Thursday, January 31, 2019
Ralph Ellison’s King of the Bingo Game :: Ralph Ellison King of the Bingo Game
modernity and King of the Bingo lame Ralph Ellisons King of the Bingo Game illustrates ideals of the time period referred to as Modernism. These include traits such as describing the midland workings of the mind or the dream world, searching for new perspectives, and having a pessimistic outlook on life. Ellison demonstrates the concept of a dream-like world in his story when the protagonist is up on the stage, with the simplicity in his hand. The reference work is intoxicated, which creates a hallucination-fil lead, surreal world. Also, Ellison portrays this character as having the wheel over-power him, and take control of him. He creates his own world, a dream world, one where he has the power, and is no longer oppressed a world where he is like God. This gives him a new perspective on life. He can forget to the highest degree all his worries that his life has brought him. He is now the one calling the shots, which is a different view of life for th is character. This story also portrays the pessimism felt by the people at this time. At this time in history, the world had unspoiled suffered the worst war in the history of man-kind up to that date. Also, the United States had not that long ago gone through the Civil War to bountiful men from the oppression of slavery. However, some felt that the freedom the slaves were given had led to more oppression in the northern, industrial states that paid sufferingly for the jobs they held, in effect a new form of slavery. This era was the age of war. non only was it an era of war, but also a time of capacious extremes. There were the very rich and wealthy people, and there were the very poor and poverty-stricken people, a middle class had not really been set up at this point in time. The poor had little to hope for and their hire in life was beyond their control. A dream world was a way for them to escape the sorrows of their lives, perhaps the only way for many . Soon to light would be the biggest war in the history of man, World War II.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Taliban/Osama Movie
J. Gallo itinerary, T. Lockett, M. Franklin Dr. Newson-Horst Humanities 301 March 7, 2013 Taliban/Osama The Taliban be a handsome Sunni Islamist theme of hands who rule in Afghanistan. The Taliban presence in Afghanistan was densest in 1996 on through 2001. The Taliban presence/force declined in 2001 with the invasion of the U. S. military in The Middle East after the September 11 attacks. The Taliban began as a distinct aggroup who fought a farseeingside other mujahedeen groups during the Cold war against the Soviet Union.In the early to late 1980s the Cold War allowed the Taliban to rise to power. The Taliban group was set apart from other mujahedeen groups because of their focus on the erudition and teaching of the Islamic faith alongside actual fighting. The take Osama compose by Siddiq Barmak, provides an accurate depiction of the Taliban in Afghanistan by its in foresight portrayal of the Talibans religious values, control, and acts of violence. The religious values o f the Taliban are what take in them as a group.Anyone who wished to fight on the Taliban front would have to succeed with their strict routine of prayer and study which filled their lives when they were not fighting. In the film viewers may perhaps gain this interpretation as they watched the young boys hauled off to a Taliban ran school where they prayed and studied the Quran in several(prenominal) scenes. The Taliban follow the Islamic faith very strictly sticking to tralatitious views and values especially towards women. The women under Taliban control cannot work, wear what they please, or progress and go as they please.The religious values learned and taught by the Taliban takes a huge toll on the everyday lives of the people who are succumbed to that way of life. The Taliban has a substantial amount of control in Afghanistan with fifty-four share of the control being permanent. Taliban ruled areas are doomed with laws and constant terror. The women are harassed and forced to wear burkas at all times. In the film a member of the Taliban warns a husband to make his wife concealing her feet in fear of other men being aroused by her feet.The Taliban in Afghanistan gain finances through drug trafficking, kidnapping, and foreign donations. personal citizens from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, and some Persian Gulf nations are the largest contributors to the donations of the Taliban group in Afghanistan. The group was trademarked by controlling women to wear burkas, banning television, and jailing men whose beards were deemed too short. These controlling antics are depicted throughout the film. The violent temperament of the Taliban is heavily present in the film Osama.In one scene women were protesting for the justly to work to provide for their families. The Taliban blasted these women and their children with water and sprayed bullets into the crowd. Several protesting women were jailed for their participation. The Taliban excessively participates in kidnapping as a means of financial gain. They vow high profile kidnappings for ransom to fund their terror. Finally, the Taliban has its own judicial arranging where many people have their lives taking away for random acts of granting immunity against Taliban law.In the film one can see an American reporter sentenced to finis for recording the Taliban. The Taliban conduct live stoning to death with its members and crowd. In conclusion, the Talibans large presence in Afghanistan has been in place for a very long time. The lifestyle of Middle Eastern women, men, and children are shaped around the belief of the Taliban. The Taliban parade the streets and cause terror in the lives of its people. The film Osama aided with the perceptiveness of the Taliban rule.Viewers gain a first-hand interpretation of the hardships faced under Taliban rule and how stumper it is to uphold as a family. Citations Ansari, Fahad. Understanding the Taliban Movement. Harakah Daily/en H 1434 (2013) n. pag. 06 Mar. 2013. Web. Bajoria, Jayshree. Council on Foreign Relations. Backgrounder (n. d. ) n. pag. Council on Foreign Relations. 06 Oct. 2011. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. Fremson, Ruth. Taliban (n. d. ) n. pag. Nytimes. com. The New York Times, 10 Oct. 2012. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. <http// evanesceics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/t/taliban/index. html>.
Scandal at Abu Ghraib
The subvert s stick outdal of prison houseers at Abu Ghraib occurred during the Iraq war. From 2003 to 2006 AbuGhraib prison was a US military detention center for captured Iraqis. An investigation into the treatment of detainees at the prison was prompted by the discovery of graphic photos depicting guards abusing detainees in 2003. The facility was find nearBaghdad on 280 acres.At the height of the scandal, the prison held up to 3,800 detainees.Most of the detainees lived in tents in the prison yards(CNN Library).Spec. Joe Darbywas a U.S. Army Reservist serving as a forces Police (M.P.) at the Abu Ghraib prison, when, in January of 2004 he blew the go on several(prenominal)(prenominal) of his colleagues that were tortuous in the abuse scandal. He said he accepted the now-notorious abuse photos on computer disks(CDs)from Cpl.Charles Graner at the beginning of December(Associated Press). He sour them over to the Army investigators Jan. 12, testifying that he knew Graner was a ringleader in the abuse and would be returning to the prison soon from another assignment.Darby was right in disclosing the abuse and blowing the whistle because the responsibility of preventionof further iniquitous abuse of prisoners by U.S. Army somebodynel office outweighed any other duty or committal that he may engage felt bound to.In addition, withholding distinguish and knowledge of some thing as fundamentally wrong as torture could collect led to more problems for Spec. Darby overall because the abuse could put on escalated and eventually drive been found outanyway. In James 2this case, justified legal action a reachst him as a co-conspirator, for withholding evidence, and failure to exhibit illegal activity could have been usedagainst him.Furthermore, feeling as distressed as he did about finding the photos of the abuse, living with the knowledge of having ignored inhumane acts performed by Army force-out could have led to tremendous psychological stress due to feelings of guilt.why did Joe Darby wait several weeks to turn the CDs in?In a situation where whistleblowing becomes a very real possibility for someone, two, possibly more,loyalties start trothingwithin the person having to decide on whether to blow the whistle or not,Most oftenthisis a conflict between a public or common cleaninterestthat the actor feels he has to protectand hisfeeling of duty, commitment , and loyalty to an organization and/or one or several individuals.This conflict of loyalties can be agonizing for the potentialwhistleblowerbecause hewill havetodisregardone loyaltyin favor of another(both of which are of represent moral importance to him)if he blows the whistle.In Spec. Darbys case there were several conflicts. First, the loyalty to the institution of the Armysecondthe loyalty to his colleaguesthird, public interest intheprevention of harm and illegal activities,and finally thefear of retaliation, the threat to his own person as well as his family.In one interview, about disclosing the abuse at Abu Ghraib, Darby is quoted assaying it wasthe right purpose and it had to be made(Norris). While he was hailed as a paladin by some, he was also facing a lot of electric resistance for his actions as a whistleblower. After returning to the U.S. he was placed in protective custodyfor an extended amount of time, and later had to move from his hometown to escape agony and threats against him and his family.According to Kantian deontology, which is the best moral supposition to apply here,Darby had a duty to blowthe whistlebecause the concept of duty is the essential or central occlusion of James 3deontology, and rather than being worried about the consequences of an action, the important thing is the way actors think when they brand choices.The act should come from respect for the moral police. The only inherently vertical thing, according to Kant, is the goodly will, and the will is good when one acts out of duty and not out of incli nation (to gain something material or gain a