (BCE).Moses was one of the leaders of the Israelites, old geezer the Israelites out of the slave detention occurring in Egypt. On the other hand, Moses reliable the Law of God on Mount Sinai afterwards. In addition, the Israelites were direct to the promised-land by Joshua in which Samuel assisted in the construction of the kingdom and the new king becoming Saul. Also, Jerusalem was generated by King David while King Davids son, King Solomon had the first temple construct in Jerusalem after King Davids death.The temple was smashed in the70 Common Era (C.E) which brought about the end of the temple-based ceremonial religion and its community spreading of the Judaic separates all through the world until 1929-1940s when the Holocaust was created (Molloy pg. 290). On the other hand, the beliefs of the Judaism individuals wampum with 13 fundamental beliefs that have been accepted for several centuries such as 1). God exists, 2). God is one and stupendous, 3). God is spiritual,4). God is perpetual, 5). Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no other, 5). The words of the prophets are true, 6).Moses was the self-governing of the prophets, and his prophecies are correct, 7). The Written Torah and Oral Torah were given to Mose, there will no other Torah, 8). God knows the thoughts and deeds of men, 9). God will recompense the effective and discipline the wicked, 10). The Messiah will come, 11). His dead will be elevation from the dead. 12). The belief of a Buddhist individual begin with an individual spillage through a cycle of birth, life, and death, this cycle is measured to be rebirth and can occur many times until the individual resigned his or her require and his or her self obtaining a status of nirvana. video note of Judaism). On the other hands, Buddhist individuals do not intrust in a specific God, prayer, or the obligation for a savior, or eternal life after passing away. After the dead of Buddha, Buddhism has incorporated with local absolute ritual traditions, viewpoints, and customs as the religion extended through Asia.On the other hand, an individual does not have to read the Tipitaka from beginning to end to be familiar with the four noble truths, which are 1). on that point is pain, 2). There is reason for suffering 3).There is termination of suffering 4). There is path leading to the cessation of pain ( Molloy pg. 134). As comparing Buddhism and Judaism several passings occur. For example, the belief that there is besides one creator or God is by Jewish religion is not shared with Buddhist religion. Another difference is in the Doctrine that each respective religion lives, Jewish persons follow the Torah and Talmud as with the Buddhist persons following the Tipitaka. Both doctrines are significantly di fferent within the teachings.An additional difference amongst the two religions is Judaisms ruler to life is to be submissive to God whereas Buddhisms principle to life is to stop the persistent cycle of renascence and obtain Nirvana. On the other hand, Buddhism and Judaism have some similarities. For example, both religions have an authoritarian system that should be pursued but not required. In addition some similarities between Judaism and Buddhism are that Judaism follows the Ten Commandments whereas Buddhism follows the Eightfold Path, which is parallel to the Ten Commandments.Both religions also have structure created for worship their belief however, their buildings have different names, Jewish individuals name their places of worship synagogues and Buddhist individuals, names their places of worship temples. Judaism and Buddhism individuals have some contrasts. For example, Judaism is a dietary support religion, they believe that a person has one life and they should live to the fullest, using that time to perfect the world. They do not focus on the eternal life, and in fact has no set doctrines concerning the eternal life.On the other hand, the Buddhism has no role for deity in accomplishing, they has no a set of right or wrong behaviors just suggestions, enlightenment is attained by individual endeavor and they believes in the reincarnation (Molloy, pg. 178). On the other hand, one of the Judaism traditions is the Bar/Bat Mitzvah this tradition takes places when a young individual turns 13 for boys or 12 for girls. It is an event that takes place acknowledging he or she has taken the responsibility to continue to follow Jewish law and has become part of the adult Jewish population.In addition, the Jewish community has several passs, but they are only 11 that are considered to be strategic in Judaism. The first was the Passover, this spend begins on the fifteenth day of the Jewish month of Nissan, also known as March/April this holiday is referr ed to the walk of God over the houses of Jewish community as he was slaying the firstborn of Egypt also this holiday lasts sevensome days. During this holiday the community cannot eat grains such as oats, barley or wheat, but they can eat unleavened bread (Molloy pg. 04). Also, during these holidays they clean their homes literally from top to bottom. However, their celebration that consists fasting firstborn male children, than there is an exceptional meal make to remind them the objective of the holiday. The second holiday is the Yom Kippur this holiday is the day of amends. During Yom Kippur holiday the Jewish needs to take a day of fasting and repentance to reconcile their soul with the Creator for the mistakes they have made in the previous years.However this holiday encourages a Jewish individual to make penitence for the mistakes that he or she has committed a crystalisest another. In contrast fasting from sunset to the evening previous to the Yom Kippur to sunset the day of Yom Kippur is also an obligation during this holiday. The third holiday is Rosh Hashanah meaning the Jewish New Year. This holiday take place between Labor Day and Columbus Day and this holiday is watchd for a week long episode and is a manifestation of the past year and a time for resolutions to be made.In addition, the two most main(prenominal) holidays that most Jewish individuals are involving are the Rosh Hashanah and the Yom Kippur. This holiday usually take place twice-a-year (Molloy, pg. 327). On the other hand, Buddhism has different traditions, and they did some celebration too. For example, when an individual is converting in to a Jewish he or she has witnessed and is rising within Judaism. Also Buddhism has three immense branches that are acknowledged today such as Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.Each branch appeared after a previous one, also and according to some mickles beliefs that crucial aspects of all three branches existed simultaneously. For example, Ther avada means the way of the leaders. It is generally found