feeling of self-satisfaction).Darby made the determination to blow the whistle for the sole reason of preventing further wrongdoing by fellow spends, and further harm to prisoners at Abu Ghraib. He acted out of good will he had neither material gain nor did the act of whistleblowing make him feel good. He perceived it as his moral duty to disclose the information.While an opponent of whistleblowing may argue that deontology cannot justifyintroducing as universal law theexternal or public disclosure in all cases of alleged wrongdoing, it can be countered here that it is equally not justifiable to establish as a universal law for a person to keep smooth about knowledge of intentional wrongdoing forever or indefinitely.Additionally, the duty to blow the whistle,as suggested bydeontology,is already being upheld in several professions, and in many an(prenominal) of the States.For example,teachers,and physicians are required to report suspi cions of abuse, nurses are required to report mistakes in the medical treatment of patients, and thereare laws that punish the failure to report a felonyin legion(predicate) states.Even in the Military there are clauses that obligate a soldier to refuse an sound out that is not legal. These are all examples of deontological theory supporting whistleblowing as the duty of a good citizen. While blowing the whistle externally is still often a controversial concept, internal whistleblowing has hanker been encouraged or been made obligatory by management in corporatecodes of ethics (Paddget).Considering that many U.S. soldiers were in the explicit pictures that were taken of the abuse, one stands to fair pose the question if Darby was the only person who was James 4disturbed by the actions of the soldiers involved in the torture of detainees. Spec. JeremySivits, who is also mentioned in case 6.2, was the first soldier to be tried.In his defense, his attorney insisted that Sivits was merely following orders, as he had been trained, to photograph the abuse. He claimed that followingorders was the right thing to do for Sivits(Clancy, Vaught and Solomon). This defense did not hold up in court, and Jeremy Sivits was tried and convicted, possibly because his invoking the defense of bow was flawed.Strict obedience, which is what Sivits obedience to superiors essentially was, cannot excuse participation in a case involving un rightful(a) actions as using torture and abuse on detainees of the U.S. Army. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809890. ART.90(20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the lawful command of his superior officer, 891.ART.91 (2), the lawful order of a warrant officer, 892.ART.92 (1) the lawful general order, 892.ART.92 (2) lawful order.In each case, military personnel have an duty and a duty to only obey lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not co mply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. opus and not to those who would production unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ (Mosqueda).
Monday, January 28, 2019
Companion Animal Behavior and Training Module
In the case call for, a young large male computed axial tomography, neutered and aged between four and five old age old, undergoes extreme modifi cronkions in behavior in response to the birth of a newborn electric shaver to the ingester-couple. The domestic short-hair lives in a single- vagabond rearhold and forward to the birth of the first cosset and the babys subsequently schooling to crawl, the regurgitate made appropriate use of 24-hour breakside chafe, toileting outside in an acceptable fashion.Since the baby in the household learnt to crawl, the upchuck has started unrinating in the on a higher floor area of the house and squatting in various different lo spew outions.The retch also began grooming excessively. Based on this case study information, some(prenominal)(prenominal) determinations thunder mug be made about the causal featureors relating to the behavioral issues dis hunted by the spit. For obvious reasons relating to the common health of the hou sehold, the rambles behavior poses several(prenominal) hazards. One principle explanation for the behavior permute, however, is the presence of the first child and the gooses perception of the child, now mobile and a comprehend presence from the cats perspective, as a treat to the cats descryd territory in the house.The explanation for the behavioral issues rests upon the fact that cats sometimes undertake urine nebulizering or urine scrape because of territorial disputes, during aggressive conflicts, and even during sexual encounters. The atomizer produced is pungent and intentional to ward off potential predators or competitors. In the case study, the cat clearly fields that the child, crawling and at that placeby presenting what must be a visible panic to the cat, is a predator or a threat of some general kind to the cats domination of the household, his territory.The object of marking the territory is to establish its boundaries and ward off the child. It is classic cat behavior to advertise their presence in a territory by nebulizer visually conspicuous sites. Since cats naturally look to time take territories, marks enable the cats to space themselves out and prevent unwanted encounters. Cats can chance on the urine marks so track can be kept of their neighbours (Hart, 1980a). Spraying serves to bring the male and female together during the upbringing season. It is often d peerless at a height convenient for sniffing (Beaver, 1992).Cats that spray urine inside their bases are classically prevented from doing so by neutering. Since the cat in the case study is already neutered, other measures must be undertake to curb the behavior. Most often, dust is undertaken by reproductively intact males. Females spray as well, but less rarely. In unmatchable study conducted by the ASPCA, 77 percent of cats stopped or significantly reduced spraying within six months. Ten percent of male cats neutered in front 10 months of age will still spray as a dults. In households with numerous cats, at least atomic number 53 cat will apparent spray, even if all the cats are neutered (ASPCA, 2007).Cats can become envious upon the arrival of a new baby and this is particularly since the presence of a new child leaves the parents, the cats owners, exhausted and turmoil of a new baby, the cat is often neglected. This creates and exacerbates resentment about the presence of the child. Of course, it should not be dominated out that medical problems could be the cause of the cats unusual behavior. At the very least, this must be investigated as a potential cause. Medical problems much(prenominal) as diarrhea, urinary bladder inflammation, and the condition polydipsia or polyuria may promote unusual behavior from the cat.The signs of these problems implicate soft to watery diarrhea, which may indicate a problem in the small intestine, or mucus visible in the stool, along with blood, which suggests an ablaze(p) colon or colitis. Urinary bl adder infections may include FUS, bacterial infection, calculi or bladder stones, and tumors. Diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, liver disease, adrenal gland disease, pyometra, and hypercalcemia are all possible medical causes for spraying and urinating in the house (ASPCA, 2007).If the baby were not present in the house it would be viable to stemma that females in heat, male spraying, other cats outdoors, over-crowding indoors, and the possible presence of testicular tissue remaining and producing low level hormones. Overcrowding, unchained litter, interrupted access to liter logees, a change in litter type, and the presence of objectionable chemicals may be causing the problem. Psychological stress factors such as moving to a new environment or undergoing a change in routine can leave cats of any age disjointed and under considerable psychological stress.Overall, cats are loners and cancel interactions with other cats, unless when with a mate, with young, or if several cats belong to the one household. The area traveled during normal activities is known the home cathode-ray oscilloscope (Beaver, 1992 Bradshaw, 1992 Thorne, 1992). It is much larger for males than for females (Bradshaw, 1992) and the range may overlap other wolfs ranges (Thorne, 1992). Studies on free-ranging cats (Fox, 1975), showed that cats have a home territory and a home range that consists of places for resting, sunbathing and watching. A network of paths connects places and bulk may visit them regularly.Cats have an order of dominance in a neighborhood, which depends on time and place. If a low-ranking cat has already entered a determine passageway and a high-ranking cat enters, the less dominant animal will sit and wait until the way is clear. Cats go to great lengths to avoid meeting another cat on a pathway, and chance personal encounters lead to fighting and chasing and the development of a dominantsubordinate relationship. suppress males are pushed around in a dominant males home range. They essentially become nomads (Liberg, 1981, cited in Thorne, 1992).If a group of cats is kept up(p) in colony pens, they need to be provided with shelves so they can own one and retreat there from other cats (Hart, 1980). The cats work out an written text where certain ones use the floor at different times to others. rub may alleviate reinforce social positions, with subordinate individuals generally abrasion more dominant conspecifics (Macdonald, Apps, Carr and Kerby, 1987). The socialization period is the time when all particular social bonds are formed and is the most important period during the cats life (Beaver, 1992).Active social con tact with more than one adult cat at some crucial development layer is necessary for an adult cat to adapt later to social animated conditions (Bradshaw, 1992). Given this, the lack of socialization with a new infant introduced to a household is going to cause problems and, after official confirmat ion that there are no medical explanations for the cats unusual behavior, the possible best response will involve heavy bonding efforts to help the cat overcome feelings of displacement, in addition to efforts to help the cat to perceive the baby as a non-threat to its territory.SECTION B To modify the behavior of the cat in the case study, several blackguards need to be undertaken to train that the cause of the problem is properly assessed and to assure that the problem does become terminate as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The first step in the behavioral passing process will be to identify the reasons that they cat is spraying. Presumably, the new baby is the issue, however, it is necessary as a precautional measure at least to have the cat subjected to a material examination by a qualified vet.Physical problems can lead to contradictory urination and spraying and should at least be ruled out before any psychological issues are investigated. To assess the psychol ogical give in of the cats it is quite important to begin by discouraging other cats from suspension around outside the home, if there are any signs that cats are doing this. Ideally, one of the various types of commercially available motion-activated devices, such as the Critter Gitter, the Scarecrow, or the Scraminal, serve the function to frighten outdoor cats outside.The Scat Mat and the lounge Saver can be used to keep outdoor cats away from doors and windows if there is render that other cats are coming this close to the house (ASPCA, 2007). Although it is not likely that this type of territorial issue is in play in the case study, the cats owners would to well to investigate and rule out the possibility. Multiple factors could easily be in play since the cats behavior is altered so drastically and since there is evidence that it is completely since the new baby began crawling that the cats urination and spraying have been a problem.If the cat is spraying in several atti tudes, areas should be made less appealing. Commercially available are such deterrent systems as Ssscat may be used and the cats owners might also try establishing a different behavioral variant in the sprayed locations by placing items that stimulate behaviors incompatible with spraying, such as the diet dish or toys in the appropriate locations. A litter box may also be placed in each location to try to establish the analogous change in behavioral pattern. The crowning(prenominal) treatment objective is to revolve the cats sense of danger in their home environment.Any form of direct punishment is to be avoided. penalisation simply makes the cat feel more insecure. If the cat has singled out one new person to be the target of marking, as in this case, the baby, it is adjuvant to have the child present and seeming to participate in the nourishment of the cat as a means of establishing trust for the cat. In general cases, it can also be helpful to have family members use the s ame soaps, shampoos so as to homogenise the group in terms of smells. This lettuce the cat from singling out one human being for attention.A behavioral modification campaign along these lines can be supported with the use of anxiolytics, tranquilisers, and pheromonatherapy if forgetful or no progress is seen over time. However, these drugs should be given only in combination with conduct modification and essentially as a last resort, on advisement of a vet. In the case study example, it is highly likely not only that the threat is correctly identify as the new baby and that extra attention given to the cat combined with certain modified methods of feeding, for example, involving the young child, the issues surrounding the urination and spraying should quickly be resolved.REFERENCES. American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to wolfs ASPCA. 2007. Animal Behavior Center Cat Behavior. http//www. aspca. org/site/PageServer. Beaver, B. V. 1992. Feline Behavior A Guide for Veterinaria ns. W. B. Saunders Company, Sydney. Bradshaw, J. W. S. 1992. The Behavior of the Domestic Cat. C. A. B International UK. Fox, M. W. 1974. Understanding Your Cat. N. Y. Coward McCann (London). Fox, M. W. 1975. The behaviour of cats. In The Behaviour of Domestic Animals.Ed. E. S. E. Hafez. Bailliere Tindall. Hart, B. L. 1980a. Feline behaviour A practician monograph. Vet. Practice Publishing Co. , California. Liberg, O. 1981. Predation and social behaviour in a population of domestic cats an evolutionary perspective. Ph. D thesis, University of Lund, Sweden. Macdonald, P. W. , Apps, P. J. , Carr, G. M. and Kerby, C. , 1987. Social dynamics, nursing coalitions and infanticide among call forth cats, Felis catus Advances in Ethology 24, 166Thorne, 1992
Friday, January 25, 2019
Ethics and Law
This assignment focuses on Ethics and Law for Nursing and Social work which would be establish on a Case Study. The issue probe which I meet chosen is about Blood Transfusion. Nowadays Ethics and Law brings a huge impact on Nursing. The key of honourable principles underpins the wellness business policies and c ar practices. The meaning of ethics is something which the individuals performs ein truthday life. The other word for ethics would be ethical dilemma. Most of the time due to the intense personality of the work nurses may come across with variety of ethical dilemmas throughtout their courses and their schoolmaster sympathize withers.As a nurse the most important to carefully accost and maintain the ethical dilemmas. noticeable principles and theories is also included in this assignment. respectable principles and theories are the foundations of the ethical analysis because they ate the viewpoints of the guidelines which can be obtained along the pathway to a las t. The ethical theories emphasise the different points of predicting the outcome and the following duties to the individuals in order to reach an ethically correct decision. however, ethical theories are useful because the theory is directed towards a common set of the goals.The ethical principles are the common goals which the theory tries to achieve in order to be success. These goals includeds Autonomy, Beneficence, non malfiecence and justice. These 4 ethical principles has 4 different meaning which I exit describe in details into my assignment. I will also detect the NMC figure of conduct which will inlclude respect, dignity, honesty, confidentiality, equity, and valuing diversity, all these would be explained in presently into the assignment. The NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of train (2010) states that the individuals should be treated with respect and dignity. The health care rofessionals should recognise and maintain diversity, respect, cultural differences, determine, dignity, confidentiality, and beliefs of the individuals they care for.This exercise study is about crinkle transfusion, The 70 years old human race is refusing to grant blood transfusion. The nurses and his relatives are also trying to convince him to take for blood transfusion but hes refusing to have blood transfusion. The reason this longanimous is refusing to have blood transfusion is because of his cultural differences and beliefs, the health care master copys should respect his cultural differences, beliefs and his own value towards this manipulation.The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care victors should listen to the individuals and respond to their concerns and preferences. . In the case study it suggested that the nurse has tried to convince persevering to have blood transfusion but he was refusing to have blood transfusion, so its rattling important that the health care professionals should get ahead choices to patients so that they are aware(predicate) of their intercessions whether they wants to have it or not they can decide.The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that great deal should respect individuals rights to confidentiality and also not to disclose some(prenominal) information to both third person if they are not entitled to it. The health care professionals shouldnt pass any relevant information to anyone, without patient consents. The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care professionals should ensure that they put patients consents ahead they begins to suffer care for them, which means in the case study the nurse should get patient consent before she give blood transfusion so that the patient is aware of their treatment.The NMC Code of Conduct (2010) states that the health care professionals should be very honest and trustworthy when they are completing patients records and medical notes. The professional values are set of the example principles and standards of the cond uct, which supports the clean prestige of the professional groups in the society. The professional ethics are there to identify the clean-living standards and assessments, judgments and the concepts which characterise the individuals as representatives of a particular profession. The professionals values develop norms, standards, requirements, typical to certain activities.The values are designed to naturalize people, and also help the individuals to behave properly with others, and make known well at the workplace. The health care professionals should communicate with the patient with respect and dignity. Nurses shouldnt fierceness patient to have blood transfusion. The personal values which are ideals, beliefs, tradition and characteristics which an individuals or particular group or society moderators valuable and worthwile. As a health care professionals they have to make innumerable decisions casual how to care for patients and which sorts of care should they provide.Som e of these decisions will have no moral substances. For example the health care professionals have to decide that the patients should be bathed before breakfast has been cathegorised as a matter of experience effeciency and custom of order. (2004) thornes et al rapscallion 46. Patient may have their own personal values to themselves, they might not prefer of having any draw or jampack of having a treatment, they can decide or choose what is best for them. Ethical issues approach focuses on ethical issues that arise in practice.These are ordinarily big moral dilemmas that be inclined to take over in the media,such as terminating life sustaining treatment. The ethical concepts approach begins by looking at the development of the professional codes of conducts of ethics and then challenges the values that notifys practice and how meaning conflicts are resolved. It also explores diverse ethical principles and concepts. (2004) thrones et al page 74 The equity of care means individu als patients or clients should be treated moderately accooding to their needs but that denies their differences and individuality.We living in multi cultural society and the codes requires nurses to promote and protect the interests and dignity of the patients and the clients, gender, age, race, ability, sexuality, economic status, lifestyle, culture, ghostlike. (2005) chapman et al page no 26 Autonomy its dominant to realise that the patients has personal autonomy and thereof they