in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and claim to have kept the knowledge, it is not likely. First, they passed round off teachings in verbally, but finally they wrote them down. The monks beg for food day by day which means the monasteries are in towns, and come back to table service their community.However, Mahayana Buddhists has their own set of scriptures, and various are called sutras. Their belief recommends reaching nirvana, not just the monks. The Mahayana Buddhists also worship bodhisattvas which is the one who have gained enlightenment and so possibly will enter nirvana. They decide to be reborn and to hold fast in the world to assist other people overcome their problems and gain enlightenment. Also Vajrayana Buddhist generally called Tantric Buddhist, are often joined with Tibetan Monks. They are ritualistic like the Mahayana Buddhists.All traditions distinguish the Buddha as an enlightened teacher who communal his insights in order to assist people end pain in agreement with the laws of Karma. Karma is one of the important principals of Buddhism its believed that all is consistent, by having excellent karma is to be reincarnated into impressive content (Molloy pg. 164). Additionally, the Buddhists believe what youre reincarnated into, is up to your karma in your ancient times life it might be an animal, insect even male or female all depends on the karma.Consequently all living organisms have the equal importance even killing a bug generates bad karma. Also Buddhism states that one may never be truly cheerful with hatred in their hearts. It also meaningful out that hatred comes from lack of knowledge, vengeance, disgust, and vengeance only becomes a never ending cycle, and does no all right in the end (Molloy pg. 138). The Buddhism community has some extraordinary holidays held throughout the year and some of the celebrations are related to the birthdays of Bodhisattvas in the Mahayana trad ition or other important dates in the Buddhist calendar.However, the most significant celebration occurs every May on the night of the full moon, when Buddhist all over the world, celebrate the birth, Buddha and his enlightenment and Buddha and his death it has been celebrate over several years ago. It has become to be known as Buddha Day Also other important holidays for the Buddhism Community are the festivals, people go to the local temple or monastery and present food to the monks and take the Five Precepts and listen to a Dharma speak.In the afternoon, they hand out food to the poor to make merit and in the evening connect perhaps in a ceremony of circumambulation as sign and respect for the Buddha (Molloy pg. 146). In Conclusion, as focus on two religious (Buddhism and Judaism) I was able to understand the importance and the role of each religious and how this influences the life of each individual. Also, I think that is very provoke to have knowledge of other cultures and to understand their beliefs, traditions and culture.
Gender Equality in Beowulf
Wo macrocosm had political agency over the Danes, were used as peace weavers, and were very violent, and strong. The importance of women in Beowulf fucking be seen through the political power that the women had on the Danes. In the poem, the seed introduces two queens, named Wealthiest and blue. Both of them developed an important role of creation the hostesses. Although, they proud of(p) and served men when incessantly they needed, Wealthiest and High had enough power to establish a power structure in the hall. Having to carry the cups around in order to give it to the king, and his warriors was not a simple task for women.When Whole-wheat first appeared in the poem, she graciously saluted the men in hall, then handed the cupfirst to Warthogs, their homelands guardian, urging him to drink kabbalistic and enjoy desiccates he was dear to them (43), the queen is making it clear that Warthogs is the roughly powerful king in the hall, by handing him the first feasting cup. High t ries to convince Beowulf to take the position as king, because she had no belief in her sons abilityto defend their homeland against foreign invaders.Yet there was no path the weakened nation Could get Beowulf to give in and agree toddler be elevated over Heard s his lord (161), women had power when it came to politics, because they were aware of what was going on. High began to make important decisions of who will proceed the next king, and her decisions could change everyones lives. Women were highly significant through their role of being peace weavers, because men were able to use them as a defecate of possession.The author introduces Hilbert, and Freeware, both(prenominal) women who had to marry a man from a adversary group in order for peace to be established between the tribes. Hilbert, and Freeware did not marry because they were in love, but simply or convenience, since the tribes believed this would foster them gain amity. Hilbert was the first woman that was introd uced as a peace weaver, a Danish princess married to the Frisian King Finn, loses her son and her brother Hanna in a fight at Fins hall (71), Hilbert was first mentioned in a story that was performed by the kings poet after Grenades death. thus, Freeware was introduced through a story that was told by Beowulf. Most often after the fall of a prince in every nation the deadly spear rests but a little while, nevertheless thought the bride is good (35), Beowulf is predicting that Freeware will marry in order to form peace, and believes that peace- weavers will soon create hardships and war. Women can behave just as violently, and can be just as strong as either men they have encountered. Grenades mother and Motherly are the perfect mold of powerful women in Beowulf.Grenades mother was very fearless, because she had been forced down into august waters, the cold depths, after Cain had shellfish fathers son, felled his ownbrother with a trade name (89). After the assassination of her son, she decided to seek vengeance, rather than forgetting the incident ever happened. Grenades mother died while fighting with Beowulf, because she wanted to gain back her sons honor. Then there was the Great Queen Motherly, the one that was capable of anything. If any companion ever made blotto look her in the face, if an eye not her lordsstared at her directly during daylight,the outcome was sealed he was kept abundant hand-tightened shackles (1 33), many people were afraid of her because she was known for murdering many innocent man who have entered her hall, or even looked her in the eye. Even though they were both physically different, they were very powerful and strong women. In conclusion, women have ceaselessly been an important part of society even though they are not vastly appreciated.
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