have rights to agree or disagree with the action or treatments, blush refusal may result in harm or death of the individuals.In this case if a patient dont want to have blood transfusion, the health care professionals shouldnt force or pressure the individuals patients to have blood transfusion. This is their own choices and decisions not to have this particular treatment, so the health care professionals should not force them to have this treatment. Its very important that the health care professiona ls ask consent to the patients before they begins with any treatments, so that the patients is aware of it. If a patients is egally incompetent to make an informed decision the health care professionals should try and find out about their wishes which they antecedently expressed in the statement for example the living will. So if the patient was legally competent than the health care professionals should respect their choices and decisions. (2005) chapman et al page 48 Benefience and non maleficence this imposes a duty to do good and subjugate or minimise the harm of the patients. It require the the health care professionals helps the patients and clients by promoting and safe guarding their welfare.Nurses duty is to treat individuals with respect when it involves their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, their treatments, the health care professionals should pay more attentions to their verbal and non verbal communications when they communicate with the individuals patients. Re currently in the line of the duties of care of the nurses come with the ethical dilemmas and the moral dilemmas which requires the health care professionals to exhibit the benefiences and non malfiecence in agreement with the appropriate treatment for the patients.Patients has all rights to decide and choose their treatment in this case patient too incapacitate to make their needs or wishes known the nurses must lean heavily to the side of benefience. Justice which requires the adapted treatment of the equal cases. It is concerned with the allcation of health resources and means that there should be no variation on the basis of gender, age, race, relligion. Patient shouldnt be discriminated against their cultural differences or beliefs. The age discrimation act suggets that individuals shouldnt be discriminated againt their age.In this essay I have discussed the case study of a patient who has been admitted to the casulty department later on had a road traffic. He has sustained some severe injuries he needs blood transfusion. He refused to consent to this treatment due to his religious and beliefs purpose, although he understands that his life is at risk. He was unconscious few times. His relatives is concord with the treatment which he will receive from the hospital but he still refused to have blood transfusion. The nurses tried to convince him for taking the treatment but his still refusing. The nurses have to respect the patient dignity and choices. This case study
Thursday, January 24, 2019
A Fishbone Diagram
A fishbone draw, alike known as a cause and effect plot is a problem solving technique used in end watchfulness. It has also been referred to as an Ishikawa diagram after a Japanese professor Kaoru Ishikawa. Problems arising in parturiencys usually have many causes and in some cases, these problems whitethorn be interrelated and complex. A fishbone diagram is gum olibanum a reusable tool that diagrammatically enumerates these problems aiding in their solution.Due to its diagrammatic nature, it is possible to view at a single glance the elements surrounding the project and thus depict all the problem atomic number 18as and hence work on their solution in and easier manner. This is a major advantage of this technique. Additionally, it facilitates an in-depth analysis of problems by splitting them into causes and sub-causes. This over again ensures a more efficient and strong approach to problem solution.It is also extremely easy to use and this poses as an important advan tage over other management tools. To make a fishbone diagram, one draws a horizontal line pointing to the problem whose solution is desired. Secondly the causes of this are identified and indicated by backward sloping lines along the first line, called bones. Sub-causes of the problem are usually then identified and put as sub-branches. Lastly, a fishbone diagram has been said to facilitate brainstorming.To come up with the bones discussed above, the project management committee needs to think and rethink the causes leading up to the effect. An pillowcase of the use of a fishbone diagram can be a project to increase sales by a particular firm. The causes here thus bones would then be constituted by such items such as pricing, advertisement, market, branding, product features, etc. All in all, it is agreed that this is an effective tool which every project manager should equipped with.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
What Are Social Problems? Essay
A companionable paradox is a condition that at least roughly the great unwashed in a community view as being undesirable. brotherly occupations directly or indirectly affect a somebody or many members of a baseball club and atomic number 18 considered to be conundrums, controersies cogitate to moral values or both. A few practice sessions of accessible riddles hold murder, drug abuse etc.A social issue (also called a social difficulty or a social situation) is an issue that relates to societys perception of a somebodys personal life. distinguishable cultures nominate different perceptions and what discolorthorn be normal behavior in whiz society whitethorn be a signifi discountt social issue in another society. Social issues be distinguished from sparing issues. Some issues stick both social and economic aspects, such as immigration. There argon also issues that dont fall into every category, such as wars.List of social issues private issues versus social issues Personal issues are those that individuals deal with themselves and within a small range of their peers and relationships.1 On the other hand, social issues threaten values cherished by far-flung society.1 For example, the unemployment rate of 7.8 percent2 in the U.S. as of October 2012 is a social issue. The line amid a personal issue and a everyday issue may be subjective, however, when a large enough sector of society is stirred by an issue, it becomes a social issue. Although one person laid-off is not a social issue, the repercussions of 13 million people being fired is likely to generate social issues. Caste dodgeCaste system in India resulted in most oppressed Untouchables on earth for the ult 3000 years. The United Kingdom recently banned the caste system 1 and the US is also planning to ban 2 the caste system. EconomyMain expression Economic problemUnemployment rates vary by region, sexual practice, educational development and ethnic group. In most countries, inclu ding the developed countries many people arepoor and depend on welfare. In Germany in 2007 one in six children depended on welfare. That is up from only one in one s planety twelve yes in 1965.3 economy is undefined nowadays.4 Social disarrangementMain member Social disorganization theorySo called problem neighbourhoods exist in many countries. Those neighbourhoods tend to be possessed of a advanced drop-out rate from secondary school and children growing up in a neighbourhood like this have a low probability of tone ending to college compared to a person growing up in another neighbourhood. disgust of alcohol and drugs is common. Often those neighbourhoods were nameed out of best intentions.5 Age and the life fallMain article AgismThroughout the life course on that point are social problems associated with different come ons. One such social problem is age discrimination. An example of age discrimination is when a particular person is not allowed to do something or is tre ated differently based on age. InequalityMain article Social inequalityInequality is the ground or quality of being unequal.6 Inequality is the root of a number of social problems where things such as gender, race and age may affect the way a person is treated. A past example of inequality as a social problem is slavery in America. Afri prats brought to America were often enslaved and mistreated, and did not share the same rights as the white population of America (ex. voting). Education and public schoolsMain article educational inequalityEducation is arguably the most important skill in being a successful member of society, however there has not been an equal amount of distribution of funding to public schools.7 The weak organisational policy in place and the lack of communication between public schools and the federal government has begun to have major affects on the future generation. open schools that do not receive risque standardized test piles are not being funded suffic iently to actually reach the utmost aim of education their students should be receiving.8 Work and occupationsSocial Problems in the workplace include theft, sexual harassment, wage inequality, gender inequality, racial inequality, health sympathize with disparities, and many more. MediaMedia or outlets that publicize information often socially fabricate social problems. Depending on who owns the media outlet often determines the types of social problems presented, how long they are air, how dramatic they should be, etc. The media is often based towards one end of the spectrum i.e. media outlets have been accused of either being withal conservative or too liberal. Health and medicineMain article Public healthmedicament prescriptions have substantially risen in the past decade in our society. The question is whether these medications actually work or is it mind over matter. Studies have shown that placebos are almost as effective in helping with mental picture than antidepress ants.citation needed Antidepressants are many of the pills that are being prescribed and make Americans even more addicted to medication be type of the concept of taking the pills.9 Advertising dispute food to childrenThe neutrality of this article is disputed. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please do not aim this message until the dispute is resolved. (April 2013) The food industry has been blamed by many for the increase in childhood obesity by targeting the child demographic in marketing. The food products marketed often are deemed unhealthy be induce of their high calorie, high fat, and high sugar contents.10 In the advertisements the companys have variety show their ads to make them look much better, e.g. bigger, fresher, cleaner, smarter and much more. It was a main problem of all the world corpulencyMain article ObesityObesity is a prevalent social problem in todays society, with rates steadily increasing. According to the Weight Control Information N etwork, since the archeozoic 1960s, the prevalence of obesity among adults more than doubled, increasing from 13.4 to 35.7 percent in U.S. adults age 20 and older.11 Inaddition, today two in three adults are considered overweight or obese, and one in six children aged 619 are considered obese. Alcohol and drugsDrugs are at times the cause of social problems. Drugs such as cocaine and opiates offer very curb positive effects and are extremely addictive. Many users of such drugs exit commit crimes in order to obtain their fix. Occasionally, drugs such as scum or encyclopedic will cause deviant and violent behavior, which would be homeified as a social problem.12 Drunk driving is on the rise and is the number two cause of accidental deaths, it is a cause of around 17,000 deaths each year. All but 9 states have choose the Administrative License Revocation where if you are caught drinking and driving and found guilty you will lose your license for a full year. This is a step that i s being taken in order to try to neutralise the occurrence of this social problem.13 Crime and the justice systemThe federal prison system has been unable to keep up with the steady increase of inmates over the past few years, causing major overcrowding. In the year 2012, the overcrowding level was 41 percent above rated capacity and was the highest level since 2004.14 The federal prison not only has overcrowding, but also has been the center of controversy in the U.S regarding the conditions in which the prisoners are treated. environmental racismMain article Environmental racismEnvironmental racism exists when a particular place or town is subject to problematic environmental practices due to the racial and class components of that space. In general, the place or town is representative of lower income and nonage groups. Often, there is more pollution, factories, dumping, etc. that produce environmental hazards and health risks which are not seen in more affluent cities. Hate cr imesMain article Hate crimeHate crimes are a social problem in the United States because they directly marginalize and target specific groups of people or specific communities based on their identities. Hate crimes can be committed as the result ofhate-motivated behavior, prejudice, and intolerance due to sexual orientation, gender expression, biological sex, ethnicity, race, religion, disability, or any other identity.15 Hate crimes are a growing issue especially in school settings because of the young populations that exist. The bulk of victims and perpetrators are teenagers and young adults, the population that exists within educational institutions. Hate crimes can result in physical or sexual assaults or harassment, literal harassment, robbery, or even in death.16 The lasting effects of hate crimes can result in mental illness and in disorders such as depression, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, etc. The issue is a social problem because it is general and affects many of our communities and the individuals within them who do not fit the norm. Valence issues versus stick issuesA valence issue is typically a social problem that is uniformly agreed upon.17 These types of issues generally generate a widespread consensus and burn little resistance from the public. An example of a valence issue would be incest or child abuse.18 Unlike a valence issue, a flummox issue typically outlines a social problem in which the popular opinion among society is divided.18 An example of a position issue is vegetarianism or veganism, due to the lack of widespread consensus from the public. miscarriageMain article AbortionAbortion is split between individuals who are either pro-choice or pro-life. Pro-choice people believe that abortion is a right. They believe that women have that right and shouldnt be prevented from exercising that right by governments. pro-life people believe that person-hood begins at conception and they believe that abortion is the outlaw(a) killing of an innocent person.19 Factors responsible for social problemSocial changeSocial change refers to an alteration in the social order of a society. Social change may include changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviours, or social relations. What Is the Meaning of Social Disorganization?AnswerSocial disorganization is the inability of community members to come together to achieve goals or solve problems. Social disorganization usually refers to urban areas. It also usually refers to the poor.What Is a Social Evil?AnswerA social abhorrence is an issue which directly or indirectly affects members of a society and is considered a point of controversy or a problem in regards to moral values. Common social evils include racism, prostitution, domestic violence, child abuse, rape, pornography and corruption.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Adolescence and Clothes Essay
Good afternoon, today I will try to bear witness my opinion more or less this statement You scum bag tell a great deal about mickle from the apparel they wear. And I will speak about which age pigeonholing of people headache most about their looks, how important is fashion for me and what is advantages and disadvantages of wearable a school unifrom. I agree with this statement , because you can name to know a lot of about people from they clothes. For example if human wear formal clothes I can make and boilersuit opinion about him. He is formal, intelligent elegant and taking aid of himself.If I would saw whateverone at work with dirty and separate clothes of course I would think about him not so grievous. I think teenager are the group of people who awe most about their looks.Teenagers believe their looks are the key to a good relationship and it will help become popular at the scholl. plainly When theyre older, theyll realize it doesnt work exchangeable that. carr iage helps to express themselves and also provides teenagers a sense of identity by signaling which sort out they belong to (emo punk, goth, etc.) And in my opinion Celebrities perhaps are the greatest influences on teenagers in the modern world, and they can have a huge encroachment on a teens ideas about fashion and its importance.Fashion isnt important to me at all. I assumet care about having the newest, the most fashionable, or the best label for anything. To me, being trendy is not expressing yourself, it is merely following the crowd and trying to fit in. I just prefer to be myself.And I wear what I like. I study at gymnasium so we wear school unifrom. I think school uniform have advantages and disadvantages. Here are some advantages 1. People automatically respect you Whenever wed go on fieldtrips, people comment on how professional and nice we looked 2. Everyone looks exactly the same You dont have to worry about not wearing the remedy thing. And some disadvantages 1.Its annoying wearing the same thing as everyone else 2. You wear it everyday, all day its just become tire .And lack of VarietyTo sum up everyone should wear clothes which they like and feel good with.These clothes will show the real you. Because early(a) people can tell a great deal about you from the clothes you wear.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Battle of Salamis
The Battle of Salamis (Naumachia tes Salaminos) was fought between an Alliance of Greek city-states and the Iranian Empire in September 480 B. C. , in the straits between the mainland and Salamis, an island in the Saronic Gulf near Athens. It marked the high-point of the second Iranian invasion of Greece which had begun in 480 B. C.To close up the Persian advance, a small force of Greeks blocked the draw in of Thermopylae, while an Athenian-dominated Allied navy engaged the Persian fleet in the nearby straits of Artemisium. In the resulting Battle of Thermopylae, the rearguard of the Greek force was annihilated, whilst in the Battle of Artemisium the Greeks had heavy losses and retire after the loss at Thermopylae. This allowed the Persians to conquer Boeotia and Attica.The Allies prepared to defend the Isthmus of Corinth whilst the fleet was pull back to nearby Salamis Island. Although heavily outnumbered, the Greek Allies were persuaded by the Athenian commonplace Themistocle s to bring the Persian fleet to battle again, in the hope that a victory would prevent naval operations against the Peloponessus. The Persian king Xerxes was withal anxious for a decisive battle. As a result of dodge on the part of Themistocles, the Persian navy sailed into the Straits of Salamis and tried to block both entrances.In the cramped conditions of the Straits the great Persian numbers were an active hindrance, as ships struggled to maneuver and became disorganized. Seizing the opportunity, the Greek fleet organize in line and scored a decisive victory, sinking or capturing at least 300 Persian ships. As a result Xerxes retreated to Asia with much of his army, leaving Mardonius to complete the conquest of Greece. However, the following year, the remainder of the Persian army was decisively beaten at the Battle of Plataea and the Persian navy at the Battle of Mycale.Afterwards the Persian made no more attempts to conquer the Greek mainland. These battles of Salamis and Plataea thus mark a turning point in the course of the Greco-Persian wars as a total from then onward, the Greek poleis would take the offensive. A number of historians believe that a Persian victory would defend hamstrung the development of Ancient Greece, and by accompaniment western civilization, and this has led them to claim that Salamis is one of the most significant battles in human history. 2The main source for the Greco-Persian Wars is the Greek historian Herodotus. Herodotus, who has been called the Father of History,3 was born(p) in 484 BC in Halicarnassus, Asia Minor (then under Persian overlordship). He wrote his Enquiries around 440430 BC, trying to trace the origins of the Greco-Persian Wars, which would still have been relatively new-made history (the wars finally ending in 450 BC). 4 Herodotuss approach was entirely novel, and at least in Western society, he does seem to have invented history as we know it. 4 As Holland has it For the first time, a chronicler s et himself to trace the origins of a conflict not to a past so remote so as to be utterly fabulous, nor to the whims and wishes of few god, nor to a peoples claim to transparent destiny, but rather explanations he could verify personally. 4Some subsequent ancient historians, despite following in his footsteps, criticised Herodotus, starting with Thucydides. 56 Nevertheless, Thucydides chose to begin his history where Herodotus left hand off (at the Siege of Sestos), and therefore evidently felt that Herodotuss history was close enough not to need re- piece of music or correcting. 6 Plutarch criticised Herodotus in his essay On The Malignity of Herodotus, describing Herodotus as Philobarbaros (barbarian-lover), for not being pro-Greek enough, which suggests that Herodotus might actually have done a reasonable job of being even-handed. 7 A disallow view of Herodotus was passed on to Renaissance Europe, though he remained well read. 8 However, since the nineteenth century his repu tation has been dramatically rehabilitated by archaeological finds which have repeatedly confirmed his version of events. 9The prevailing modern view is that Herodotus generally did a remarkable job in his Historia, but that some of his specific inside information (particularly troop numbers and dates) should be viewed with skepticism. 9 Nevertheless, there are still some historians who believe Herodotus made up much of his story. 10 The Sicilian historian Diodorus Siculus, writing in the 1st century BC in his Bibliotheca Historica, also provides an note of the Greco-Persian wars, partially derived from the earlier Greek historian Ephorus. This account is fairly uniform with Herodotuss. 11 The Greco-Persian wars are also described in less detail by a number of otherwise ancient historians including Plutarch, Ctesias of Cnidus, and are alluded by other authors, such as the playwright Aeschylus. Archaeological evidence, such as the serpent Column, also supports some of Herodotuss specific claims. 12
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Barclays Bank PLC Is A Multinational Company Essay
Amenities to tie highly skilled and creative persons at all important levels ? customs of closeness to key customers and target customers A business can strike off itself by performing its existing value activities or reconfiguring in nearly unique ways. And the sustainability of that surplusity will depend on two things a continuation of its high perceived value to buyers and a lack of off-key by competitors. There are many alternative strategic directions in which Barclaycard could implement in their current strategy of differentiation. These may include engineering science innovation or product/ service differentiation.Product/service differentiation Product differentiation occurs when, owing to differences in physical attributes, ancillary service, geographic location, information, and/or subjective image, single firms products are all the way preferred by at least some buyers over pertain products at a apt(p) price (, 1990, ). For firms seeking to make their inge st curve less e prevailic, successful differentiation provides an insulated position against competitors by change firms to sell a larger quantity at a given price or by allowing the firm to create brand consignment in customers resulting in lower sensitivity to price.This uniqueness may take an entry barrier for competitors to overcome (, 1992 , 1980). However, being unique may quest a trade-off with investment if achieving differentiation requires costly effort much(prenominal) as extensive research, product design, high quality materials, or intensive customer affirm. Thus, the firms employing the differentiation strategy cannot ignore costs and risk (, 1980). plane product differentiation focuses on differences in attribute variety among competing brands. It occurs when one brand contains more of some attributes but less of some some other attributes in comparison to another brand ().Consumers different tastes will forge differing strong and weak points among brands giv en identical prices (, 1992). The shift towards consumerism is accelerating with significant implications in many of the markets in which we operate. Fundamentally, our view is that consumerism involves a shift in index from institutions towards consumers. The rapid transformation of the creed card industry first with the divide of the traditional tie between bank accounts and credit cards and second, with the military issue of credit as a true commodity in the credit card industry illustrates this so well.Consumers in the past were grateful if they accredited credit it was seen as a right granted to a special few by a bank and hence banks held power over individuals. The value proposition was the availability of credit. Technology Innovation In the causal agency of Barclaycard, it is could improve its operations and competitive advantage through received meter design data driven tools. This tool would improve their credit snare strategies and addition their interest ea rning balances. A Fair, Isaac Model Builder for the decision trees may be used as this tool uses historical data to countenance in identifying optimal account management strategies.Fair, Isaac Model Builder for decision Trees is a PC Windows based application designed specifically to support data driven strategy design. It gives lenders the power to rapidly create mod strategies in real time using multiple performance dimensions, to litigate large datasets rapidly so strategies at any point for great understanding of the portfolio and transfers strategies to and from production application with ease, putting new strategies into production faster.This real time, highly interactive approach dramatically shortens the time between strategy creation and roll out. With Barclaycard objectives of the new strategies to increase interest bearing balances, increase turnover, control bad debt, and address attrition, Fair, Fair Isaac can be a big help for the organization. While the average number of cards in a persons wallet has increased over the last five years, the value to an individual of having multiple cards will decrease in an environment where credit is a commodity.
Monday, January 14, 2019
American Popular Culture
What is usual American culture? common culture is a elbow room of life. Its a lifestyle of a group of slew. The elements of each(prenominal)day life consist of knock offular culture. These atomic number 18 the artifacts, institutions, and sorts of a general knowledge of a society, the common knowledge and practices of a specialised group at a specific quantify. Popular culture reflects and influences peoples way of life because it is related to a precise time and place. It is temporary, and new phases take over from former favorites like singers, musicians, artists, media authors.But beginular culture is all over the world nowadays. It is almost allthing that surrounds us in our society at once. It slowly builds up and becomes habits on what we do as we meet. slightly patterns in my pop culture inventory include photography, films, magazines and cell ph unmatcheds. I simply love photography with the fact that I have many another(prenominal) photographer friends. Their photos inspire me in many contrastive ways, such as the outlook to life in an image, the insight of a person by means of a glimpse of a shadow and such. Films complete me in todays pop culture.It makes me acknowledge more some life thusly pop culture itself. Magazines show me the kind of entertainment and celebrities we are surround by. It also shows how touristedity comes first in todays society, for almost about e veryone. And cell phones are something not many people can exist without in todays world. Its the fastest source of communication. The determine in which are cosmos communicated by the items listed in my inventory are relevant to society. Photography can change a persons view on life.Its actions that take place, through various angles, shows you a different look on life, by on the button looking at one photograph. You do need to let yourself away from the world and get in touch with the picture itself, that is how I see it. Films, movies, shows is the one ca tegory that I do dramatise up in todays pop culture. Not necessarily all genres of films. I love action, drama, romance and just perfectly made fairytales. I have always believed that movies have an broad influence in our society and life.The meaning and main plots of each and every movie mean something, weather it may be stupid or a life lesson, there are so many different minded people in the world today that each and every meaning counts. Films are very convenient in todays society I believe. Magazines, though, may not be fully straight about the popular celebrities today, but it definitely shows a lot with its images. The writings may be false, but it certainly shows us the image and lets us decide on our own. Its a big pleasure to see and decide for yourself.Cell phones are todays highest communication factor. on that point are new kinds of cell phones out every other month. The engineering is on 24/7 producing newer brands of cell phones and upgrading the old ones. There are people that live off their cell phone, that they cannot take a beat out of the house without their cell phone. Its a responsibility for them. American pop culture does not leave much of an impact on my personal decision making. Because of the fact that I dont get word to pop culture when it comes to my personal decisions.I have my own value about everything in my life. I dont let the pop culture decide for me because I believe pop culture is all surrounded by materialism and popularity. I come to believe and realize that todays pop culture can be the will of most of todays bad behavior in many aspects of peoples lives. My values come within my culture and from the way that I have been raised. Pop culture has never had an impact on my own personal decision making because I have been very aware of the influence of the pop culture for many years.While popular American culture is our daily cost, we as individuals always have a choice in how much we choose to participate. Most of the time as I make decisions, I do take into consideration of what is termination on today, but never let it lead me to an influence to follow in its steps. The patterns in my pop culture inventory teach me something in my life. It influences me to the right roads. It also makes me see realize what I am being surrounded by today. As for my personal decision making, I do what I take to do, when I want to do and who I want to do it with, but never what the media presents.
Analyzing Personal Conflict Management Styles Essay
Conflict perplexity is the detriment of many squad ups or groups in accomplishing its goals. This is beca mathematical function most people do not understand the diametric contest carriages and how to apply the rules and principles associated with the style you may be transaction with. In this report I will analyze three of the five management styles discussed in the textbook Communication in Sm any Groups. Avoidance and aspiration atomic number 18 two styles that I conceptualise flip the greatest motion on hindering a group or police squad from accomplishing its goals. coaction, however, is a style that I believe is most effective in assisting a group up in attaining its goals. This is a style that I use not only if in my professional life but excessively in my personal life and convey seen the difference this style of troth management delineates on individuals who be approached with this technique. Avoidance, according to the Collins English Dictionary is th e act of memory a air from or pr plainting from happening. This definition sums up the reason I believe that of the five conflict managing styles, this star is among the top reasons some teams fail at achieving their goals.Whether it is just that a person does not like confrontation, are agoraphobic to voice his or her true opinions out of fear, or simply do not want to hurt some contrastive persons feelings, the simplistic fact remains that the team may not be cognizant of e rattlingthing they occupy to consider. They miss the opportunity to be more objective in r all(prenominal)(prenominal)ing an educated decision on the goals the team is trying to attain. This john also lead to members of the team feeling as though a member does not keeping and build them reason to discount whatsoever input that member may have.It is important to remember that there are certain instances when avoidance is needed to move the team along. For instance if what is causation the conflict is something trivial that will not have an adverse effect on the ultimate goal of the team it is likely a technical idea to avoid it. It may be also be a good idea to use this method temporarily to give a team time to gather their thoughts on an important have a go at it they need to resolve, but cannot get certain members to be objective or credible because they are standing firm behind their re vertex of view. ambition is a conflict management style exactly opposite of avoidance.This is a very confrontational style, which characteristics consist of forcefully persuading others that their position is the only correct position. A person who exerts this style in most cases seeks to win with the intent of another person losing. They want control and function to achieve it no look what. This type of style is infectious to a team. It is hard for a team to die at attaining a common goal if the level of competition in the team is such that no ace can suit. Competition often lea ds to un respectable ways of trying to persuade others in the team like shouting, or even threatening.These types of behaviors lead to defensiveness and distrust as members may feel as if they are forced into a decision quite an than arriving at a decision on their own. Again, just like with on the whole management styles it is not always a bad thing to be competitive. When working as a team it is important to remember the goals of the team and be mindful that the actions pay offn are working toward that goal. No theme how well(p) a person is individually, he or she must understand a way to get the rest of the team to agree that their point of view is correct or the silk hat action for the goal the team is trying to accomplish.Otherwise, they will accomplish nothing and alienate themself from the team. The other members of the team can again feel as if that member does not care close what is best for the team and discount his or her ideas as one sided. Of all of the conflict management styles, quislingism is the style that most researchers agree is the best for achieving the goals of a team. To collaborate is to have a high business sector for both yourself and others (Beebe & Masterson, 2009, p. 52). This common belief among users of this style drives them to search for answers victimisation all of the tools at the teams disposal.The different dynamics of the team become assets. They see the differences that distinguish the members of the team as points of view are respected and viewed objectively. Differences like a male versus a females perspective, race, culture, and even social or economic status are viewpoints that give all in the team a bigger picture of the different issues they may need to consider when coming to a conclusion about how best to achieve their goal. Though this style is thought of as the best route for teams to use, it is lso one of the most difficult.Even a person who has a natural talent or personality that promotes this style of conflict management has to practice to be effective using this style in a team setting. A person cannot be judgmental and must be sure not to take anything said personally. This is something that most if not all of the team members must have an awareness of. All team members have to feel comfortable with the results and with what was given up from their own personal point of view to arrive at the teams decision.This style is also very demanding so it requires a good amount of patience. Depending on how bustling a decision is needed it is not always possible for a team to achieve and some in the team may not believe that their best interests were achieved. I realized by means of this research that I am a person who naturally uses the collaboration style of conflict management in many areas of my life. In my relationship with my wife, I use collaboration as a way to strengthen our alliance in running our household.Feeling as if we are a team benefits the decisions we make f or our family. Our children see us as united in our decision making. This is something we had to work to achieve and collaboration was the key to its success. We had a competitive style at first and our children would use that fact to split us up on decisions that we made pertaining to them. I could break that cycle by focusing on putting our egos aside. Our discussions were no longer about who was right or wrong. It was a process that started with accommodation to show I was voluntary to take the first step.That eventually grew into compromise, which is what most couples strive for. Finding a midsection ground gives most couples the sense that they are working as a team. Collaboration, however, is the ability of that team not to find a middle ground, but actively work to agree and the best plan or action together by understanding and processing each others viewpoint to come up with decisions together. It is a style that comes in handy when training my children on the importance o f being responsible and responsible for their actions.Collaborating on goals so that they are part of the decision-making process empowers them to believe they have control over what decisions they make. In my school and professional life collaboration has proven to be a way to drive for results. Team members work better when they are at ease in their decision-making, and everyone is comfortable with each other. Disagreements work themselves out with little stress because of the trust established through everyones willingness to collaborate on the goals set in place.Because the goals were set together, everyone has a vested interest in its outcome and most want that outcome to be a successful one. When I do encounter a person on my team with a conflicting style, I tend to take some time away from the situation to evaluate the best line of merchandise of action for our progress. I take into account the level of importance our issue may have on our ultimate goal and what if any ethi cal issues are involved. Collaboration, though it is my favorite approach, is not always the approach I may use to resolve the issue.I am not one to avoid the issue entirely, but I have had to use accommodation, compromise, and even competition depending on what the issue is and what personality I am dealing with. In conclusion, you can see that there is no one way to manage conflict. I believe that being able to adapt to the different conflict styles will assist a person in overcoming conflict. Collaboration best supports a person who is adaptable and best supports a teams objective because it focuses on the goals of the team by giving each person on the teams needs equal importance.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Countee Cullen’s Poem Incident Essay
Probably the roughly underrated African American poet of his time, Countee Cullen is a in truth unmanageable protester base of operationsd writer who is all astir(predicate) securing the rights and dignity of black race and uses that truly passion to fuel his poetry. In the metrical composition Incident, Cullen uses a mixture of rhetorical devices which he incorporates into his ironic rhythmic sentence structure to help emphasize to readers the effect of racialism had on children living in the archaeozoic -mid 1900s, a big time of racism. pen in 1925, Cullen used this song as a way for him to vent his feelings and frustration and inform the ignorant all at the selfsame(prenominal) time. The poesy talks about a young African American male child who is excited that he is tour Baltimore and while there he comes crossways a nonher young boy that is his same age and size but he is tag ende and then the young boy is surprised by a hefty and crude racial slur. The song is not as head as Cullen makes it go acrossms, it is actually an ironic numbers. The origin hint of banter is found early in the poem Now I eight and very small/And he was no whit bigger (5-6). A reader would debate that the racist bullying would come from somebody bigger than the kid in the poem when in all actuality it was from some hotshot his sustain size, and thats exactly what Cullen is trying to show, that racism came from all ages and happened between all spectrums of ages, a teen and an adult, an adult and a child, anyone. The Spencer 2irony does not stop there, you see another glance of it in the weather stanza, And he was no whit bigger(6). In the poem wit is spelled W.H.I.T but, the remunerate recite of wit is W.I.T and this is no spelling error, this is actually a small paronomasia Cullen uses to help emphasize his racial theme. Its as if Cullen takes the E off of white-hot and if its put back its No white-bigger. Cullen used this play on words to show the m ental fraud that was used by white people used to make themselves seem intellectually superior. Not only is the content of this poem ludicrous, but so is the structure. In the first stanza the syllables of each line alternate 8 and 6, then for the rest of the poem alternates 8 and 7. This unique syllable structure gives the poem a rhythmic under tone of joy, which in turn when it mixed with the content and theme of racism brings out more of the poems irony which is one of the master(prenominal) style focuses of this poem.Cullens inspirations of his life and passions atomic number 18 definitely evident in this poem. offshoot off the location of the poem was congeal in Baltimore, MD and although much of Cullens early biographical information is mirthful and unclear, Baltimore has said to be one of Cullens possible birth places which is hinted in the poem, at once riding in old Baltimore(1). some other key connection is that Cullen lived in a time period where racism and sequ estration was a very popular creative thinker so an incident such as the one in the poem occurring to Cullen is a very strong possibility.Cullens unique writing stlye and complex syntax that is shown in his poem Incident is what made him one of the best writers of his time, and although the topic of the poem is keep mum a touchy subject for most Incident is a poem that has been and allow be a poem deserving reading for centuries.Works CitedCullen, Countee. Magills vista of American Literature Pasadena Salem Press, 2007, print, V.2
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
The Big Green Arm Chair
The Big Green Armch breeze a) i. The mood of the reach ii. arrant(a) into the naughty winter/ tho slating grey skies iii. The fountain habits adjectives desire grim and slate grey to hunt the winters day, which conveys a real sc argon away and dreary mood. The author comp ars the grim winters day and the dense mood to the mature woman. This helps the referee guess how the woman is feeling. b) The author creates a dull mood by describing in contingent what the senile woman sees outside the window. Staring into the grim winter, she sees no flowering plants. in that respect are no colours, only slate grey skies and bare, brown trunks. There are no bombilate cicadas or restive kookaburras singing and darting between the trees. This shows the reader that the old woman misses this time of the year. The use of repeat There are no change/ There are no buzzing cicadas The use of repetition There are no colors/ There are no buzzing emphasizes the dullness of mood.Th is descriptive style of writing makes the reader characterization the dull and gray setting and the old woman looking out of the window. c) The author writes in third person and uses old tense half way with the text which creates a nostalgic feeling which the old woman is going through. The use of adjectives and descriptive sentences like summer was glaring and lively and ruby red gerberas paroxysm through the green gardens and purple flowers blanketed the coarse jacaranda tree, adds to the nostalgia and creates imagery.The author makes the reader visualize the bright sun and the prime flowers. The use of sensory descriptive nomenclature like the smell of meat voluptuous on the barbeque lingered in the air and eating mouthwatering prawns makes the reader imagine the smell of the barbequed meat and the taste of the prawns. This shows that the old woman misses those days and that those days are forthwith memories that make her happy and comfort her.
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Hunger Games Film Review Essay
The word-painting the aridity Games gives out a hot, jumpy elan vital thats irresistible. It has great romance, intensity and suspense. The thirst Games is a mysterious, intriguing and thrill-seeking movie, its direct by Gary Ross and its based on the novel by Suzanne Collins. The film is set in a place called Panem in an unknown time in the next after the mass destruction of marriage America. The book starts off in territory 12 which is a region that is misfortunate and not as wealthy as other(a) districts but is well-known for producing coal. The games is unionised and made by the Capitol for the 12 districts that rebelled and did things against the government. So as punishment some(prenominal)ly yr on reaping day one virile and female (between the ages of 12-18) atomic number 18 randomly selected from each district, in total there are 24 testimonials that are forced to act in the annual hungriness Games. The Hunger Games is an on-screen event where the selected tributes must fight to the shoemakers last in a dangerous out of doors arena. The spectacular Jennifer Lawrence acting as Katniss Everdeen gives us a female warrior worth blithesome and her remarkable partner pull the leg of Hatcherson acts as Peeta Malark, in the beginning the two enduret know each other that well but eventually they let close overtime.Its quite pellucid that Suzanne Collins didnt get to process out for the film because in my survey I think lots of part from the movie were missed out and several(prenominal) bits went wrong so it wasnt as faithful as the book. For example in the novel, some of these deaths are long so it showed the determination of some roughages in their last moments. For instance, in a scene, Katniss rests and camps not outlying(prenominal) from a young female tribute that starts a campfire. After the lady friend is discovered, she is attacked and approximately killed by some of her associated tributes. But when they disclose that s hes alive after the attack, Peeta is send to finish her off. Also when Cato is faced against a group of vicious mutts, he survives for several hours before Katniss finally puts him out of his misery. However, in the movie the deaths of the tributes are done quickly. The girl discovered near the campfire was dying quickly after she was attacked and Catos suffering solo went on for a few moments until Katniss killed him. other example is when the book included mutated versions of after-hours tributes born-again as horrific and abominable dogs. In the book, Katniss recognizes parts of the former tributes in the mutant dogs but in the film the dogs are nothing more than over-sized unbalanced beasts.The acting exceeded my expectations, bringing the showcases to life. Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss is remarkable, her exertion shows a wide range of emotions from glad to sad, afraid to angry and desperate to confused. Josh Hutcherson as Peeta expresses the seriousness and courage of th e character well and Liam Hemsworth as Gale shows tremendous acquirement at expressing so much nitty-gritty with just small movements. Among the supporting cast, treelike Harrelson as Haymitch stands out, wonderfully walking the character through an arc from drunken fatalism to muddled curiosity to persistent dedication to his mentees. Donald Sutherland plays chairwoman Snow as a lusciously understated villain there is no cackling laugh or twirled moustache, but simply the calm incisive patience of a calculating tyrant. Impressively and disturbingly at the same time, Alexander Ludwig and Isabelle Fuhrman are positively chilling as Cato and Clove, the District 2 tributes absolutely committed to the bloodthirsty criminality of the Games a stark contrast to Peeta, whose great fear is not death, but change out to become the mindless heavyweight the Capitol wants him to be. And Lenny Kravitz, too, proves why he was an inspired prize for the quiet yet influential Cinna.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
“Erin Brockovichâ€Â: Effective Communication Essay
efficient Erin Brockovichs CharacteristicsThe main character in the movie Erin Brockovich is an easy sledding adult female who seems tobe very competent in colloquy. This study will discuss three characteristics that a competent communicator, such as Erin Brockovich possesses. I will also explain peculiar(prenominal) scenes where she demonstrated the following characteristics self-monitoring, empathy, and commitment ordinarily known as denominators that characterize rough-and-ready communication.The first characteristic Erin displayed was empathy in relationships with her clients. In one scene, Erin met with a cancer pain child and her family. A young young lady named Anna, was suffering from alopecia and wearing a bandana. She had disconnected her hair from the cancer treatments she had received. Erins eye reflected painful sadness even as she smiled and laughed with Anna. At the annul of their conversation, Erins sincere concern for Anna left her speechless. Erins spa tial relation displayed empathy, which involves feeling and experiencing another persons situation almost as they do. It is the most important aspect of non-verbal communication competence.The due south characteristic Erin showed was her intense commitment for the passel ofHinkley. This characteristic was revealed during the scene placed at the Jensens residence. Erin sat on the end of the bed with Donna Jensen, the woman that was suffering from uterine cancer. Erins eyeball filled with weeping as Donna tells Erin that her cancer turned malignant, which is the unshak adapted spreading form of cancer. Donnas eyes began to pour due to her fear and evil she felt toward PG&E. Donna said, We are going to get them arent we? Erin replied, Yes. Erins willingness to get wind and the desire to spend time with her proven her commitment to her.The third characteristic Erin portrays is self-monitoring. This was shown at Ed Masryslaw office. Erin stood suit to showcase with Ed. In a d emanding tone of part she said, I need apaycheck Erins face turned a shade of red-faced in anger. Her eyes began narrowing as she stared inhis eyes. Erin said, Im smart, hardworking, and Im not leaving here without a job She waspersistent and determined to get the job. Erins eyes looked around the room just now to notice theskepticism of Eds employees. Erins shoulders began to droop and her guilty eyes driftedtowards the floor. She became cognizant of her behavior and the impression she had given. Sheknew she made a fool of herself. In a verbalize Erin said, Dont make me beg. She accordingly said, Ifit doesnt work out, fire me. Erin was able to change her behavior when she recognized thingswasnt looking positive.Erins overall communication efforts displayed in her character was unique as well as knowledgeable. Self-monitoring, empathy, and commitment that were explained in this paper were shown with distinction. The communication techniques were useful and facilitative to prove her drive for satisfaction and culmination for the people in the town Hinkley.
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